super unscrupulous student

5949 - Magical Means 1

"Uncle Li? It's Li Jiacheng, right? I haven't seen him for some years. When I came to Hong Kong with your father, I often sat with him. Now Zekai is helping you manage Tianyao Group, you go It is also right to relieve his worries. What's more, you Uncle Li is also an old acquaintance of your father and me. You should go first. There is Yan'er here with us, so you don't have to worry!" Zhuo mother Nodding in agreement.

"Li Jiacheng? Xiaofan, do you still know him?" Father Liu who was driving was startled when he heard this.Even Liu's mother in the co-pilot showed a look of surprise.

"It's a family friend. Uncles and aunts don't mind if I go there?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile and nodded.

"Then go quickly, what do we care about? I'm just a little surprised. I usually only see Li Jiacheng on TV, and I always feel that he is far away from us. I didn't expect us Xiaofan to have such a relationship with Li Jiacheng." relationship." Father Liu said with a big laugh at this moment.

"Then I'll go there first." Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.Then the figure flashed and disappeared into the carriage.

"Hey, why is he walking so fast? I wanted to stop the car and let him get off. I didn't realize the door was open either? How did he get out?" Liu's father found that Zhuo Yifan had disappeared, and suddenly looked surprised asked.

In fact, Zhuo Yifan's speed has long been indistinguishable to ordinary people with the naked eye and feeling.He couldn't even detect the momentary opening and closing of the door.

"Brother and sister-in-law, don't worry too much, Xiaofan still has a lot of magic in him, even a mother like me can't figure it out. Let him go!" Zhuo's mother explained with a smile at this time.

After Zhuo Yifan left the crowd, he appeared on the side of the road.He took out his mobile phone and called Li Jiacheng.After all, it is not sure whether he is at home or somewhere else.

After receiving Zhuo Yifan's call, Li Jiacheng looked very happy, and asked with a smile: "Xiaofan? Why do you have time to call uncle today?"

"Uncle Li, I heard from brother Zekai that you have a problem with your body. I just happen to be in Hong Kong today and I want to visit you!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.Hearing Li Ka-shing's moderately angry voice, he finally let go of his worried heart.

"You are in Hong Kong? That's great. I'm in Industrial Group now. Do you know the location?" Li Jiacheng was very happy to tell where he was when he heard this.

"Are you still working now? Well then, I'll be there soon!" Zhuo Yifan agreed, and then ended the call with Li Jiacheng, and disappeared on the side of the road in a flash.Fortunately, there were no people or vehicles nearby, otherwise he would have been stunned by the scene in front of him.

When Zhuo Yifan came downstairs of Zhonghuan Industrial Group, he found two security guards walking towards him directly.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhuo?" One of the security guards asked aloud.

"That's right. Uncle Li asked you to pick me up, right?" Zhuo Yifan nodded and asked.

"That's right. Mr. Zhuo, please come in with us!" The security guard nodded and explained, then led Zhuo Yifan into the building.

After following two security guards into the headquarters building of the industrial group, Zhuo Yifan took the elevator directly to the floor where Li Jiacheng's office was located.As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw Li Zeju coming up to him with a smile.

"Xiaofan, long time no see!" Li Zeju greeted Zhuo Yifan very warmly.

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