super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3193 Shinto threat 4

"You little cunning, you're even hiding it from us! Well, since you have plans, I don't have much to say. But you should think twice before acting, and don't show your edge too much!" Yamada Renchuan shook his head with a wry smile. .

"I know!" Zhuo Yifan just nodded lightly in agreement.

"People from the Metropolitan Police Department will come to my place almost every day during these three days. Try not to go out with me, and don't go out for activities recently, so as not to be recognized by others!" Yamada Incheon continued to remind.

"I want to go out for a walk!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly.

Yamada Incheon frowned in surprise: "You still have to go out at this time? Aren't you afraid that Shinto people will discover your whereabouts?"

"What if that's the case?" Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and with a thought, the appearance of his face changed, until it turned into a look that didn't match Zhuo Yifan at all, and then he stopped.

Yamada Renchuan and Sato Hiroaki were almost petrified watching this scene. The two stared at Zhuo Yifan in a daze, and it took a long while before they came back to their senses.

"Xiao...Xiaofan? You are..." Yamada Incheon stammered, feeling that he was struggling to speak.

"Disguise! It's just a trick, but it's still very easy for the people in the Metropolitan Police Department and the eyeliner of Shintoism!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and his face immediately returned to its original appearance.

"There is such a strange technique? I heard that there was such a magical technique in ancient China, but I didn't know that it is still spread today!" Sato Hiroaki was shocked far above Yamada Incheon.

"Hehe, if Grandpa Sato is interested, it's okay if I leave it to you. But, don't just pass it on to others!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly.

"Oh? If you give it to me, I will naturally not give it to others casually! This kind of strange art, even if you know it yourself, must be kept absolutely secret." Sato Yuming said with a happy face.He was envious of Zhuo Yifan's disguise technique.

Zhuo Yifan nodded, lying next to Sato Yuming's ear and gently told him the formula, and then sat back to his original position.

"Xiaofan, thank you!" Sato Yuming said gratefully with his eyes brightened.

"It's nothing. It's just a trivial matter! I once promised my master to guide you, but it hasn't been fulfilled yet. When the matter here is finished, you can go to Huaxia at any time. I will definitely introduce my master to you. !" Zhuo Yifan said embarrassedly.

Hiroaki Sato was already so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, so he nodded and agreed.

At this time, a younger brother from the four-member team suddenly ran in from outside, came to Yamada Incheon and respectfully reported: "Team leader, people from the Metropolitan Police Department are here!"

Yamada Incheon's expression sank, and he couldn't help but look at Sato Hiroaki and Zhuo Yifan.

"Xiaofan, do you think we should avoid Yazi for a while?" Yamada Incheon asked helplessly.

"No need! Aren't they looking for me? I'm here, let's see if they can recognize me!" Zhuo Yifan said with a chuckle.

Hearing what Zhuo Yifan said, Yamada Renchuan and Sato Yuming immediately understood what he meant.If the disguise technique was used, even they would not be able to recognize Zhuo Yifan, let alone the policemen!

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