super unscrupulous student

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"I personally collected this information, and the source happened to be internal information from the CIA and the National Security Agency. What do you think are the chances of making mistakes?" Zhuo Yifan asked back.

"You can actually get information from the US Security Agency and the CIA?" Liu Zilan widened her eyes in surprise when she heard this, and looked at Zhuo Yifan like she was looking at a freak.God knows what this guy ate to grow up?No matter how powerful it is, it's not so powerful, right?

"I can't explain this to you, and I certainly can't explain it in one or two sentences. You just need to know that things have arrived in Hong Kong. As for how they got in, did they leave Hong Kong, and if they left, where did they go? The most important thing The most important thing is to find it! This is the core of our mission!" Zhuo Yifan reminded abruptly.

"Then what clues do you have now? Do you know who did this?" Liu Zilan frowned and asked.The news Zhuo Yifan revealed was enough to shock and excite her.As a policeman, Liu Zilan naturally has the moment in her heart to save the people in distress and become the people's hero.Although this case is appalling, if she succeeds in finding out the nuclear warhead, she will definitely be a hero to the nation.So shock and excitement coexist, this is the true portrayal of Liu Zilan's heart.

Seemingly reading the eagerness in Liu Zilan's eyes, Zhuo Yifan couldn't laugh or cry.This woman is also extremely restless in her bones.

"Do you still remember when I came to Hong Kong for the first time, what was it for?" Zhuo Yifan didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"It was to investigate the whereabouts of your brother-in-law, and also found an underground base in Lantau Island. Is there any connection between the current case and that incident?" Liu Zilan asked subconsciously.

"I can only tell you that our opponents have always been the same people!" Zhuo Yifan explained helplessly.

"It's them again? They were able to steal nuclear warheads from the US military base? Isn't this too powerful?" Liu Zilan was shocked again when she heard this, but at the same time she couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Don't underestimate your opponent. In fact, if I want, I can go anywhere in the United States, and it's not a problem to steal anything!" Zhuo Yifan reminded confidently.

"Are you bragging? Are you so powerful?" Liu Zilan curled her lips and snorted disapprovingly.

"Otherwise, do you think that I am only in my early twenties, and I can sit as a lieutenant general in the military? There are some people in this world whose abilities you will never understand! As a friend, I have revealed to you the original Information that you shouldn't know. I hope you just listen to it and don't mention it to anyone!" Zhuo Yifan explained lightly.

"Lieutenant general? I remember that you were a major general last time, but now you have become a lieutenant general? You have been promoted too fast, right?" Liu Zilan asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"This just shows my ability! Let's get down to business." Zhuo Yifan nodded, then changed the topic and said: "We now have a suspicious target, we know the origin of the nuclear warhead, and we also know that the nuclear warhead has passed through the international freight line , and entered Hong Kong. The first task now is to investigate how the nuclear warheads flowed into Hong Kong! Which freight company they passed through, and what does it have to do with the people behind the scenes. Where did they go after entering Hong Kong?"

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