super unscrupulous student

5950 - Magical Means 2

"Yes, brother Zeju, how is uncle's health?" Zhuo Yifan asked bluntly.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Zekai came back two days ago to look at it, and he just left yesterday. You don't have to make a trip for such a trivial matter!" Li Zeju explained with a smile.

"That's what it should be. Wait a minute, I'll give you all some physical conditioning. I think Uncle Li must have a long life!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile and nodded.

"Oh? Physical conditioning?" Li Zeju's eyes widened in surprise when he heard this.

"That's right. To be precise, it's just washing the tendons and cutting the marrow. I'd better go see my uncle first." Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"Then come with me, my dad is waiting for you in the office!" Li Zeju nodded with a smile, and led Zhuo Yifan into the side office.

"Dad, Xiaofan is here!" Li Zeju shouted as soon as he entered the door.

"Oh? Xiaofan, you're finally here. It's been a long time since I saw you. Uncle misses you very much!" Li Jiacheng was very affectionate when he saw Zhuo Yifan.

"Uncle, you are welcome. Xiaofan is also thinking about uncle's physical condition. I came here today to cleanse your tendons and marrow for you and brother Zeju. I have entered the stage of transformation. After helping you recuperate your body, I guarantee that you can Dozens of years younger!" Zhuo Yifan stepped into the topic with a smile.

"You have already entered the stage of transforming gods? Sure enough, you are the son of Mr. Zhuo. I didn't expect to have the cultivation of transforming gods at such a young age. You just said that you want to wash my tendons and cut my marrow? What's going on?" Li Jiacheng heard Yan was taken aback for a moment, then asked with a look of surprise.

"Well, I'll explain to you after I'm done. I just don't know if there is a place to take a shower here? I think there is a bathroom in the lounge inside, right?" Zhuo Yifan turned his head and looked to one side. asked the closed door.

"That's right. It's my lounge with a bathroom!" Li Jiacheng nodded and explained.

"The two of you can move in. I'll wash your tendons and marrow in the lounge. It doesn't take much time, 5 minutes for each of you. Take a shower after you're done, and you'll see the effect. I Guarantee that Uncle Li will be free from all diseases in the next few decades, and that he will be as motivated as a young man when he works!" Zhuo Yifan swore.

"Is there such a thing? Well, you can help uncle. Uncle's health has been getting worse and worse these years, and he is suffering from headaches. It's not that I don't want to die, but Zeju already has a wife and children, but he hasn't Seeing Ze Kai get married, I feel a little bit unwilling!" Li Jiacheng nodded helplessly and said.

"Why is Uncle Li bothering about this? You want Brother Zekai to have a family, isn't that very easy? He and Sister Manny, I think it's coming soon? Get them married as soon as possible, and you can hug him Grandson!" Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, and he immediately told what he promised Li Zekai last night.This can be regarded as fulfilling his promise.

Li Jiacheng was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded with a wry smile and said, "That's what you said. If you hadn't persuaded me, I wouldn't have agreed with Ze Kai to marry a starlet."

"Uncle Li, let's be more careful. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Let them decide the happiness of young people. The most important thing for you is to hold your grandson, isn't it?" Zhuo Yifan comforted him old-fashionedly.

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