super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1605 Finding the Difference 6

"Come in!" Yang Yanbing's cold voice came from the office immediately.

Zhuo Yifan opened the door and walked in directly.Seeing that it was Zhuo Yifan who had arrived, Yang Yanbing first looked him up and down, then motioned him to sit down on the sofa beside him, then walked out from the desk and sat opposite Zhuo Yifan.

"Yan Bing, what happened to call me so early? Could something happen to Ma Tao and Liu Huaiyu?" Zhuo Yifan took a deep breath, then stared at Yang Yan Bing, and asked calmly.

"You look very relaxed! Your brother didn't just have an accident? He also had a terrible accident! I really don't know how you usually discipline your subordinates?" Yang Yanbing stared at Zhuo Yifan, first sneered, and then Said angrily.

"Don't be angry, what's going on, even if you want me to die, you have to let me die, right?" Zhuo Yifan waved his hand, interrupting what Yang Yanbing wanted to say next, and interrupted.

Yang Yanbing took a deep breath, and then said slowly and helplessly: "I was still sleeping this morning when my phone rang! I checked the time and it was only six o'clock! The person who called me was the deputy director. Boss. He said that in the early hours of last night, the Ministry of Public Security received a direct report that your hero was suspected of drug trafficking, so the Ministry directly dispatched a large number of direct police forces to take down your Dynasty Nightclub and Pearl Nightclub!"

As soon as Zhuo Yifan heard this, the anger in his heart surged up.drug trafficking?What are you kidding?I said when the Heroes Association was established that drug dealing is absolutely prohibited in the Association!Where did the Ministry of Public Security get the information?And also took away his two most important places?

Zhuo Yifan's first instinct told him that this matter must be aimed at him!Ma Tao, Liu Huaiyu and others were probably framed!

"Impossible! I know the people under my command, and I will not allow them to sell drugs!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head, speaking with certainty and righteousness!

"Impossible? People are looking at the evidence. Your subordinates were stolen and seized by people from the Ministry of Public Security. What is impossible? Two kilograms of drugs were found, isn't it a problem?" Yang Yanbing Rolling his eyes, he asked angrily.

Get stolen goods?Two kilos of drugs?Zhuo Yifan understood the seriousness of the matter as soon as he heard this.Ma Tao and Liu Huaiyu must have been framed!It is impossible for them to hide drugs, and it is even more impossible for them to sell drugs. If two kilograms of drugs can be found from them or in the venue, there is only one explanation. Someone must have deliberately designed to frame them.And the person who framed them must be targeting him!

"They must have been planted! Don't you believe me?" Zhuo Yifan shook his head with a wry smile, staring at Yang Yanbing and asked.

Yang Yanbing sighed helplessly, and then said slowly: "I don't know if it was framed, I believe you are useless, because this case is beyond the control of our city bureau! The Ministry of Public Security came down personally I don’t know whether they will believe you or not! I only found out about this matter this morning. I found two kilograms of drugs in one fell swoop, and your friend couldn’t tell even if he was covered in mouths! The higher authorities attach great importance to this matter, and plan to arrest it as a key case. People from the Ministry of Public Security even said that our city bureau is just for nothing, blaming us for our poor performance. There is such a large drug transaction in the jurisdiction that they have not received any Wind, I was severely criticized by the deputy director! I don't know who to turn to to vent my stomach!"

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