super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8300 Fox Clan Plan

It is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Yulong to be unable to give birth to a high priest from the human orc race.

As long as you grasp this opportunity well, you can break into the high-level interior of the human orc clan and obtain more secrets.

Yulong learned from the words of Yuzun and others that this so-called peerless catastrophe swept away almost all living beings.

Moreover, the ancestor gods and true gods of thousands of years did not really fall, but were preparing for this moment in advance.

In other words, this peerless catastrophe was doomed long ago.

The so-called disappearance of the true gods is not actually disappearing, but preparing for the catastrophe.

But no one knows what preparations they have made.

What everyone knows is that these true ancestor gods have disappeared one after another, and there has been no movement for thousands of years.

Yulong said with some doubts: "Since the true gods and the ancestor gods have all failed, isn't it true that no matter what we do, it will be of no avail?"

"This is the wonderful thing about fate. Even if you know that you will die tomorrow, you always have a glimmer of hope, hoping that you can escape and become the only lucky one." Yu Zun smiled slightly: "As long as you live one day, Just can't give up."

Yulong's heart was shocked, and he looked at Yuzun seriously for the first time, nodded and said: "Thank you for the teaching of the second uncle, Yulong will definitely keep it in mind, never give up, never despair."

Yujiao smiled and said: "Yulong, you are a smart and good boy, I believe you will be able to create miracles."

"I always firmly believe that the ancestor gods must be looking for a way out. One day, they will come again and rescue us from the sea of ​​suffering." Yu Zun said firmly: "Before then, what we have to do is to practice hard and save us. own strength."

Yulong said: "We are bound to win the Ouyang Continent, but, will the Lord Guardian agree with us? I don't want different voices to appear on the future territory of the Fox Clan."

Yu Zun and Yu Jiao looked at each other, very relieved.

The calmer Yulong behaved, the happier they were.

Originally, he was worried that he would become famous at a young age, he would inevitably be frivolous and unable to see the situation clearly, but now it seems that his worries are superfluous.

This child is wholeheartedly thinking about the fox clan!

Yu Zun's tone also became somewhat submissive: "Yulong, what are your plans?"

Yulong smiled slightly, knowing that he had obtained a certain status in front of the two seniors. At least, they began to ask for their own opinions on such a major matter related to the future of the race.

"Now Ouyang Continent has [Reaper Alliance] millions of troops, and the Ouyang family is guarding the imperial city. It is very difficult for us to take it by force." Yulong said deliberatively.

"It doesn't matter, my orc clan's army of millions of alien beasts is dispatched, which can crush everything, and the Lord Guardian is on the way, and the army of the million death alliance is vulnerable." Yu Zun sneered disapprovingly: "As for The Ouyang family is not worth mentioning, they can't even resist the Death Alliance, let alone our Dark Alliance?"

Yulong said seriously: "Second Uncle, don't be careless. It is not easy for the Ouyang family to resist the attack of a million troops."

Yu Zun was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "Yulong, you really didn't disappoint me, you are neither arrogant nor impetuous, you are the one who does great things!"

Yujiao smiled and said: "Before I came here, I conducted a survey of the situation here. Whether it is the Death Alliance or the Ouyang Family, it is not easy. The magic circle they set up is sinister and vicious. It is really scary. If we attack by force, we don't know what to do." How many soldiers were sacrificed."

Yulong said: "The Reaper Alliance has almost occupied the entire Ouyang Continent. If we want to seize it, it will definitely cost a lot, but as far as I know, our Dark Alliance is in their family, and we have to deal with it internally. Otherwise, we will not Someone opened the space transmission channel."

Yu Zun said: "You are now the core leader of our Fox Clan, and it's time for you to know something. That's right, although our Dark Alliance has been defeated several times, every time, we will leave us in the Three Realms." Tinder and hope have been multiplied for millions of years, and they have always kept in touch with us with special sacrificial methods."

Yu Zun's heart froze, and he said in surprise: "Are there still people from us in the current Ouyang family?"

"Of course there is, and being in a high position is enough to affect their high-level decisions. Once we wipe out the army of the Death Alliance, it will be easy to seize the imperial city." Yu Zun said with a smile: "But the main force of the Death Alliance is here. As long as we After destroying them, there are only remnants and defeated generals left, which is nothing to mention."

Yulong frowned and said: "There are so many magic circles, it should be very difficult to break them."

Yujiao said: "These magic circles are linked together, and if you pull one to activate the whole body, there is no way to break it."

Yulong frowned and said, "If you don't break the magic circle, how will you deal with the Death Alliance and occupy the Ouyang Continent?"

Yu Zun said: "Many of my human orcs are alien beasts, and our fox tribe has a natural instinct for controlling alien beasts. It is also right for them to contribute a little strength to the rise of our fox tribe. Besides, on this continent , there are countless living beings, it is not difficult for us to grab a few hundred million at will."

Yulong's heart trembled when he heard this.

A chill rose in his heart.

I just saw Yu Zun Yujiao's kindness to me, but I forgot their essence.

They have never had a good impression of the creatures in this world.

If they ruled the mainland, what would happen to the ordinary people in the devil world?

I'm afraid it's even more miserable than being ruled by the Death Alliance!

At least the Reaper Alliance still has a disguise, and it will not offend ordinary people.

He said in a deep voice: "I think that since our fox family wants to thrive in this land, we should show a noble and elegant side. Our enemies can only be the strong, not the creatures who have no resistance."

Both Yu Zun and Yu Jiao looked at each other, a little surprised.

They didn't expect Yulong to have such an idea.

However, the two of them looked down upon human beings and treated them like ants.

It doesn't matter whether they are destroyed or not, and they can't threaten them anyway.

"Yulong, you are now the spokesperson of the Fox Clan, so you can do what you say."

Yu Zun smiled and said: "We also stayed in the dark plane for too long, so it is inevitable that we are a little extreme. In fact, the human-beast race and the human race are originally one, so there is no deep hatred."

"That's right, tens of millions of years have passed. What really caused all this was the so-called True God of the Yuan Clan. However, the Yuan Clan has long been annihilated in the dust of history. Instead, it was the insignificant human slave who became the master. But the lower realm The human race is actually quite pitiful, being enslaved by our own people."

Yuchan interjected: "For the sake of their pity, let's make an exception. Maybe they will be grateful to Dade and join us."

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