super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8257 The Secret of the Void Dementor Rod

This time the practice was more durable.

Zhuo Yifan barely rested. During the day, he ate the elixir and ran wildly to exercise and strengthen his body. At night, he held the [Void Soul Absorbing Stick] to comprehend the collection of gods.

With the passage of time, Zhuo Yifan found that his control over the psychic force field became stronger and stronger.

Although he didn't obviously feel any strange fluctuations from the [Void Dementor Rod], Zhuo Yifan's power of resonance would increase after each comprehension and practice.

In the blink of an eye, 100 years have passed.

Zhuo Yifan's body has grown a lot bigger, and after years of washing with fairy spirit, his body is extremely pure and strong.

Zhuo Yifan had a strange feeling that the time for his transformation should be very near.

In fact, for the Fox Clan, the stage of transformation is equivalent to a human cultivator ascending to a true immortal through a tribulation.

This is an extremely critical process. Among the entire fox clan, there are not many royal foxes who can cultivate to the transformation stage.

They are the core force of the Fox Clan.

Every little fox of the royal family dreams of the day when he can cultivate to transform into form.

No matter which step they cross, they will be like a fish jumping over the dragon's gate and soaring into the sky.

Zhuo Yifan felt that his catastrophe was coming soon, but it was just the catastrophe of being a fox.

He was a little worried, if he succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, would he still be able to integrate the hearts of the world and establish his own kingdom of God?

This was where Zhuo Yifan struggled the most.

But if he didn't change his form, he couldn't even recover his human form, let alone do other things.

Now we can only take one step at a time.

Zhuo Yifan once again comprehended [Guan Shen Ji], and now the magnetic field in his heart has expanded to 10 miles, and all life fluctuations within this range will be perfectly reflected by his spiritual force field.

It's like beings in an infrared detector, each one is clear.

These creatures themselves do not know that even if they exhaust their secret techniques, they cannot escape the detection of the magnetic field of the mind.

Only people like Yuzun and Yuchan who have practiced related secret arts and achieved certain results know how to prevent them and avoid detection.

Of course, this avoidance is not absolute, but relative.

If someone's spiritual magnetic field is strong enough, no matter how much they cover it up, they cannot be avoided.

Zhuo Yifan didn't know if his spiritual cultivation was considered strong.

According to the division of the three super realms of Guanshenji, I should have reached the great achievement of the state of Guanxin!

There are three realms in Guanshenji, Guanxin, Soul and God!

And each level is divided into entry level, great achievement, and peak level!

The state of Guanxin is the entry point of Guanshenji. It is said to be able to sense the spiritual fluctuations of all creatures within the range, and even cause resonance, causing everyone to go mad and die in an instant.

Zhuo Yifan has now reached the state of great achievement, and the fluctuations of creatures within 10 miles are clearly reflected in his spiritual force field.

These creatures themselves simply cannot perceive all this.

In the fairyland, there are some harmless small animals, but they are not allowed to be killed.

This is a real pure land.

Of course, Zhuo Yifan couldn't use the blood pill technique and the magnetic field of the mind here. Once someone died here, Yujiao would probably know it.

Next time I want to come in, I guess it won't be so easy.

Zhuo Yifan's tireless practice and hard work still didn't get a response from the [Void Dementing Staff], but he got used to the cool feeling of this staff, and he didn't feel comfortable if he didn't touch it a few times a day.

Zhuo Yifan sat cross-legged and took out his staff.

According to the previous method, he unfolded the magnetic field of the mind and wrapped the staff, but he no longer poured the power of resonance into it, but tried to arouse the power in the void staff on a whim.

Although this void staff has powerful energy, it is completely blocked by an invisible barrier.

This barrier was so strong that Zhuo Yifan couldn't open it at all.

It's like a child can't get through a one-meter-thick iron gate, almost without trying.

Therefore, Zhuo Yifan has been trying to break through this "door" and establish a spiritual channel with him.

Unfortunately, this road does not work.

This time, Zhuo Yifan thought that he was going to cross the catastrophe soon anyway, so he didn't think so much, but tried it with a playful mentality.

The psychic force field is like the strings of a piano being fluctuated by him, sending out waves of waves.

But this fluctuation is not outward, but inward, creating a suction.

This suction is very weird, it is not a direct suction, but it seems to be composed of countless folds, filtering layer by layer, and wriggling layer by layer, thus producing strange reverse fluctuations.

Just like when he was practicing with the Dementor Drum.

Zhuo Yifan suddenly felt that when this fluctuation was transmitted to the Void Staff, there was a strange fluctuation in the strong fortress.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback.

The Void Staff hasn't changed for so long, but it's not expected that there will be fluctuations now, which is absolutely abnormal.

But for this artifact, abnormal is right.

Zhuo Yifan was overjoyed, and carefully controlled the fluctuation.

The layers of fortresses that were so strong that they could not be destroyed were disintegrating layer by layer like an onion.

Finally, a passage opened up.

From the passage, there came a strange force, so pure and soft.

It is the power of spiritual resonance.

This force merged into the spiritual force field, and soon became one, just like the human body absorbs an elixir.

Different from the slow and invisible growth of practicing [Guan Shen Ji], this growth can be felt directly.

It's like eating and drinking water, slowly feeling the stomach gradually full.

Zhuo Yifan was immersed in this incomparably wonderful feeling and carried himself away.

The power of the mind is the most original power of a person, and the pleasure of growth surpasses everything else.

The power was absorbed by him, and finally reached a saturated state.

Zhuo Yifan felt that his mental force field was saturated, and even expanded a little, so he knew that this training was over.

It is not a good thing to have too much spiritual power pouring in.

Just like a balloon, there is always a moment when it bursts.

Zhuo Yifan stopped absorbing, and the protective layer of the void staff was closed layer by layer, and it returned to its original state again.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help being a little puzzled, could this be the secret of the [Void Dementing Staff]?

Can it make the cultivator twice as fast?

But what Zhuo Yifan felt was more than twice, more than ten times.

But how did the high priests use the staff to enhance their attack power?

What's the point of this staff if you can't multiply and expand your own power layer by layer like 【Dementor Drum】?

Zhuo Yifan looked at the staff again, trying to find something unusual, but he was disappointed.

The method of using [Dementor Drum] obviously won't work, that barrier completely blocked his spiritual power and couldn't penetrate it.

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