super unscrupulous student

The Secret of the Demon Race 7435

Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly and said, "The demons are still guarding outside. The lives and deaths of Master Mo Li and Qinglong Huofeng are unknown, and I don't know what to do."

"Xiaofan, I believe you will be able to lead us, revive the Immortal Spirit Sect, and drive the demons out of Tianjupiter." Qingyan had blind trust in Zhuo Yifan, and she stood up to the end absolutely unconditionally.

"Yifan, you are the reincarnation of a true immortal. You were born with a body of fire and spirit, and you have also practiced the technique of dual cultivation of dharma and body. Your future prospects are limitless. Don't underestimate yourself. I’m afraid you must be the one who came out of Jupiter. It’s actually not difficult to defeat the demons. The wood spirit crystals are their lifeblood, and without enough wood spirit crystals, the demons cannot expand.”

Zhuo Yifan nodded and said: "This is finally good news. Knowing the enemy's weakness, it will be easy to handle. We only need to destroy the enemy's large formation and consume their wood spirit crystals to eliminate the advantage of the demons, so as to serve the enemy. Humanity has more opportunities."

"Now only you know the secret of the wood spirit crystal. You must pass this news out as soon as possible. If the "Yin-Yang Formation" is destroyed, the overall strength of the demons will drop by more than [-]%."

Qingyan said worriedly: "Tianmuxing is full of desolation, and the demon flames are rolling. No one knows how many large formations the demons have arranged, and how many human races are left. It is not easy to destroy the demons."

"The demons also need a large population. They will only kill all the cultivators who oppose them. They are very tolerant of ordinary people and traitors who surrender to them. The three sects of Tianmuxing, Xianlingzong, Tianxingzong, and Qianji Palace, With my Immortal Spirit Sect as the head, if the demons want to occupy Tianjupiter, the first thing they have to deal with is our Immortal Spirit Sect, and the small sects in other places should not be greatly affected."

Zhuo Yifan nodded and said: "The most urgent thing is to unite these scattered practitioners and condense them into one force, so as to have a chance to counterattack. It's just that the demons will definitely surround the sect heavily in order to obtain the wood spirit crystal. There are two masters in the Mahayana period, it is difficult for us to rush out."

"It's Dongfang Liang and He Bizheng, these two thieves. They took refuge in the ancestors of the demon clan and willingly became lackeys of the demon clan. It is really a disgrace to the cultivation world of Jupiter!"

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback: "Are these two people from Jupiter?"

"Exactly, Dongfang Liang is a traitor of Tianxing Palace. Thousands of years ago, he was hailed as the number one genius of the sect, but he was extremely conceited. He thought that our human race's cultivation methods were too routine, so he entered the way of magic and eventually became a sinner of Tianjupiter. He is the vanguard of the demon invasion this time, and his hands have been stained with human blood, Yifan, if there is a chance in the future, he must kill this thief and avenge thousands of cultivators."

There was anger in Mo Shang's voice, if Dongfang Liang didn't surrender to the enemy, he would cooperate with the outside, and Tianmuxing was like a cloud of masters, how could the demons succeed so easily?

Zhuo Yifan was greatly surprised, this day Jupiter is really extraordinary, as far as now, there are three Mahayana masters, Mo Li, Mo Shang, and Dongfang Liang, and the other two sects of Tianxing Palace and Qianji Palace are the masters. Without a Mahayana master, Zhuo Yifan would never believe it.A planet with so many masters in the Mahayana period is actually directly occupied by the demons. The strength of the demons is really unfathomable!

"Why Bizheng is a real demon. He is cruel and easy to kill. It is said that he likes to eat people's hearts. Every meal must be served with the heart of a baby. There are countless ordinary humans who have died at his hands. If you let this demon come to you You have to think about the situation yourself." Mo Shang sighed helplessly: "Elder Mo Li and your three great beasts teamed up, although they are not the opponents of these two, it is not difficult to escape. Don't worry. I think Mo Li also intends to divert the tiger away from the mountain, to lure away the two masters of the Mahayana stage, and it shouldn't be difficult for you to break through." Mo Shang said after analyzing.

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