super unscrupulous student

5951 - Magical Means 3

"Well, what you said makes sense. I won't ask about this matter. Zekai can get married whenever he wants, so let him do it. Just remember to let me have a grandson as soon as possible!" Li Jiacheng then nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, I'll tell Brother Li the good news when I get back. Now I'll help you wash your muscles and cut your marrow first! Come in with me, both of you!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with bright eyes, and then pushed away the door in the lounge. door, and walked in with the two of them.

After working in the lounge for half an hour, Zhuo Yifan led the two of them out again.At this time, Li Zeju and Li Jiacheng, the father and son, were still unbelievable about the changes in their bodies. Looking at Zhuo Yifan's eyes, they showed gratitude.

"Xiaofan, have I really become younger?" Li Jiacheng asked with some uncertainty.

"That's natural, uncle, don't doubt it anymore. You are no different from a 30-year-old young man now!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and assured.

"Xiaofan, isn't this amazing? Then don't you have the ability to rejuvenate people?" Li Zeju asked in surprise.

"You can put it this way. Isn't your body the best proof?" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a smile.

"It's unbelievable. Xiaofan, if you don't have anything to do at noon, you can stay for dinner. We father and son have to thank you for your kindness of rebuilding!" Li Zeju said gratefully.

"No, I have to go to the street later. My mother and girlfriend are still shopping in the street. I have to go and accompany them!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head quickly and said.

"Your mother? Xiaofan, do you mean that your younger siblings have also come to Hong Kong? Isn't she sick? ... That's right, you have this ability now, and her illness should be cured!" Li Jiacheng had a look on his face at this time Asked in surprise, then nodded and said in relief.

"Yes, my mother has recovered from her illness and is now in good spirits. But I have to hurry over to accompany them, or they will complain later!" Zhuo Yifan explained helplessly.

"How about this, Xiaofan, I will be the host at noon, how about having dinner with you all? My siblings and I haven't seen each other for more than ten years. That is, I went to Dongdu 15 years ago, and then I went to your house for a while. This time, she came to Hong Kong with great difficulty, so it’s really unreasonable for me not to treat her to dinner!” Li Jiacheng put forward his own request at this time.

"This... how about it. You will arrange the hotel in a while, and I will wait for your call. But there are more than a dozen people on my side, and there is probably not enough room for one table!" Zhuo Yifan said a little embarrassedly.

"Could you have brought all your little girlfriends?" Li Zeju joked from the side at this time.

"Brother Zeju really hit the spot. There are also my two mother-in-laws and one father-in-law. So there are a lot of people, as long as Uncle Li doesn't mind!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"I don't mind, I definitely don't mind. It's a family, so it's right to treat everyone to a meal. Then it's settled. I'll call you later. Go shopping with them first!" Li Jiacheng nodded quickly and said .

"Then I'll go first, see you later!" Zhuo Yifan agreed, and then disappeared in front of the two of them in a flash.

"Is this Xiaofan becoming a fairy? How can I say that he is gone?" Seeing this situation, Li Zeju immediately asked his father in astonishment.

Li Jiacheng said disapprovingly: "I don't know if he has become a fairy, but I know he is not far away from becoming a fairy!"

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