silly elixir emperor

Chapter 813 Persuade to surrender

When he was in that world, Chang Sheng felt that that world seemed to be a small world created by a certain great power to select geniuses.

Now, as soon as he saw this true gentleman, Chang Sheng immediately felt the aura of that small world from within this true gentleman.

Thinking about it, the True Monarch in front of him is the great power to create that world.

However, although it is not difficult for him to kill a true king of the other party, he will not just pick a true king of the other party at will.

Among the True Monarchs on the opposite side, the only ones who really have enmity against him are the True Monarch Tiandan and the True Monarch Immortal.

The two of them must be beheaded.

Although I want to reunite the heaven and the earth, but after the reunification of the heaven and the earth, this world will be under my jurisdiction, and this will be the world I created.

In your own world, you must act according to your own heart.

Tiandan Zhenjun and Immortal Zhenjun have always wanted to kill themselves, so naturally I can't let them live.

As for other true monarchs, as long as they are not evil, they can all stay.

Chang Sheng looked at the countless magic weapons flying in the sky, raised his left hand, and suddenly, a suction gushed out from Chang Sheng's body. , sucked to his side.

All the True Monarchs on Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent were instantly stunned.

"Chang Sheng, what are you doing? Let us go!"

"Chang Sheng, do you want to deal with them alone? Don't be brave, let us go!"

The eight true monarchs on the mainland yelled frantically, and at the same time burst out with mana energy in their bodies, wanting to leave Chang Sheng's side.

At the same time, Chang Sheng's right hand was slowly raised above his head, and he stretched out a finger, pointing towards the sky.

A transparent lotus flower emerged from the top of Chang Sheng's head, and in the sky, it instantly grew larger, covering Chang Sheng and the other eight true monarchs.

Below the transparent lotus, there is also a flower seat.

The petals and flower seats of the lotus are slowly turning in opposite directions.

It wasn't until the attacks of many true kings in the heavens that the petals and flower seats began to rotate at a faster speed.

"Chang Sheng actually wants to deal with our 28 True Monarchs alone!"

"It's really beyond self-control. He thought that when he was in the Earth Immortal, he could kill a real king and deal with me? Do you have so many people? We are not like Yingwuhou. People who have just entered the real king, we are here Which one of them is not the True Monarch who has lived for tens of thousands of years!"

"If one person wants to resist us, then let him know that our Heaven Realm True Monarch is powerful. To deal with 28 True Monarchs at the same time, look at Chang Sheng this time, and he will not be beaten to a pulp!"

Each and every one of the True Monarchs crazily activated their magic weapons, wanting to kill Chang Sheng in one fell swoop!

Although they don't want to admit it, all the true kings, no matter who they are, are very afraid of Chang Sheng in their hearts.

That is the existence that can kill the true emperor in the earth immortal, and Chang Sheng also has two top magic weapons in the world, the Zhuxian sword and the sky-covering banner.

No matter who it is, they don't want to face Chang Sheng alone.

If Chang Sheng went crazy, and when he knew he was going to die, he caught a real king and attacked him desperately, and that real king happened to be himself, then he would be wronged!

Therefore, seeing the opportunity to kill Chang Sheng, many True Monarchs, at this moment, all burst out with their strongest strength.

In the blink of an eye, the 28 magic weapons had already flown to the top of Chang Sheng's head, and at this time, the speed of the transparent lotus flower's rotation reached the extreme, even so fast that people had the illusion that the petals and flower seats were not there at all. turn.

Because the speed of the rotation is too fast, when you look at it suddenly, it seems that this lotus is a general illusion that it is still.

The next moment, the fastest flying magic weapon, like a flying needle, hit the lotus first.

In an instant, it was as if the flying needle was caught in the rotating millstone like an ordinary iron needle. The magic weapon of the flying needle began to become thinner rapidly.

The petals and flower seats of the lotus rotated rapidly, like a death mill, covering all the flying magic weapons one by one, and then began to grind crazily.

One piece of magic weapon is constantly being ground in the lotus flower, and it cannot break through the lotus flower at all.

"No, my magic weapon, quickly take back the magic weapon!"

"Not good!"

Each of the True Monarchs felt the wear and tear of their magic weapons in less than a second, and they were all startled in shock, and hurriedly assembled the magic weapons they had released.

When the 28 magic weapons were attacking, they were extremely fast, but when they retracted these magic weapons, the flying speed of the 28 magic weapons accelerated again.

All the true kings quickly retracted their magic weapons, but their eyes were looking at Chang Sheng with incomparable horror, and nothing but horror was in their chests.

The 28 True Monarchs attacked together, but Chang Sheng didn't even use the magic weapon. He just used the perception of heaven and his own magic power to transform into a lotus flower, which blocked everyone's attack.

This is the attack of a true king, and whoever becomes a true king will have a weaker magic weapon!

But Chang Sheng broke their attack so easily, and even made their magic weapon wear and tear!

One person resisted 28 true kings.

I don't know that for tens of millions of years, the Heaven Realm and the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent have been fighting against each other, but it has never been heard that in the long history of tens of millions of years, there is a person who can block the attacks of so many true monarchs at the same time.

What's more, Chang Sheng didn't take the way of the real king, if he walked the way of the real king, how terrifying Chang Sheng would be.

Many True Monarchs in the Heaven Realm were stunned, and at the same time, all the True Monarchs on Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent were dumbfounded at this moment.

Chang Sheng blocked all the opponent's attacks by himself.

They couldn't be more clear about the strength of these True Monarchs. They had fought against these True Monarchs from the heavens before.

They were suppressed even more, and they had almost no power to fight back.

But Chang Sheng was replaced, and Chang Sheng blocked all the attacks of the opponent's real kings with ease.

Chang Sheng, how did he do it!

In addition, while Chang Sheng blocked the attack of the opponent's 28 True Monarchs, he also trapped the eight True Monarchs on his side by his side.

This is equivalent to Chang Sheng dealing with 36 True Monarchs at the same time.

This level of strength, in the long history of tens of thousands of years, has never appeared such a strong person.

Chang Sheng, he can even be said to be the most powerful man in human history!

After Chang Sheng blocked the attack of the 28 true kings in the heaven, he was not in a hurry to attack, but instead smiled and looked at the many true kings in the heaven.

"Now do you believe that I have the strength and can do everything I said? I still say that, we are all human beings, as long as you take the initiative to step aside, I will not deal with you. Of course, Tiandan is really Except for Jun and Immortal True Monarch!"

Tiandan Zhenjun and Immortal Zhenjun snorted coldly when they heard the sound, their faces were equally ugly.

"Don't be ashamed, don't think that blocking our attack once can kill us. Don't you think that our true king of the heavens only has such a little trick?"

Tiandan Zhenjun suddenly shouted at the group of Zhenjun: "Everyone, set up the formation!"

With a voice, the 28 True Monarchs quickly began to change their positions in the sky.They don't believe Chang Sheng's words. Chang Sheng's words are nice, but who knows if it's Chang Sheng's plan to divorce.

If Chang Sheng wanted to deal with Tiandan Zhenjun and Immortal Zhenjun after he dealt with them, it would not be as simple as missing two people.

Without two people, the big formation can no longer be deployed!

Chang Sheng still didn't move, just stood in place, watching with great interest the changing positions of the 28 True Monarchs.

In just a few breaths, Chang Sheng suddenly laughed.

"Seven-star array! There are 28 of you, exactly seven people form a seven-star array, and you want to deal with me? It's useless."


"Chang Sheng actually saw through our formation!"

The many true kings in the heavens were shocked again. What Chang Sheng said was correct. There were 28 of them, forming four sets of seven-star formations.

Although they formed the formation, although they were in a group of seven, all 28 people stood in a messy state. From their standing positions, it was difficult to see what kind of formation they were arranging.

Unless he has personally experienced it or the person who set up the formation knows the mystery of the formation, but Chang Sheng can see it so simply, how did he do it!

Although everyone was puzzled, their movements did not stop.

After a while, everyone launched an attack at the same time.

A streak of colorful brilliance flew out, more powerful than when they attacked together before!

under this attack.

On the Tianyuan Continent, mountains and rivers were shattered everywhere, pieces of land were upturned, and the sky was completely torn apart, revealing huge gaps, and countless space-time turbulence flew out, scurrying around in the sky.

Faced with this astonishingly powerful blow, the smile on Chang Sheng's face remained unchanged.

Raise your hand and touch the sky.

Immediately, the countless magic weapons that flew again all returned and left.

The palm waved again.

Between the sky and the earth, a huge giant hand exuding endless compassion emerged and touched the sky.

The broken mountains and rivers miraculously began to recover, the upturned earth became flat again, the shattered sky returned to calm, and the turbulent flow of time and space disappeared.

Many True Monarchs in the Heaven Realm were completely shocked.

What Chang Sheng did lightly was even more amazing than blocking their attack just now.

In fact, in many cases, destruction is easy.

If you want to destroy, anyone can do it as long as you have enough strength.

What is really difficult is building and repairing.

And Chang Sheng, he repaired the endless mountains and rivers so easily.

Just now, the area of ​​mountains and rivers was broken, covering almost the entire Tianyuan Shenzhou continent. Chang Sheng seemed so easy to repair such a large area, how much mana was needed to do it!

"As I said, you can't do anything to me. Now, in front of me, you are like weak babies, without any threat."

Chang Sheng pointed to the many true kings in the heavens and said slowly: "Do you know what path I took when I became a true king? That is the way of a true king!"

Chang Sheng said surprisingly: "All of you, including the former true kings? Everyone thinks that true kings are the real Dao, the strongest Dao. But you are all wrong!"

"That's right, after the Earth Immortal breaks through, countless roads will appear in the sky, but the other roads are very weak. Only the road leading to the True King is extremely bright and exudes the strongest aura, but this is just It's just an illusion!"

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