silly elixir emperor

Chapter 82 Overwhelmed

Lying in Chang Sheng's arms, feeling the already familiar smell, Lan Ke'er's ears turned red from embarrassment. She had never had such intimate contact with a man since she was a child, but today she lay on the bed where she met for the first time again and again. In Chang Sheng's arms, especially now, in front of others, like a girl in Huaichun who sees her lover, she opens her arms and falls on them, it's really embarrassing.

Lan Ke'er didn't know why, as soon as she lay in Chang Sheng's arms, she immediately lost a bit of strength, and she couldn't even stand up straight.

Chang Sheng put his hands on both sides of his body at a loss, gently sniffing the lower end of his nose, the fragrance on Lan Ke'er's hair, feeling the tenderness of his delicate body inside his body, and his heart beat wildly irregularly.The woman lying in her arms was a beautiful woman, especially now that it was summer, and she didn't wear much clothes. Lan Ke'er pressed her whole body tightly, and she could clearly feel the pair of women pressing on her chest. Plump elasticity and softness.

"Dong dong dong..."

Chang Sheng could clearly hear his heart beating faster and faster, his expression became slightly intoxicated, his hands left his sides unconsciously, and hugged Lan Ke'er...

"Cough cough..."

Suddenly, just when Chang Sheng started to get drunk, a cough sound came over, Chang Sheng was startled immediately, retracted his hands, and placed them on his sides.Fortunately, my uncle coughed in time, otherwise I would have...

Chang Ganyi looked at the two people who were hugging each other, coughed lightly, and saw that although the material of this woman's clothes was very good, but after all, her origin was unknown, if she had some kind of conspiracy to get close to his nephew, he is also a fool , it is very easy to be cheated.

"We still need to find a way to find out the origin of this girl!"

Chang Ganyi took a step forward, looked at Lan Ke'er lying in Chang Sheng's arms, and asked, "Miss Lan, you don't seem to be from our Fengdu City. I don't know where your home is? Also, my nephew Didn't you fight those Jiangyang thieves? How did he save you again?"

"I'm from the county government." Lan Ke'er didn't know what was going on with her. Hearing this cough, she recovered a bit of strength. At the same time, she stood on the ground for a while, and her legs and feet were finally no longer numb. , withdrew her hands on Chang Sheng's back, and gently pushed Chang Sheng's shoulders, she left Chang Sheng's embrace, stepped to one side, and looked at Chang Ganyi.

Without Chang Sheng's obstruction, Chang Ganyi finally saw Lan Ke'er's face clearly, and suddenly a sense of astonishment rushed into his mind from the bottom of his heart. The girl in front of him was like a girl in a painting, with natural beauty, no trace of makeup on her delicate face, still Glamorous! .

There is almost no flaw in this exquisite face, especially the most beautiful vermilion cherry lips. The small red lips are slightly pouty, outlining a touching arc, even the best painters are hard to describe!

He never thought that Lan Ke'er would be such a stunning beauty, not inferior to Miu Miao whom he almost watched growing up with his own eyes.How could Chang Sheng save such a beautiful girl just by saving a random person?

At the same time, Lan Ke'er also saw clearly Chang Ganyi's appearance. Uncle Chang Sheng was actually a very attractive middle-aged handsome man, but he lacked some masculinity.

Lan Keer rolled her bright eyes, glanced at Chang Sheng, turned her head to look at Chang Ganyi, and replied, "I don't know how Chang Sheng came to save me. I was lying on the bed in a daze. When I was sleeping, I heard a touch, and the Jiangyang thief lay on the ground, and then Chang Sheng walked in."

Hearing Lan Keer's voice, Chang Ganyi was about to speak when Chang Sheng's voice sounded again: "Uncle, uncle, Chang Sheng remembered. This big villain can't beat Chang Sheng, he told Chang Sheng He has good things, as long as Chang Sheng doesn't kill him, he will give Chang Sheng good things, he took Chang Sheng to his house, and Chang Sheng saw two big boxes there!"

Chang Sheng stretched out his hands and gestured for the size of the box, then turned his head to look at Chang Ganyi: "Uncle, didn't you say that all good things are put in the box, are the good things that the big villain said to give to Chang Sheng inside. Oh, Chang Sheng forgot to take the big box, Chang Sheng has to go back and get it."

As he spoke, Chang Sheng raised his leg and took a step, as if he was going to return to Li Chuan's residence, but he stopped suddenly after he took a step, with a bitter look on his face: "Uncle, Chang Sheng doesn't remember his home. Where is it?" Chang Sheng looked at Chang Ganyi with a sad face, as if he was about to cry.

Chang Ganyi was completely confused by Chang Sheng's sudden words. He frowned and thought for a long time before finally realizing that it should be Li Chuan who could not beat Chang Sheng, and found that Chang Sheng was a fool, so Chang Sheng let him go He died, so he took Chang Sheng to his temporary shelter, and Lan Keer was rescued by Chang Sheng there. As for the two large boxes Chang Sheng mentioned, it is very likely that Li Chuan searched and looted them from various places. Come money!

Chang Ganyi's heart moved. Li Chuan was a robber who had been wanted by the county government for a long time, and he was still committing crimes during the time he was wanted, and almost all of the cases were against wealthy families. The money and things he robbed, That must be a very huge sum, as for Chang Sheng forgetting where it is, so what!

"Sheng'er, don't worry, uncle will help you get those good things back!" Chang Ganyi smiled and looked down at Li Chuan. Chang Sheng forgot the place, but Li Chuan would not forget it!

"Oh. Uncle, you have to tell Chang Sheng to bring back the good things for Chang Sheng." Chang Sheng opened his mouth and yawned loudly: "Chang Sheng is sleepy, Chang Sheng has to go back to sleep first."

After all, Chang Sheng turned around and left the room without looking back, and walked towards his own room.

Looking at the back of Chang Sheng leaving, Chang Ganyi felt a little embarrassed, and turned to look at Lan Ke'er, now in the middle of the night, he was alone in a room with a gorgeous girl, how could he not be embarrassed.

"Miss Lan, there is still a long time before dawn. If you don't mind, I will ask someone to arrange a room for you. You can sleep for a while. Tomorrow we will notify your family in the county mansion and let them pick you up." How about you go home?"

Lan Keer nodded: "That's troublesome. Also, although I don't remember Chang Sheng's lair, I can find it, and I can take you there."

Hearing this, Chang Ganyi frowned imperceptibly. This Lan Ke'er clearly said that she was from the county mansion and was plundered, so she didn't know much about Fengducheng. It was night again, how could she Are you sure she can find a place?Could it be that she really intends to get close to Chang Sheng and my Chang family, and is there any conspiracy?

Chang Ganyi thought for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble Miss Lan to lead the way." He went in person this time, even if this Lan Keer was really plotting or plotting, with his strength, he could do nothing. fear.

Chang Sheng left Chang Ganyi's room. After going around in a circle, he sneaked to the family's warehouse where medicinal materials were stored. Take out the alchemy furnace underneath, light the fire and release the medicine.

"Chang Sheng, what kind of elixir do you want to refine?"

Just as Chang Sheng started alchemy, Gu Tianmo rang in his mind.

"Gu Tianmo, I just started alchemy, how can you be sure that what I am refining is a top-notch elixir?" Chang Sheng asked back after hearing the sound.

"It's not easy." Gu Tianmo's voice was full of complacency: "Chang Sheng, I have already discovered that when you refine some pills for your family to sell, you deliberately refine the pills so that they are not unique. When you refine the pills for your own use, you have always refined the top-notch pills. Now, obviously your family does not need your help by refining, so you naturally refine the pills for your own use. Of course you have to refine the elixir, but for you, it is more difficult to refine the elixir than the elixir."

"You really have faith in me!"

Chang Sheng looked at the alchemy furnace, with a crooked mouth, and said with a smile: "Unfortunately, Gu Tianmo, you guessed wrong this time, although the elixir I refined was neither for myself nor for my family, but for the enemy. Use it! So, it won’t be some top-notch elixir!”

"Use it for the enemy?" Gu Tianmo's originally lazy voice suddenly doubled, and he sounded full of interest in the pill that Chang Sheng said was for the enemy: "Chang Sheng, tell me quickly, what kind of pill is it?" , is it a pill that makes people's aura leak out, or a pill that can't gather energy, or a pill that makes people crazy?"

"Gu Tianmo, you are really a sinister guy. You became so excited when you heard that the pill was for the enemy! But, unfortunately, you guessed wrong again!" Put the herbal medicine into the alchemy furnace, and said: "This time I am refining the honesty pill!"

"Honest Dan? What is that? Why haven't I heard of it!" Gu Tianmo asked curiously. Although he was not proficient in many magical professions in Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, he thought he knew enough about them. , such as alchemy, inscriptions, forging, etc., but since he got to know Chang Sheng, he has heard too many pills from Chang Sheng that he has never heard of!

"Honest Pill is a first-order elixir. I don't know if anyone in the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent can refine this kind of elixir. Anyway, in the fairy world, most alchemists don't know the formula of this elixir. As for this elixir You can tell from the name, honesty Dan, is to make a person honest! Gu Tianmo, haven’t you noticed that sometimes it’s really troublesome to interrogate a person, just like when I asked Lin Yuanzhi today, thanks to me He has a clue, otherwise, he will definitely not tell me the truth, but if I have Honesty Dan, everything will be different."

"A superb Honesty Pill can allow people below the Xiantian Realm to tell all the secrets in their hearts, and even some things that they can't remember. However, I just searched at home for a long time and found that the medicinal materials in the house are really good. I can't refine the top-grade Honesty Pill, so I can only refine a few ordinary Honesty Pills. Although it is an ordinary Honesty Pill, it can still make people tell the truth, just need to ask repeatedly!"

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