super unscrupulous student

6039 - Cultivation of Nascent Soul 4

The majestic immortal energy flowed into his body through the palm of his hand holding the immortal stone, along his arm.The Nascent Soul in Zhuo Yifan's body was like a newborn baby sucking breast milk, greedily absorbing those pure fairy powers.But this guy seemed like a bottomless pit, Zhuo Yifan couldn't see that he didn't have the slightest intention of restraint and contentment, as if that little belly could swallow all the power of the fairy.

The two fairy stones I spent before, more than half of the fairy energy, was sucked away by this guy after entering the god transformation stage.This also made him think that the sudden slowdown in his strength growth had something to do with this little guy stealing his fairy spirit.But he never thought that only when this little guy becomes stronger can he become stronger.Of course, he couldn't feel it yet.

And the Nascent Soul, who is like a phantom, is bathed in the spirit of the fairy at this moment, with golden light all over his body, showing a very excited state.It seems that this huge fairy spirit really made this little guy feel very happy.Before Zhuo Yifan and him, it seemed that he had a telepathy, and he could also feel his state of mind at this time.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan suddenly felt that the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head was being tapped with his fingers.Don't need to think too much, it must be grandpa Zhuo Aotian who has already started to help him with his kung fu.After a while, he felt a stream of pure spiritual energy slowly pouring into his body along the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head, and then gathered into his dantian.

The Nascent Soul, who was still extraordinarily excited and jubilant at first, immediately changed his expression after feeling the infusion of this strange aura, and then suddenly became quiet.He actually imitated Zhuo Yifan's appearance, sat cross-legged, and slowly closed his eyes, as if he had entered the cultivation process.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.This state has never existed before.That little guy is just like a child, he only knows how to absorb those fairy spirits, but I have never seen him refined.Grandfather Zhuo Aotian's action must be to help his own Nascent Soul, refine those fairy spirits, and use them for himself!

Zhuo Yifan, who was extremely pleasantly surprised in his heart, did not dare to reveal the slightest bit.Suppressing the excitement in my heart, I still stabilized my mind and began to enter the state of meditation.

The grandpa and grandson sat on the bed for most of the day.Until it was completely dark.Only then did Zhuo Aotian slowly withdraw his aura, and then opened his eyes.

"Let's stop here for today." Zhuo Aotian ordered lightly, and then dodged under the bed.

Zhuo Yifan also opened his eyes, feeling the aura flowing in his body, and his heart was even more excited: "Thank you, Grandpa!"

"You don't need to thank me. I don't know how much immortal energy I can help your Nascent Soul absorb with my little help. But this immortal energy is very pure, and it is more than a thousand times better than ordinary spiritual energy. Believe it If you continue to practice at this speed, within two days, your Nascent Soul will condense into a solid body." Zhuo Aotian smiled and nodded.

Zhuo Yifan heard the words, but shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's thanks to the fairy stone. But today's practice has consumed nearly half of the storage capacity of this fairy stone. If you do it again, this fairy stone will be exhausted. Turned into an ordinary stone."

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