super unscrupulous student

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"Can you tell me now, what is the purpose of your visit to Hong Kong this time? I asked the higher-ups, but they only let me obey your orders, and they don't know anything else. What's going on?" Liu Zilan saw the service After the student walked out, he went straight to the topic and asked.

"To be precise, no one else knows about my mission in Hong Kong except Chief Executive Zeng. Even Chief Executive Zeng's secretary doesn't know. This matter has too much influence, and we cannot leak any news." Zhuo Yifan He explained with a straight face.

"So serious? If so, how can I cooperate with you?" Liu Zilan asked in surprise.

"Of course I won't keep it from you. But the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. It is currently in the stage of absolute secrecy. Once it gets out, the whole of Hong Kong, and even the whole of China will be messed up!" Zhuo Yifan could only say He continued to explain with a serious face.

"What the hell is it? You sound like it's the end of the world!" Liu Zilan was full of surprise, and at the same time became more curious.

"Let's talk later, the waiter is here!" Zhuo Yifan reminded, and then the door was knocked again.Immediately after, the waiter opened the door, put the coffee that Liu Zilan ordered earlier on the table, and then turned around and backed out.

After confirming that the waiter had gone far away, Zhuo Yifan asked softly: "You said, if an unidentified nuclear warhead appeared in Hong Kong and it was not under the control of the government, what would be the consequences?"

"What did you say? You're not kidding me, are you?" Liu Zilan was completely taken aback by the shocking news, her eyes widened and she asked in disbelief.

"Of course I'm not joking with you. It's impossible for me to make a joke about this kind of thing. Every word I tell you next, you must rot in your stomach. Before this matter is resolved, without my Allowed, but not to anyone. Can you do it?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a serious face.

"Don't worry, I know the principle of confidentiality. Thank you for trusting me so much. I will never mention you to anyone. You can talk now!" Liu Zilan cheered up and immediately nodded her promise.

"Very good! Then I'll make a long story short. A few months ago, a military base in the United States was stolen. And what was stolen was a small-yield nuclear warhead, enough to destroy a small and medium-sized city. Then this nuclear warhead was stolen After dismantling, they were shipped out of the United States by various means, and then transported to Asia through one or more international freight lines in South America. And according to reliable information, the first stop is Hong Kong!" Zhuo Yifan no longer concealed, and went straight to the point explained.

"My God, how is this possible? What organization has such great power to steal the nuclear warheads from the US military base?" Although she had made enough psychological preparations, Liu Zilan was still shocked by Zhuo Yifan's explanation.To her, this is no different from the Arabian Nights.But she knew that Zhuo Yifan would not lie to herself, let alone make fun of such things.

"That's why I said, this matter must be kept secret. You must not reveal any news to the outside world. Otherwise, I think you are very clear about the terrible consequences!" Zhuo Yifan warned.

"I understand. But are you sure that this nuclear warhead was really sent to Hong Kong? Could there be a mistake in the information?" Liu Zilan nodded in agreement, and then asked hesitantly.

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