super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3946 The dilemma of the Duan family 2

"In Qingshui Town, other than us, another family has already been involved. You should know about this too!" Duan Ziming reminded.

"Zhuo's family? You mean the Xie Dongting who just brought officers and soldiers to Qingshui Town two days ago?" Duan Jingxiu nodded thoughtfully and asked.

"That's right! Xie Dongting is one of those two people! There is another person, you will never guess, he will appear here!" Duan Ziming let it go with a smile!

"Absolutely unexpected? Who would this person be? Someone who can find Prince Long with Xie Dongting... And I absolutely can't imagine? Could it be Zhuo Yifan?" Duan Jingxiu frowned for a while, and suddenly asked with a bright light in his eyes .

" daughter is smart, she guessed it right away!" The smile on Duan Ziming's face deepened, and he nodded affirmatively.

"Zhuo Yifan actually came to the southwest too? And he found Prince Long with Xie Dongting? What is he going to do?" Duan Jingxiu asked with a face full of surprise.

"I don't know the specifics! I also recognized them from the photos my subordinates gave me!" Duan Ziming shook his head and explained, then took out a photo from his arms and put it on the coffee table.

Duan Jingxiu picked up the photo, and immediately saw two unfamiliar faces in the photo, but had seen many times.It's not that she has met these two people before, but she has seen their photos a few times!And when Zhuo Yifan's New Ocean Group was in the limelight, Duan Jingxiu, as the group's general manager, naturally cared about this young prodigy who broke into a business empire at a young age.

"It's really them!" Duan Jingxiu affirmed that his father's words were true!

"Will I still lie to you? Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting have both come to the southwest, it seems that the southwest will not be peaceful now!" Duan Ziming nodded and said worriedly.

"You said they are our hope? But why are you frowning again now?" Duan Jingxiu looked at his father's worried face and asked with some puzzlement.

"I'm afraid I'll go into the wolf's lair just after I get out of the tiger's mouth!" Duan Ziming explained with a wry smile.

Duan Jingxiu was taken aback when he heard the words, nodded thoughtfully and said, "Father, you are saying that you are worried that the Zhuo family is as ambitious as the Long family and has bad intentions for us!"

"Our Duan family has never had the intention of harming others. But we must guard against others!" Duan Ziming warned in a deep voice.

"Don't we know nothing about the Zhuo family?" Duan Jingxiu asked curiously.

Duan Ziming shook his head and explained: "It's not that I don't know anything. It's that our Duan family has always been aloof from the world. Apart from some communication with the other three families, there may be some communication on business. The family will only meet on routine and necessary major events! We can judge that the Long family is a hungry tiger, but it is not clear whether the Zhuo family is a hungry wolf. The monsters that the Long family can produce are enough to explain their nature As for the Zhuo family, so far, they have been relatively peaceful. On the surface, they have been working hard for the country, and they are also sitting and fighting with the Long family in secret! But these are the most superficial things. The deeper things of the Zhuo family , It is simply impossible to touch with our intelligence system!"

"I understand! But I don't think there should be a big problem with Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting. Especially the former, I have studied it for a while. You told me before that he was 20 years ago by the Zhuo family in desperation. To an abandoned baby hidden among the people. But his identity is the future successor of the Zhuo family! And 20 years later, he returned to the capital from Huajianmen, and re-acquainted with the Zhuo family, and returned to his identity as the heir. What he has done these years, although we have not been able to verify it for a period of time before. But since he arrived in the capital, I have roughly known everything. This person is not a traitor except for his love and a little more women around him. He is an evil person. Moreover, the Long family has stumbled under his hands several times. Many of the things he does are also beneficial to the country! If it were me, I would choose to believe him. At least he is better than Prince Long. Believe it!" Duan Jingxiu explained in a deep voice.

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