super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1604 Finding the Difference 5

So the task of going to school for the remaining few girls was handed over to Zhuo Yifan.There were four women in the car, Zhuo Yifan stepped on the accelerator and drove away in the direction of Youda.But just halfway through the journey, Zhuo Yifan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Zhuo Yifan frowned suspiciously.So early in the morning, who would call to find me?

Taking out his phone, Zhuo Yifan was stunned, it was Yang Yanbing who called!Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but feel moved, could it be because Tiantian was almost snatched away last night?

Thinking of Zhuo Yifan, he connected to Yang Yanbing's phone while driving.

"Yanbing, what's the matter with looking for me so early?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"If you have time, come to the Municipal Bureau! Something happened to your brothers!" Yang Yanbing's voice came from the phone, but the tone didn't seem very comfortable, and there was a hint of anger!

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback immediately.How many brothers have an accident?What brother?Listening to Yang Yanbing's tone, it seemed that he had offended her!Didn't he do anything to offend her?Immediately, Zhuo Yifan thought of Liu Huaiyu and Ma Tao who were helping him manage the Hero Club now!The brothers Yang Yanbing was talking about, shouldn't he be referring to them?

"What happened? Tell me slowly!" Zhuo Yifan asked in confusion.

Yang Yanbing called to inform herself so early in the morning, it was obvious that something happened between Ma Tao and Liu Huaiyu.But my hero club has its own rules, shouldn't the police come to the door?Listening to Yang Yanbing's tone, it seems that things are not simple this time!Zhuo Yifan believed that Ma Tao and Liu Huaiyu didn't have the guts to do things against his will, so he quickly eliminated the factors of internal problems!

"Don't ask, you'd better come here first and then talk!" Yang Yanbing said anxiously.In fact, Yang Yanbing is in a very bad mood now. She was severely criticized by the deputy director just now, and now she is still full of anger!But Yang Yanbing was called to the city bureau by the deputy director at six o'clock in the morning!

Zhuo Yifan saw that Yang Yanbing didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more.He hung up the phone directly, then explained to the four girls, and sent the four girls to the school gate. After watching the four of them enter the school, he drove all the way in the direction of the Municipal Bureau.

When Zhuo Yifan came to the city bureau, he saw that the normally empty city bureau compound was already full of police cars, and he couldn't help being slightly taken aback!what is it today?Usually, there is such a big commotion from the Municipal Public Security Bureau?Moreover, the whole public security building seemed to be very busy, during which the crowd kept shuttling, all of them looked very serious!

A bad premonition arose in Zhuo Yifan's heart, frowning, he stepped into the compound of the Municipal Bureau.

Follow the stairs all the way to the fourth floor, where the criminal police team works.Zhuo Yifan found that the policemen he had met a few times seemed to be different people today, and each of them looked at him quite strangely.Logically speaking, most of the police officers here should already know me. When they usually meet, they don't just say hello politely, but they don't look at me with such weird eyes, do they?

Full of doubts, Zhuo Yifan walked to the door of Yang Yanbing's office, and knocked gently on the door.

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