super unscrupulous student

6038 - Cultivation of Nascent Soul 3

"That's right, it's a pity that there is not enough aura in the world here. Even if Grandpa wants to help you, he is powerless. It's a bit embarrassing. If you want me to help you, I guess we have to go to Kunlun. It may be able to help you maximize the potential in your body!" Zhuo Aotian explained with some hesitation.

"Don't be so troublesome, I have good things in my ring!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly, and then took out a fairy stone from the storage ring.

"This is... what is this thing? It feels more pure and huge than the aura contained in the spirit stone?" Zhuo Aotian asked with a surprised face when he saw the fairy stone. .

"This is the fairy stone that I got unintentionally during the snowy trial. It is said that it is something from the fairy world, and what is contained in it is not spiritual energy, but fairy energy. Using the fairy energy of the fairy stone to practice is definitely more pure than any other. All the aura will work." Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"You got it during the Snowy Trial? Could it be that you found the space enchantment left by a certain great god in ancient times?" Zhuo Aotian immediately asked with bright eyes.

"It should be like this. At that time, we were besieged by wolves and fell into an unknown space. We found these things from there." Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"It seems that this is indeed a fairy stone. I didn't expect you to have such a chance. If so, we don't need to bother too much. Follow me to the next room, Grandpa will try to solidify the Nascent Soul for you!" Zhuo Aotian said slowly Nodding slowly, he turned around, walked towards a side room, and gave instructions.

Zhuo Yifan naturally wanted what he wanted, and immediately followed him.

After the grandpa and grandson entered the wing room, they directly sat opposite each other on the bed.At this time, Zhuo Aotian spoke lightly and said: "What you are practicing is "Dharma Body Dual Cultivation Technique". This kind of kung fu is actually a double cultivation of Dharma Body and Physical Body. This is also of great benefit to your Nascent Soul. It's good. While the Dharma body is improving, it can also be regarded as indirectly improving the cultivation of your Nascent Soul. You don't have to worry about your previous ignorance. In fact, you didn't go in the wrong direction!"

"So that's the case. So this "Dharma Body Dual Cultivation Technique" has helped me a lot!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"You can say that. Next, you can enter the state of cultivation. Run the "Dharma Body Dual Cultivation Technique" and start to condense your Nascent Soul. Grandpa will be by your side to help you!" Zhuo Aotian nodded slowly and ordered.

"Thank you, Grandpa! Then I'll start!" Zhuo Yifan nodded gratefully, then held the fairy stone in his hand, slowly closed his eyes, and entered the state of cultivation.

Even Zhuo Yifan, who has comprehended nearly two months of the subtle meaning of "Dharma Body Dual Cultivation Technique", still has not been able to understand its meaning.We can only move forward step by step through constant groping.The cultivation of the first level has reached the middle and late stages, but in essence it is just a pass.This made Zhuo Yifan unavoidably anxious.But this kind of thing can't be rushed, it can only be done slowly.

After Zhuo Yifan entered the practice, he directly started the "Dharma Body Dual Cultivation Technique", and at the same time felt that the originally calm Yuanying in his lower abdomen suddenly emitted a faint golden light.Immediately afterwards, the villain whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened those big round eyes.Judging by the face of this Nascent Soul, it is exactly what Zhuo Yifan looked like when he was a child.

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