super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8301 The Arrival of a Master

Three days later, Lord Guardian led the army to arrive.

The Lord Guardian came here this time because of the secret order of the Holy Emperor to protect Yulong personally.

With Master Guardian's cultivation base, there are few opponents in the Three Realms. He is generally responsible for the safety of the passage, and rarely goes out directly.

Even if you go on an expedition, it will be the higher planes of the fairy world and the dragon world.

Such an existence in the lower realm is simply a symbol of invincibility.

Especially now that the barriers of the Three Realms are gradually collapsing, the power he can exert is also increasing.

With such a super expert coming, Yulong didn't know whether it was good or bad.

At this moment, he was a little conflicted. He wanted to make the barrier of the three realms stronger and suppress the highest strength, but he also worried that there would be no limit and the guardian would become a cancer.

I have seen this guy's strength last time, chasing him across the passage, I almost didn't run away.

But now Yulong is completely different from the inside to the outside, even if the Holy Emperor makes a move, he can't see his reality.

This is the magic of Qianjibian.

"Xuanyuan Lieyang came to pay a visit."

Suddenly a voice came out, full of arrogance, full of an unspeakable domineering.

It was like a hurricane that suddenly swept from the sky and wanted to submerge the entire tent.

Yu Zun snorted coldly, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

His feet sank, and a circle of ripples spread out, turning into an invisible shield, blocking all fluctuations.

Although the guardian's strength is unfathomable, everyone is suppressed now, and his strength in the lower realm is not much stronger than Yuzun.

It's just that he has been in a high position for a long time and is a member of the royal family, so he has a natural sense of superiority.

When I came here this time, seeing no one greeted me, I felt even more annoyed.

This roar was obviously filled with anger.

What is this fox cub, who can soar into the sky just because he cheated His Majesty by deceiving him?

Thinking of Xuanyuan Wuxian's reminder, he was even more furious.

These despicable and shameless guys, in order to rise up the family and regain the importance of the Holy Emperor, they did not hesitate to use tricks to deceive the upper and lower, it is really abominable.

He absolutely does not believe that a real genius will appear in the fox clan!

After 10 years of decline, how can it rise overnight?

This Xuanyuan Lieyang was very loyal to the royal family, otherwise, Xuanyuan Qianxun would not have entrusted him with important tasks.

For the Dark Alliance, the importance of [Empty] is self-evident. Once there is a problem, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Those who can be sent to guard the passage are all cronies of the Holy Emperor.

This Xuanyuan Lieyang is also a royal family, although his royal blood is very thin, but in name, he is still a prince and is reused by the holy emperor.

With such a noble status, condescending to the little fox clan, no one came to greet him, what Xuanyuan Lieyang felt was uncomfortable.

With a wave of his big hand, Yu Zun stepped out, looked at Xuanyuan Lieyang coldly and said: "Prince Lieyang, your visit seems to be too warm, aren't you afraid of scaring the master?"

Xuanyuan Lieyang's eyes flashed red, like two suns burning in the eye sockets, bursting out with a terrifying aura.

"You fox clan are so courageous, you can reach the sky, can I still scare you?" Xuanyuan Lieyang sneered, looked at the big tent inexplicably, and said: "It's so big, it's impossible for me, Xuanyuan Lieyang, to go far away. Come here, don't you deserve to come out and see?"

"Prince Lieyang came from afar to help our fox clan fight. I am deeply grateful."

Yulong smiled coldly, but reached out to stop Yujiao, stood up, and walked out of the big tent.

With his incomparably handsome face, noble and calm demeanor, coupled with the jade cicada in his arms, he has a halo of his own, like an emperor, with an alluring demeanor.

Xuanyuan Lieyang's eyelids shrank, and his heart was immediately amazed.

A man who looks so handsome, does not seem to have high strength, but has an indescribable temperament, which makes people dare not offend.

Handsome and unrestrained like Pan An, suave and suave like Song Yu, even if he is also a man, he couldn't help but marvel.

Xuanyuan Lieyang had prepared a lot of words, but at this moment, he seemed to be blocked. Looking at Yulong, he spit out a few words: "By the order of the Holy Emperor, come to assist Mr. Yulong in conquering the demon world."

Yulong smiled lightly: "Prince Xuanyuan was so aggressive just now, I thought it was a powerful enemy, so it was unavoidable to be rude, please don't take offense, Prince."

Xuanyuan Lieyang's eyelids shrank, and a chill rose in his heart.

Immediately, a thought came to his mind: This son is really scary!

He actually used his appearance to cast a spell of confusion in an instant, making himself, an immortal king-level master, almost fall for it, no, he was already fall for it.

Because just now, I couldn't help but succumbed to his charm, and even had an idea of ​​approval.

You must know that before coming here, I had subconsciously harbored hostility toward Yulong, and it was impossible for him to change because of the other's appearance.

"Okay, Young Master Yulong has such intelligence and cultivation at such a young age, no wonder he can impress the Holy Emperor." Xuanyuan Lieyang said in a deep voice, "However, the Holy Emperor has never seen the true face of the young master. I’m afraid I’ll love it even more.”

This may sound like a compliment, but it's actually a sarcasm.

Both Yuzun and Yujiao's expressions changed, and they were about to explode.

But Yulong said indifferently: "Thank you for your love, His Majesty the Holy Emperor. We will definitely complete the task and conquer the demon world. I don't know if His Royal Highness is here this time. If there is anything that needs the help of the Fox Clan, please just ask."

Xuanyuan Lieyang said coldly: "This time, I was ordered by the Holy Emperor to assist Young Master Yulong in conquering the demon world, and to protect the safety of Young Master."

Yulong curled his lips and said to himself: "It turned out to be just a high-level thug. I thought it was some kind of great prince who needed our fox clan to be the ancestors."

The sound seemed so low that almost no one could hear it.

But those present were all of peak strength, especially Xuanyuan Lieyang, who was an immortal king, and he could hear even the smallest voice.

Xuanyuan Lieyang almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, his face turned green and pale, and he was about to have an attack.

But Yulong asked innocently: "Prince Xuanyuan, I wonder if His Majesty the Holy Emperor has other orders besides letting you be my bodyguard to ensure my safety?"

Speaking of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, Xuanyuan Lieyang couldn't lose his temper no matter how angry he was.

He gritted his teeth secretly, and said in a deep voice: "His Majesty the Holy Emperor has high hopes for Young Master Yulong, and hopes that Young Master can go back to certify his priesthood soon."

Yulong said disapprovingly: "For such a trivial matter, let's wait until we conquer the Demon Realm."

The certified priest was called a trivial matter by him?

Xuanyuan Lieyang trembled with anger, little fox, there is a limit to pretending!

There is no one in the world who is not proud of being a priest.

The priest's logo badge is simply a universal card, popular everywhere.

Those who have this ability can't wait to go for certification immediately and get rewards and honors.

This Yulong is fine, but he doesn't think so, it's really irritating.

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