super unscrupulous student

The Secret of the Demon Race 7434

"The war between the demons and the human world can be traced back to ancient times. It seems that the demons appeared at the same time as the human world began. Their ideas and practices are all opposed to other races, which makes it impossible for the two sides to reconcile. Previously The demons are poor in resources, so they have to invade other interfaces and provoke various wars, but after all, the two sides have restrained themselves, and their strengths are not much different, so they have been in a stalemate. I don't know how many times it is fierce, and many people don't understand the reason, in fact, it's just that the demons have found the key secret to fight away."

"Away game? What does that mean?" Zhuo Yifan was puzzled.

"The demons practice demonic energy, which is good for fighting and killing. Many exercises are also extremely cruel, but in the human world, they cannot absorb the demonic energy, which causes their combat power to be greatly damaged. In fact, due to the comparative Evil, with very powerful attack power and quick results, is stronger than all walks of life in the world. The reason why the two sides are at a stalemate is because the demons almost always fight away. But now, they have mastered a technology that can The away game has become the home game, and the attack power has naturally increased."

"What kind of technology is this that has such an effect?" Both Zhuo Yifan and Qing Yan were taken aback. Li Li had also analyzed the reason why the demons became stronger before, and now it seems that it is true.

"This technology is a strange array "Change the Yin and Yang Array" that has been passed down to ancient times. This array is very magical. According to the size of the array, it can change the corresponding area into a demonic space suitable for the survival of demons. You can see the demonic energy outside. , as if you have come to the Demon Realm, that is because they have arranged such a formation outside the Immortal Spirit Sect, which forcibly turns the aura of heaven and earth into demonic energy, reversing yin and yang!"

"What, they can directly convert spiritual energy into demonic energy. Doesn't this mean that as long as they are willing and have enough formations, the entire planet will become the land of the demon world?" Zhuo Yifan was really shocked.

If these bastards also set up several large formations like this on the earth, wouldn't the whole earth be destroyed?

"It's exactly like this. After the demons got the "Yin-Yang Formation for Changing the World", their strength soared, they expanded wildly, and launched crazy wars against all walks of life."

"But what does all this have to do with Xianlingzong?" Zhuo Yifan asked suspiciously.

"To set up a large formation, there is a necessary material, wood spirit crystal. Without this kind of spirit crystal, their large formation cannot operate. Our fairy sect has guarded such a vein for thousands of years. In order to get more Wood Lingjing, set up more large formations, the demon race is bound to win against our Fairy Spirit Sect."

Mo Shang finally revealed such an astonishing secret.

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "Is the real wood spirit crystal very precious?"

"Yes, it's very, very precious. The entire planet Jupiter, and our Fairy Spirit Sect has such a vein!" Mo Shang said, "Ancestor Mo Chen, a true immortal, naturally disdains these spirit crystals. When the old man left , specially built the Forbidden Land Formation, in order to protect this mine vein.”

"So, Senior Mo Chen knew the purpose of this wood spirit crystal at that time? Then why didn't the demons know until today?"

"The ancestor didn't say anything, but seeing how seriously he treats him, he should know." Mo Shang was also a little unsure.

"Yifan, this wood spirit crystal vein is in the treasury behind me. It is the greatest treasure of the Fairy Spirit Sect! For thousands of years, the suzerains have always kept the ancestors' teachings in mind, and have never gone down to explore. This time I I am telling you this secret because this sect has already existed in name only, and there are only a few of you left, as for how to deal with the wood spirit crystal, you can figure it out yourself!"

Recommend a friend's book "Needless Masters Vertical City".

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