super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3192 Shinto threat 3

"The four-member group is safe and sound. Iwasakigawa and Kudo Yoshikazu didn't dare to continue to make trouble at this juncture. After all, you have cured your grandpa Sato, and they are undoubtedly asking for trouble if they jump around again! But Shintoism has surprisingly quieted down, which is very illogical!" Yamada Incheon frowned worriedly, and said slowly while drinking tea.

"According to the logic, the two apprentices of the high priest died at your hands. Although Nakamura Wunan was lucky enough to save his life, he shouldn't let you go like this." Sato Yuming added.

"So, the Shinto religion may be planning a bigger conspiracy, or it may be waiting for an appropriate time to attack me! If I'm not wrong, people from the Metropolitan Police Department and the Self-Defense Forces should be looking for me all over the world. ?” Zhuo Yifan said with a chuckle.

"That's right! You are already a celebrity in the island country. And the news has spread to China. I think your family, and your family's opponents, already know what happened here!" Yamada Incheon felt helpless continue.

"There is also news from the Imperial Household Agency that the imperial family has compromised with Shintoism. I don't know what method the high priest used to make the Imperial Household Office obediently obey his orders!" Sato Yuming also said, his eyes full of helplessness look.

"What does the Emperor himself mean?" Zhuo Yifan asked with some doubts.

"Emperor?" Sato Hiroaki was taken aback, and then explained with a wry smile: "Although His Majesty the Emperor is honorable, he is not as unlimited as you think. In fact, the power of the entire imperial family is concentrated in the Imperial Household. If Shintoism After taking down the palace hall, the emperor's will has become unimportant!

"So, the power of the palace hall is simply above the imperial power!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled lightly.

Hiroaki Sato and Incheon Yamada were somewhat embarrassed, but what Zhuo Yifan was talking about was the status quo.At present, the royal appearance looks infinitely beautiful, and it is also a symbol of the country in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of politicians, it is not as important as it was before World War II!Since World War II, the rights of the royal family have been greatly weakened, and the current Imperial Household Agency has almost restricted all communications between the royal family and the outside world. Even if the cabinet ministers want to see the emperor, they must obtain the permission of the head of the Imperial Household Agency. , to release.

"Xiao Fan! The current situation is not objective for you. In the island country, except us, almost all forces want to deal with you!" Yamada Incheon said with a somewhat ugly face.

"Hmph!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled lightly, and said lightly, "There is nothing wrong with this situation! We can solve all these troubles once and for all!"

"Xiaofan, are you so sure? Don't forget, there is a Shinto sect behind it! And the island government is not as easy to deal with as you imagine!" Yamada Renchuan warned with some surprise.

"I understand what you mean. But I have enough things that they are afraid of, so that they dare not do anything to me!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Oh? Can you tell me more about it?" Zhuo Yifan's words aroused the curiosity that Yamada Renchuan gave Sato Hiroaki.

"Allow me to be secretive. The fewer people who know about this trump card, the better! When necessary, I will show it!" Zhuo Yifan said a little embarrassedly.

Both Yamada Incheon and Sato Hiroaki were taken aback, and then looked at each other and smiled wryly.

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