super unscrupulous student

Enter the secret realm again

The magic staff struggled constantly in Yu Zun's hand, as if very angry and unwilling.

But in Zhuo Yifan's hands, it was quiet and motionless.

The deep black eyeball-shaped orb on the top also became normal. If it hadn't been for the power of this staff that I had seen before, Zhuo Yifan probably wouldn't want to pick it up if it was thrown in front of Zhuo Yifan.

Yuchan was overjoyed, grabbed Zhuo Yifan and jumped up and down, eyes narrowed: "Hahaha, Yulong, you really didn't disappoint me."

Yu Zun smiled and said: "Now you go to retreat immediately, and you must establish an intimate relationship with the [Void Soul Struggle]."

Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise, "Could it be that he wants to go back on his word?"

Yu Zun said sternly: "It's hard to say, this kind of thing has happened before in history, so don't think that everything will be fine if you get the approval of the staff. Only when you have complete control can you be considered successful."

Zhuo Yifan's heart froze secretly, and he didn't dare to be careless anymore.

This time, Yu Zun was in a good mood and personally sent the two of them to the old woman Yujiao's cave.

The old woman had obviously gotten the news and was standing in front of the gate waiting for the three of them.

This made Yu Zun also feel a little surprised, only he knew the identity of the old woman, and she is currently the number one master of the Fox Clan.

Even if Yu Zun came, he had to be respectful, let alone go out to greet him.

But now, she actually opened the door to greet him in person. Obviously, she also placed extremely high hopes on Zhuo Yifan.

Yu Jiao nodded lightly at Yu Zun, but she didn't have much affection, but when her eyes turned to Zhuo Yifan and Yu Chan, she seemed to be a different person, kind and gentle.

"Good boy, come in."

Yu Zun raised his foot to go in, but was stopped by her.

"I'm sorry, I don't welcome men here." The old woman had a cold face, completely disrespecting Yu Zun, the number one leader of the fox clan.

Yu Zun smiled bitterly and said, "Elder Sister, after all these years, you still refuse to forgive my younger brother?"

"Stop talking nonsense, if it weren't for Yu Chan Yulong's sake, if you dare to approach my cave for a hundred miles, I will kill you, now get out of here."

After finishing speaking, the two doors automatically closed with a bang, keeping Yu Zun outside.

Yu Zun looked at the cave that was gradually disappearing into the void, but there was a wry smile on his face, shaking his head, he turned and left helplessly.

Zhuo Yifan said in surprise: "Mother-in-law, why don't you let Second Uncle in?"

Yujiao said: "Grandma doesn't allow foxes who have successfully transformed to enter here. This is the rule, so don't ask." He looked at Zhuo Yifan dotingly, and took out another bottle of elixir and stuffed it over: " My child, if you use the elixir to cooperate with the practice, it will be much smoother."

Zhuo Yifan said gratefully, "Thank you mother-in-law."

He happily put the jade bottle in the collar, and he also had a good impression of this old woman.

Although he has no choice but to go undercover now, Zhuo Yifan's heart is not made of iron and stone. Of course, he can't repay favors if others treat him well.

Now, he understood the complicated feelings of those undercover agents.

Desperately approaching the target and establishing a relationship with the target is to obtain information and gain benefits.

It is definitely a cruel test for the soul when others treat you with confidence and regard them as brothers or relatives, but you have to betray your trust, betray and hurt others.

Of course, Zhuo Yifan would not easily shake his determination.

Although the army of human and beast tribes in the evil plane is an enemy, Zhuo Yifan is not arrogant enough to think that he can eliminate this catastrophe with his own power, and in this catastrophe, the fox tribe is actually Poor people, they lost their respect in the past, and were even sent to the lower world to serve as the guards of the passage.

This is absolutely and seriously inconsistent with the identity of the high priest of the fox family.

All this is because the Fox clan has not had a high priest come out in 10 years, and has been completely abandoned by the Nuwa royal family.

The mother-in-law opened the secret realm, and Zhuo Yifan and Yuchan entered again.

Yuchan still chooses to retreat and practice hard.

Her divine eyes have not yet responded, and she needs to meditate.

Zhuo Yifan was still the same as last time, running away, consuming the power of the elixir and tempering his body while running.

The only way now is to cultivate a human body, so as to take the opportunity to restore the original body. .

Because the current body of the fox has been completely sealed by Yu Zun.

Only in the time of transformation can one break free from this shackle.

This is Zhuo Yifan's opportunity, of course he must seize it.

But Zhuo Yifan was a little depressed, how could this body transform into a human form?

It is said that the seven tails can be successfully transformed, but what is a tail by oneself?

Zhuo Yifan secretly groaned in his heart, shouldn't he have to cultivate seven tails himself?At this speed, how long will it take to cultivate seven tails?

Even if I can wait, can my relatives and friends wait?

Zhuo Yifan had made up his mind to practice hard.

With the help of the elixir gifted by Yujiao, he ran wildly in the secret realm, while absorbing the spirit energy of the heavens and the earth, while digesting the energy of the elixir, tempering his body, it can be said that he has made rapid progress, making rapid progress.

At night, Zhuo Yifan just found a place to sit down cross-legged, picked up the [Void Soul Absorbing Staff], and cultivated feelings according to what Yu Zun said.

Holding this staff in his arms, it feels a bit cool.

Of course, Zhuo Yifan couldn't hold it for fun, but turned on the psychic force field again, enveloped him, and sent out kind thoughts again and again, as if invisible hands were stroking it.

Zhuo Yifan made up his mind that even if the [Void Soul-destroying Staff] was a stubborn egg, he would hatch it himself.

One night passed, Zhuo Yifan's [Guan Shen Ji] was a bit enlightened, but the [Void Dementing Rod] did not change at all, it was still cold and motionless, let alone helping him to practice like a dementing drum up.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan really missed the Dementor Drum, at least the latter had figured it out, knew how to operate it, and it was perfect for tempering the power of resonance.

The next day, Zhuo Yifan continued to eat an elixir, and then ran aimlessly.

This place was refined by an ancient power who stole a corner of the fairy world, and a strong fairy spirit is sealed inside. For monks in the lower realm, it is even more beneficial.

Zhuo Yifan's current fox body is incomparably pure, and with the seal of Yuzun, the more fairy power he absorbs, the more solid his body will be, and it will be more difficult to recover the devil's heart.

The only way is to break through the shackles and transform into a human form, then the seal of Yu Zun can be opened.

For this goal, Zhuo Yifan was going all out, constantly tempering his body and improving his cultivation.

When I was resting, I would ponder the [God Contemplation Collection] and exercise my resonance power on the [Void Soul Struggle].

Guanshen Collection is extremely mysterious, and it is all about the research and discussion on the most original and mysterious soul, soul and life origin of living beings.

Once accomplished, the power is infinite, and the power of resonance is called divine power by the human orcs of the evil plane!

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