Zhuo Yifan is a real god on the Three Immortals, and the guardian token allows him to control the entire planet effortlessly.

Now Zhuo Yifan has fully understood what the so-called rules of heaven are. These are actually some special rules set for the planet after the planet master refines the planet.

The whole planet is like a big magic weapon, which was refined by the power, and then the law of the source family was arranged to form rule runes.

This rule rune is more like a layer of armor covering the outside of the planet. If the creatures inside want to ascend, they have to tear off this layer of armor.

But the armor contains a certain amount of intelligence, and it will set up causal entanglement according to how many resources of the planet are used by the creatures below. This is like a trade relationship. As long as you don't owe each other, then this rule will not restrict you.

If you owe money, then I'm sorry, just pay it off before leaving!

Unless you can be strong enough to ignore the rules of the planet.

But since he has reached the realm of ignoring the rules, he is at least at the peak of a true demon.

Now that Zhuo Yifan has a thorough understanding of the guardian token, he has truly refined it.

Now, this token is completely integrated into the Tianfeng Stele, and this planet has become the first planet that Zhuo Yifan has completely controlled in the true sense.

There are a total of three planets in the Three Immortals, but Zhuo Yifan has no time to take care of the affairs of the other two planets. After the matter of the Outer Demon Realm is resolved, he plans to completely refine and control the entire Three Immortals and become his base camp. .

After several battles between the Tiger King and the demon monks, he was finally convinced.

Zhuo Yifan waved his hand, and everyone appeared in Tianyaozong Square.

Hearing that Zhuo Yifan was leaving, everyone was very reluctant.

Tiger King proposed to keep some masters to help Tianyaozong conquer the other two planets. Zhuo Yifan always pays for everyone, and everyone will feel guilty.

Well, this reason is very strong, Zhuo Yifan has no reason not to agree.

Moreover, the members of Tianyaozong really need to develop. After experiencing the trip to the secret realm, he also feels the importance of both Dharma and body cultivation.

Letting these spirit beasts go to the secret land to practice for a while can also play a role in training.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, and he stretched out his hand, and the Baili Shenkeng suddenly changed.

After the sword of the saint was taken away, everyone hadn't looked at the hundred-mile-deep pit carefully, but now they saw it, and they couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Although the holy sword left, the surrounding land seemed to have been affected to a certain extent and completely changed. The rocks shone with a faint white halo, which turned out to contain a strong fairy spirit.

The entire deep pit is filled with dense air, making people feel as if they have arrived in a paradise.

Zhuo Yifan swiped his hands, and a platform suddenly rose in the central area.

This table is like a big bathtub, it is actually composed of a complete spirit stone, but when you get closer, it is not small, it is like a swimming pool.

Everyone was taken aback, not knowing what Zhuo Yifan meant by this move.

Ouyang Qingzhi praised: "Yifan is really the most benevolent and generous suzerain ever."

The demon monks were all moved.

They knew that Zhuo Yifan was going to use the holy water of the underworld to help these disciples cleanse their souls and condense their bodies so that they could practice [Golden Body Art].

The holy water of Huangquan has become unrecognizable, its preciousness makes Dongfang Liang and others covet it endlessly.

Zhuo Yifan has a lot of masters in the Mahayana stage, but he is willing to sacrifice the holy water of the Yellow Springs for these spiritual beasts in the Tribulation Stage. This move is really admirable.

Sure enough, Zhuo Yifan flicked his hand, and three drops of Huangquan holy water flew out of the air and landed in the pool, making a crisp ding-dong sound.

Afterwards, everyone looked at the pool in amazement, and the dense air in it kept flowing, and the water was gurgling, and soon, the pool was filled with diluted Huangquan holy water.

Rao is a demon monk who has been washed once, and his eyes are full of blazing light. After all, what they have experienced is not the real holy water washing of Huangquan, so the effect is naturally much worse.

Tiger King and the others looked at Zhuo Yifan stupidly, not understanding what was going on at all.

It wasn't until he played the emotional demon master with him and told him the truth and what happened that he was shocked.

Zhuo Yifan smiled and said: "You don't have to be jealous, I know you haven't been really cleansed in the secret realm, this is for you, everyone enters the pool one by one to practice, how much you can absorb depends on your luck .”

The demons were overjoyed when they heard the words, and shouted excitedly, sir.

They didn't panic, after all, there was General Ouyang Qingzhi present, and all the demons had already formed a team. According to the order of the team, 1000 people could enter at a time.

The spirit beasts on this planet looked at Zhuo Yifan eagerly, and they also knew the process of the secret realm, and they were full of admiration for Zhuo Yifan.

In the mouths of these demon cultivators, Zhuo Yifan has almost become an omnipotent super expert, and even the real demon masters from the upper world can't walk in his hands for a round.

The experience of Zhuo Yifan saving everyone several times and sacrificing himself time and time again in order to save others also touched everyone, secretly thinking that he was following the right person.

Who doesn't want this kind of master who doesn't take but gives?

Of course, Zhuo Yifan couldn't treat one more favorably than another. Sensing the surge of believers, he couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

These spirit beasts are rapidly transforming into believers.

With a move of Zhuo Yifan's mind, he completely conveyed the [Golden Body Jue] into the minds of believers, which is faster than they can learn by themselves.

After all, as long as you recall and search your own memory, you can know the secret book, not only that, Zhuo Yifan's own cultivation perception is also included.

After all, he is a super strongman who has completed two condensed runes, so he naturally has a wealth of experience. According to his experience, the speed of these believers practicing [Golden Body Art] will be greatly accelerated, and there are almost no shackles.

Of course, it is not an easy task to condense 9999 runes, and there is a long way to go, but after practicing, the physical defense must at least double.

Except for a very small number of spiritual practitioners who were wary of Zhuo Yifan and did not really become believers, even quasi-believers, they all accurately received the spiritual information passed by Zhuo Yifan, and each of them happily began to comprehend.

After they have finished their comprehension, they will soak in the holy water pool to absorb it, and they will naturally achieve something.

As the demon cultivators entered the pool to condense their souls, surprises appeared one after another.

Many demon cultivators who were stuck at the peak of the tribulation stage have made breakthroughs and started to cross the tribulation.

For these people, Zhuo Yifan directly moved them to a deserted wilderness with a big hand, allowing them to accept the baptism of Lei Jie.

With so many benefits, if you can't even survive such a small Mahayana catastrophe, there is no need to live in this world.

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