silly elixir emperor

Chapter 83 Not Simple

Hearing Chang Sheng suddenly say that you can't make a perfect pill, Gu Tianmo burst out laughing: "Haha, Chang Sheng, so there are times when you can't make a perfect pill!"

"Gu Tianmo! I've said it all, because there are too few medicinal materials in the family. Those elixirs, I can refine those elixirs, which is already good! If someone else wants to refine honesty elixirs, don't even think about it!"

"Okay, I admit that your level of alchemy is superb, but other aspects are much worse, Chang Sheng, that girl is not simple!" Gu Tianmo lightly said something that shocked Chang Sheng.

"That girl is not simple!" Chang Sheng's hand holding the herbal medicine trembled: "You mean, she is not a good person, she may have premeditated coming to our house, and she was not even captured by Jiang Yang's robbers? All this is a scam! "

"No, Chang Sheng, you are thinking too much! I didn't see any premeditation of this girl for your family. When I said he was not simple, I simply meant her. In short, I think she is a little different from ordinary people!"

"Oh? If she looks like this, what's different about her?" Chang Sheng couldn't help being curious, could it be that the girl is not human?

"I can't say it. It's just a feeling. I think this girl is special! I don't know exactly what is special!"

"Speaking is tantamount to talking for nothing!" Chang Sheng scorned Gu Tianmo, followed the steps of alchemy, put various medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace step by step, adjusted the temperature of the furnace slightly, and walked to the bed after confirming that there was no problem sit cross-legged,

"Well... With the capture of these Jiangyang thieves, the aura of prosperity in Fengdu City has finally returned. I want to wait until tomorrow. After the news spreads, the aura of prosperity will be even stronger. And my Chang family's The spirit of prosperity..."

Sitting on the bed, Chang Sheng comprehended all the aura of prosperity related to him. This time he caught Jiang Yang's bandit, and the prestige of Chang's family in Fengdu City reached a new high point, and the aura of prosperity became stronger. It's reached its peak!

"In the battle tonight, I introduced the spirit of the prosperous age into my body, and at the same time of fighting, I automatically eliminated some impurities in my body, and the prosperous age of Fengdu City has been completed, so it is much faster to practice the flourishing age at this time , it is estimated that the remaining impurities in the body can be completely discharged, then..."

Chang Sheng sat cross-legged, his mind entered the state of no waves in the ancient well, and began to practice the Immortal Technique of the Prosperous Age.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and about two or three hours later, the sky shone slightly, revealing a touch of fish-belly white, a bright light penetrated into the room through the window, and the hazy light shone on Chang Sheng who was surrounded by haze.


Chang Sheng let out a long breath, and suddenly opened his eyes, bursting with a frightening light.

"The Xiantian Realm! I, Chang Sheng, have finally broken through to the Xiantian Realm!"

Chang Sheng's face showed joy. After several hours of practice, he finally cleared out the impurities in his body, breaking through and entering the Xiantian realm in one fell swoop!In the body, the original spiritual energy has disappeared, replaced by a more pure innate true energy.After moving my hands and feet a little, I feel much more relaxed than usual, and my eyes and ears are much more sensitive than before. I feel as if I have entered another world.

"Chang Sheng, you have finally entered the Xiantian Realm!" Just as Chang Sheng stepped into the Xiantian Realm, Gu Tianmo's voice rang in his mind: "Chang Sheng, I have a surprise for you, try to use your crazy energy."

"En?" Hearing Gu Tianmo's voice, Chang Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then the innate zhenqi in his body instantly flowed according to the mantra of madness.


As soon as Chang Sheng started to use his crazy power, he suddenly let out a sound of surprise.

"Gu Tianmo, why is it that my crazy energy has increased by [-] jin in the third level now! I was only [-] jin when I was half-step Xiantian, which is doubled! This is what happened!"

"Because Crazy Demon Strength is a mysterious martial skill!" Gu Tianmo's old voice sounded: "Chang Sheng, even though you could cultivate Crazy Demon Strength before Xiantian, you can only exert half of its power! Only when you enter the Xiantian realm can you be truly Let’s unleash the power of madness! Mysterious martial arts, if they are mediocre, how can they be called mysterious martial arts? If this martial skill is not strong enough, how dare I, the ancient heavenly demon, have the nerve to show it!”

"It turns out that when entering the Xiantian realm, the madness energy used is the real madness energy! Calculated in this way, I have a strength of [-] catties at the innate level and [-] catties of madness energy. One layer can hold [-] jin of strength!"

Chang Sheng calculated his own strength, and suddenly thought of the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age. After he entered the Xiantian, his madness has changed, so what about the immortal art from the most mysterious and powerful wordless book in the fairy world?

Chang Sheng closed his eyes and opened the Prosperous Age Immortal Technique in his mind. In an instant, paragraphs of words that had never appeared before emerged.

"Sure enough, after entering Xiantian, the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age has also changed! This...the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age still divides the Prosperous Age! In addition to the Chaos, Decline, Governance, and Prosperity, the Prosperity is actually divided into ten levels!"

"Prosperity also has its strengths and weaknesses. For example, Fengdu City as a whole belongs to the first-floor prosperity-eating and clothing warm! My Chang family is the second-floor prosperity! And the most prosperous neighborhood of my Chang family is only the third-floor prosperity!"

After Chang Sheng learned about the division of prosperity, he was surprised to find that the spirit of prosperity in his family was much worse than he imagined!

The Chang family is now the well-deserved No. [-] family in the entire Fengdu City. Even if several other families unite, they cannot compete with the Chang family. The Chang family even monopolizes the most lucrative pill market. The prosperity of the second floor!

There is also that neighborhood, which is already the most prosperous neighborhood in the entire Fengdu City, and it is only a third-floor prosperity!

"No! Both the Chang family and Fengdu City's prosperous age are too weak! I have to go back to the fairy world to take revenge, and now there is an unknown big shot who wants to kill me. I have to practice quickly, otherwise I may not wait for the promotion. When I arrived in the fairy world, I was killed by that big man!"

Chang Sheng clenched his hands into fists, and must continue to build the prosperous world of the Chang family. Only when the prosperous world is stronger, can he cultivate faster and have a higher chance of surviving.

"Huh? The Prosperous Age Immortal Technique also has a technique called Stealing the World Immortal Technique."

Chang Sheng was surprised to find that after he entered the Xiantian Realm, the changes in Shengshi Immortal Art were not only an introduction about Shengshi, but also new exercises.

"The Immortal Art of Stealing the World, forcibly stealing the qi in other people's bodies and turning it into your own qi!"

Chang Sheng looked at the introduction about Stealing the World Immortal Technique in surprise. As far as he knew, all the masters of the Xiantian Realm could infuse the innate qi they cultivated into another person's body, and forcibly help a person improve his strength.It's just that, because the instilled person's innate true energy and the instilled person's self-cultivated qi do not belong to the same person, even if it is instilled, it needs to be refined slowly. His own strength will also be greatly weakened, and it will take a long time of practice to cultivate back the infused innate qi.

The biggest trouble with forcible indoctrination is the danger. Two different qi are instilled into the same person's body, and the two qi conflict with each other. If one is not careful or even unlucky, the instilled person is likely to explode and die. The latter will also suffer backlash.It is also because of this reason that very few innate masters will instill innate qi for others!

The world-stealing immortal method does not need to be instilled, it can directly steal the origin of the opponent's body!

The source is the most fundamental essence of a cultivator. Once the source is gone, the cultivator will undoubtedly die!The Stealing World Immortal Technique can forcibly steal other people's origin, and then it can be automatically transformed into ownerless origin through the aura of prosperity. After stealing, it can be naturally integrated into one's own origin without refining at all!

"It's such an overbearing skill. If it's really what this Stealing World Immortal Art says, I don't even need to practice at all. I just need to keep finding someone to steal the other party's origin, so that I can improve my cultivation! No It's just that, and after stealing the source of the other party, you can also grasp the knowledge that the other party has in an instant. For example, if the other party is a master craftsman, you only need to steal the source of the other party, and then you can become a master craftsman in an instant! This World Stealing Immortal Technique is really terrifying!"

"According to my current strength, as long as they are half-step Xiantian and below, I can completely suppress them, so that I can easily forcibly steal their origin. As for the masters of the Xiantian realm, I must defeat them and let them Only when I don’t have any power to change hands can I steal their origin. This is very troublesome, it is much more difficult for innate masters to control them than to kill them!"

After a long time, Chang Sheng recovered from his surprise at Pirates of the World, and looked down at the pill furnace.This time, due to the limitation of medicinal materials, what he refined was the most common low-grade Honesty Pill. The grade was low, but the refining speed was much faster. In a few hours, the Honesty Pill had condensed and formed.

Gathering his mind, Chang Sheng slowly stretched out his hands, and pulled out the twenty Honesty Pills that had already solidified and formed one by one.

After putting away the honesty pill, Chang Sheng opened the door and walked out.Although he fought against people and cultivated in one night, after he broke through and entered the Xiantian realm in one fell swoop, he didn't feel tired at all. On the contrary, he was full of strength.

Walking out of his own yard, Chang Sheng had just walked a few steps, and suddenly Chang Sheng saw two familiar figures from a distance, led by his servants, and quickly walked towards the hall of Chang's house.

"En? Isn't that the deputy of the county master Wu Shiju and Lin Yuanzhi, the deputy general of the city's garrison Xu Guofu? They came so early?"

Chang Sheng knew in his heart that his uncle Chang Ganyi must have informed them to come. Wu Shiju was the highest-ranking civil servant in the city, and after Lin Yuanzhi died, his deputy general Xu Guofu was naturally the highest-ranking general in the city.

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