super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3945 The dilemma of the Duan family 1

"If you do this, aren't you afraid that the Long family will break with the Duan family? What if the Long family wants to deal with us?" Duan Jingxiu was startled and reminded.

"The four hermit families can live and prosper in China for a long time. Naturally, there is a reason for it. Whichever family the Long family wants to destroy, they have to weigh the attitudes of the other two! It's not something they can do if they think about it! Besides The Long family still has the great enemy of the Zhuo family, and the Xia family will not stand by them! They are trying to win over us, not to completely freeze the relationship with us! Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Duan Ziming Patting his daughter on the shoulder, he explained softly.

"But the Duan family's ancestral teachings taught us to put the world first, not to be competitive, and not to participate in family struggles! We have always been independent of the world, how could we provoke family fights because of me alone? ?" Duan Jingxiu asked with a trace of surprise.

Duan Ziming said with a wry smile: "Silly girl, this is not what my Duan family wants to provoke, but this fight will happen sooner or later! It's not easy to live in peace with the world! Born in this environment, you just Be prepared to fight with others at any time! Although my Duan family is not as powerful as the Long family, but if the Long family really wants to fight with us, we will not sit still. The Duan family is not easy to mess with, and the Long family naturally has to weigh it !"

Duan Ziming made it clear, but Duan Jingxiu, as the current helm of the family's business, understands how important it is for a business empire to have a peaceful business environment!In the event of a conflict, the Long family will be able to tear the Duan family apart without bloodshed with their financial resources!This is something Duan Jingxiu absolutely does not want to see.

"'s too risky to do this! And if we have a conflict with the Long family, it's uncertain whether the other two will help. We can't make a decision so hastily!" Duan Jingxiu thought for a moment, and finally shook her head in denial.

"You don't want to avenge Shui'er? You don't want to call off this engagement?" Duan Ziming looked into Duan Jingxiu's eyes and asked in a deep voice.

Duan Jingxiu sighed helplessly when he heard the words, and laughed at himself: "Revenge? Retire the marriage? It's not easy? Is revenge for the Long family so easy? At least I can't see hope!"

"You're wrong! I just got a piece of news that maybe I want revenge and divorce, but there is still hope!" Duan Ziming changed the subject, and suddenly said with an inscrutable expression.

"Dad... what news did you get?" Duan Jingxiu couldn't help but ask excitedly when he heard the words.

"Our hope has come!" Duan Ziming smiled and nodded to explain.

"Hope is coming? Dad, what exactly do you mean? Don't be fooled!" Duan Jingxiu was surprised for a while, but couldn't figure out why after thinking for a long time, so he could only ask anxiously.

Duan Ziming chuckled, and then slowly explained: "Just after you came out of Prince Long's villa, I got another news. Our people, seeing two strangers, came to Prince Long's villa! "

"Two strangers? They are the hope you mentioned?" Duan Jingxiu was taken aback when he heard the words, and guessed suspiciously.

"That's right! At least this is our only hope. It's hard to say whether we can grasp it or not!" Duan Ziming nodded and explained in affirmation after hearing the words.

"Who are these two people? Why did you run to find Prince Long at night?" Duan Jingxiu frowned and asked.

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