It took more than three hours for 10 Mozu monks to finish washing, with an average of one round every [-] minutes.

As for the spiritual practitioners, there is indeed no limit. Anyway, after Zhuo Yifan and the others left, they could stay there as long as they wanted.

The Presbyterian Church has a different opinion on this. This is a gift from the suzerain, it is very precious, how can it be wasted?

So the elders decided that the time for everyone to wash is still 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, no matter whether it is effective or not, they must quit.

The remaining holy water from Huangquan will be preserved as the most precious treasure of the sect.

And the hundred-mile deep pit will also be built into the holy land of the sect.

Zhuo Yifan also smiled wryly at this, and didn't take it seriously.

After leaving nearly [-] monks who needed to break through, Zhuo Yifan, Ouyang Qingzhi, and Murong Xiaoqian led an army of [-] monks and left the Three Immortals directly.

Everyone's eyes brightened, and they found that they had come to a planet, which was Zhuo Yifan's first planet in the demon world... Tianyao Xing.

This place has long been connected to Zhuo Yifan's space matrix, and it can be directly transmitted with just one thought.

This is also because Zhuo Yifan's current strength has skyrocketed. If it was before, he would still have to transit through the Nether Tower space.

Now it is to directly lock the coordinates of the planet in the space, to penetrate the mind, and to teleport directly.

This method is naturally mysterious in the eyes of outsiders, comparable to gods.

For a while, everyone was still a little dazed. They never imagined that they were still in the Three Immortals just a moment ago, but at this moment they were already inside the Demon Realm.

No matter how long the teleportation array is, it probably won't be able to travel so far!

Zhuo Yifan didn't stop, after all, he was worried that He Bizheng would not be able to hold on.

It was the first time for Yu Batian to come outside the secret realm, and he was very surprised.After seeing a world different from the secret realm, his ambitions expanded even more.

"My lord, let's teleport back to Lost City No. [-] right now. There are a lot of weapons there, which can help my lord deal with the dark and silver allied forces."

Yu Batian, who was terrified to death at first, was full of pride at this moment. After seeing Zhuo Yifan's magic, he suddenly realized that compared with the two big families, Zhuo Yifan was the real fearsome one.

Along the way, the eight major families were almost completely annihilated and suffered heavy losses, but Zhuo Yifan not only suffered no damage, but instead gained countless benefits.

Almost all the advantages belong to him, but others are the blame. Whether it is luck or strength, people have to admire. With such an adult, the future achievements are really limitless.

And he also saw that Zhuo Yifan didn't have any desire for power, and even more wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

It just suits his appetite, has an incomparably powerful backer, but does not interfere with his own affairs, where in the world can he find such a good job?

Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise, "Can it be teleported over such a long distance?"

"It should be possible. The Eight Great Families have set up remote teleportation arrays in many places. As long as you know the other party's coordinate code, you can teleport." Yu Batian explained.

Zhuo Yifan said, "Where is the nearest teleportation array?"

A demon said: "Teleportation is only available in the homeland of the eight major families, and the nearest one is only the dark family."

Zhuo Yifan immediately made a decision: "Let's go to the dark house."

Ouyang Qingzhi said: "There are so many masters in the dark family, we go, I'm afraid there will be a big battle, what if we can't save in time?"

Zhuo Yifan sneered and said, "God helped me, they want to occupy the seventh secret realm, so let's give him a blow in the back and see who is quicker."

Ouyang Qingzhi frowned and said, "What if the allied forces of the Yin family and the dark family are directly transmitted from the family homeland to Lost City No. [-]?"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically upon hearing the words. If this was the case, Lost City No. [-] would have fallen long ago.

Yu Batian said: "My lord, don't worry, I have a special means of sound transmission. When my lord was in the city lord's mansion last time, we talked through the phone, didn't I? I have ordered Yutian to close all the teleportation arrays, without my order , will never be turned on."

Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly: "The master of Yucheng did a good thing. In this way, the two masters can only go to the secret place by airship, which is slow. Although we were delayed for a few days on the road, they never It will take a few days to go to the mainland of the Demon Realm."

Ouyang Qingzhi said: "I will check the information immediately to see how many people are still in the Anjia headquarters."

These demon monks have all become believers, not to mention that they are dissatisfied with the An family, even the direct disciples of the An family are loyal at the moment, wishing to make contributions to Zhuo Yifan.

For attacking the dark family, they naturally agreed with both hands.

Originally, I didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing. The eight major families are like a huge mountain, which has been straddling the heads of all the demons for tens of thousands of years. These vassal families can only occupy some barren small planets to develop, and they still need to pay tribute every year. , some good resources were plundered by the Eight Great Families.

Cultivation itself is a luxury of competing for resources. Without resources, these vassal families will naturally not be able to develop.

Compared with the eight major families, their strength is simply vulnerable, so they naturally have no intention of resisting.

But it's different now. Through the incident in the secret realm, everyone can see clearly the ugly faces of the Eight Great Families, but in Zhuo Yifan, they feel a completely different kind of warmth. These are simply two extremes.

With such great power, if you don't fight hard for a while, you will not be a cultivator, but a born slave.

Although Zhuo Yifan was the leader of Tianyaoxing's intelligence department, Zhuo Yifan never asked about it, and Ouyang Qingzhi was still handling everything.

Tian Yaoxing's key target is naturally the An family, and the information about the An family is also the most comprehensive.

Soon, Ouyang Qingzhi sorted out the information and walked over.

"Yifan, it seems that this time they have really pissed off the dark family. They have sent millions of troops to conquer the seventh secret realm, saying that they want to kill the seventh secret realm and leave nothing behind."

Ouyang Qingzhi said with an ugly face.

When Zhuo Yifan heard this, not only was he not afraid, but he laughed loudly: "Okay, that's great. After recruiting a million troops, even if the dark family has left some masters to guard the base camp, there should not be many. It just happens to be a pot. They were caught off guard."

Murong Xiaoqian said: "That's right, the people from the Dark Family didn't know that Big Brother Zhuo had such a magical weapon, and they have already returned to the rear. We sneaked in in batches, and suddenly broke out, directly destroying their City Lord's Mansion. It shouldn't be difficult."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and asked for a fight one after another.

Ouyang Qingzhi stared at Zhuo Yifan and said, "Yifan, since this is the case, let's make a quick decision and never give them a chance to mobilize people."

There was a hint of murderous intent in Zhuo Yifan's eyes: "A decadent family like the An family regards human life as worthless. It should have been eradicated long ago. This time, I will take the An family down."

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