And this space, more like boundless, seems to never end.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Chang Sheng finally saw a glimmer of light ahead.

Walking along this light, a series of steps appeared in front of Chang Sheng's eyes.

Layers of steps are connected together, spreading towards the distance, and there is no end in sight.

At this time, Chang Sheng's mind was in the middle, and that voice sounded again.

"Don't go anymore, if you go any further, your realm will be completely stripped away, don't go any more."

Chang Sheng listened to the voice, but ignored it, and kept walking forward with his head buried.

As soon as he stepped onto the steps, Chang Sheng felt that all the mana energy in his body had disappeared completely, and even his body became like an ordinary person.

In my mind, the voice sounded again: "I said, don't go anymore, now you have become an ordinary person, go back quickly!"

"Ordinary people, it's impossible. All my strength comes from my little bit of cultivation. It belongs to me. Even the Dao of Heaven can't strip my cultivation base from me. All these are illusions or test."

Chang Sheng looked up to the sky and yelled, and walked forward along the steps.

Now he is just an ordinary person who can only walk a little bit on the steps.

Chang Sheng kept walking, and kept walking. He even forgot how long he had walked in total. At the end, he couldn't even stand up, and could only lie on the ground and crawl forward bit by bit.

But just climbing, he was so tired that he could barely move. However, the end of the steps hadn't appeared yet.

"No, I can't just stop like this. My child has just been born. I haven't seen my child yet, as well as my family, my friends, and the entire Tianyuan Divine Land. If I don't go out, who will To save the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, I must go out!"

Chang Sheng bit the tip of his tongue hard and got up again.

Just as Chang Sheng slowly crawled forward.

At the place closest to Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, the sky suddenly opened a big gap, including Tiandan Zhenjun, a total of 28 Heaven Realm Zhenjun flew into Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent.

"We finally succeeded. Taking advantage of Chang Sheng's absence, we quickly extract the origin of the mainland. As long as the origin of the mainland is completely extracted, the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou will no longer exist."

"This is the most concentrated time of true monarchs in the history of our heaven, and it is also the most disparity in power between our heaven and the Tianyuan Shenzhou continent. We must succeed this time!"

"The Tianji Building and the four colleges we hide on the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent will do it at the same time as we do it. This time, we must make the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent disappear!"

"Hands on"

True Monarchs flew into the sky one by one, and were about to strike at the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, forcibly extracting the origin of the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent.

Just when they were about to strike, figures flew towards them in the distance.

There were a total of eight figures before and after, and all the true monarchs on the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent also gathered.

"Haha, eight people, you only have eight people, but we have twenty more True Monarchs than you, do you think you can stop us!"

"Kill them first, and then extract the source!"

The true emperors of the heavens and the true emperors of the Tianyuan Shenzhou continent were caught in a fight.

Inside the mysterious gate.

Chang Sheng climbed along the steps for an unknown amount of time, and finally came to the end of the steps. Seeing that he could climb out of the steps as long as he raised his hand again, that annoying voice sounded again in his mind.

"Chang Sheng, go back and become a true king, and then kill everyone in the heaven. Only when you become a true king can you kill everyone in the heaven."

"Kill all the people in the heavens? Why should I kill them all?" Chang Sheng heard the voice but shouted: "Whether it's people in the heavens or people on the earth, everyone is human, why can't they live together. The way of death , why should we follow your arrangement!"

After Chang Sheng yelled, somehow, he felt that the power returned to him again, and it was countless times stronger than before.

"Death to heaven, let me die!"

Chang Sheng suddenly clenched his fists and slammed down on the void in front of him.


There was a sound like a broken mirror, and all the scenes around Chang Sheng changed for a while, the steps disappeared, and the disgusting voice in his mind disappeared.

He found that he was just standing in a small room, opposite him was a door to go out, and between him and the door, there was a magical stone.

"Wordless Heavenly Book!"

As soon as Chang Sheng's eyes fell on the wordless celestial book, the wordless celestial book flew up automatically and landed in front of Chang Sheng. Immediately, beams of light and shadow flew out of the wordless celestial book and fell into Chang Sheng's mind.

These lights and shadows are all the previous practitioners of the Wordless Heavenly Book. After they have completed their cultivation, they have poured their insights into it!

It seems that an era has passed, and it seems that only a second has passed.

Chang Sheng read all the content in the Wordless Heavenly Book, raised his hand and immediately put all his cultivation insights into the Wordless Heavenly Book.

Wordless Heavenly Book is not a magic weapon belonging to this world at all, it does not belong to any world.

This universe is full of endless worlds, and this world is just one of them, while the Wordless Heavenly Book wanders in all the worlds.

As long as someone realizes and comprehends the true Dao, then when this person instills the cultivation techniques and insights into the Wordless Heavenly Book, the Wordless Heavenly Book will fly away from this world and enter another world.

After Chang Sheng finished instilling his own cultivation insights, the Wordless Heavenly Book flew away with a whiz.

"I have finally achieved the real Dao. Those true kings, they only achieved the way of the true kings under the interference of the heavens. No matter how strong the true kings are, they will be ruled by the heavens. But I, The Dao I have achieved is respected by me, and everything in this world is controlled by me. After I unite the heaven and the earth, there will be no way of heaven in this world, and I am the only way in this world!"

Chang Sheng pushed open the door and walked out.

As soon as he walked out, Chang Sheng immediately felt the changes in the world.

"Huh? Tiandan Zhenjun and the others have already started to act?"

With a thought, Chang Sheng disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared at the place where the two sides were fighting.

At the same time, the Zhenjun of Tianyuan Shenzhou mainland who was fighting and many Zhenjun of the heaven discovered Chang Sheng who came through the sky at the same time.

"Chang Sheng is finally here!" On the Tianyuan Divine Land side, all the True Monarchs showed joy.

It's good that Chang Sheng is here, but Chang Sheng has a complete certificate of the earth.

Although Chang Sheng did not choose to become the strongest True Monarch when he broke through, but when he was an Earth Immortal, he was able to kill the True Monarch. A breakthrough now is always better than no breakthrough.

What's more, he has the certificate of the earth, and two extremely powerful magic weapons, the sky-covering banner and the Zhuxian sword.

Chang Sheng is here, one person can be regarded as four true kings no matter what.

In this way, although the land side is still at a disadvantage, this is the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent after all, and it is impossible for people from the heavens to fight here forever.

As long as they can last for a period of time, until the heaven can no longer bear the pressure of the earth, they will be automatically summoned back by the heaven.

As long as you hold on, you just have to hold on to prevent people from the heavens from draining the source of the earth.

"Chang Sheng, you finally appeared!"

Tiandan Zhenjun stood in the middle of a group of heavenly Zhenjun, staring at Chang Sheng with eyes full of hatred.

"That's right, I did appear, and I came after the breakthrough. This breakthrough, I have realized a lot."

Chang Sheng's first sentence was still with Tiandan Zhenjun, but in the following words, he said to all the Tianjie Zhenjun: "During this breakthrough, I suddenly realized that our Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent and the Heaven Realm The confrontation is actually self-depletion."

"Whether it's the people on the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent or everyone in the Heaven Realm, we are all human, and even many people in the Heaven Realm ascended from the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent."

"The same people, why do we kill each other! We might as well put down the weapons in our hands, forget about killing, and build a new world together."

Chang Sheng's tone was very sincere, but as soon as his words fell, Zhenjun Tiandan on the other side burst into laughter.

"It's so ridiculous, Chang Sheng, who do you think you are? Are you the way of heaven? You actually persuaded us all to forget our hatred. You didn't pretend to be a fool for too long, and you really pretended to be a fool in the end! We may rely on you Just a few words and stop?"

True Monarch Tiandan said coldly: "In your Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, even including you, there are only nine True Monarchs. But we have 28 True Monarchs. We will surely win this battle. Why should we stop? With you, if you had chosen to become a true king back then, we would have been afraid of you, but you have taken a road that no one has ever walked before, and you are destined to never reach the top of the road."

Zhenjun Tiandan said, suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Chang Sheng, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't waste any more time, this time is the time when we have the greatest advantage in the heavens, this time we must take over the land of the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent. Take away all the origin, let Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent disappear from then on, do it!"

As the word "hands-on" fell, all the true kings in the heavens immediately attacked Chang Sheng and the other nine people!

In an instant, countless magic weapons flew out of the sky, and 28 true kings of the heavens, a total of 28 supreme magic weapons surrounded Chang Sheng's nine people from all directions.

Just when the people from the heavens started to attack, beside Chang Sheng, a true king whom he had never seen before suddenly whispered to Chang Sheng in a secret voice: "Chang Sheng, you have the proof of the earth, and you are the one between us. The strongest one among them, you don’t need to worry about us, just go all out and kill as much as possible of the opponent’s True Monarch.”

"Compared with ordinary people, true kings are actually more afraid of death, because they are true kings, and after possessing the power of true kings, they don't want to leave this world even more. As long as you kill a true king on the other side, you will surely shake the heavens Your true lords!"

Chang Sheng looked at the Zhenjun in front of him who spoke and transmitted his secret voice, and an image popped up in his mind.

I still remember that when he was in the Yaozu overseas, the fake virgin Hu Mei once plotted against him and let a big hand lead him into a mysterious world.

He even met his mother-in-law Hu Yuxian in that mysterious world.

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