super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8540 Ready to go

The Ba Clan's work efficiency is quite high, and within three days, they are almost settled.

The key is that the territory is wide and there is no competition.

You have to know that in later generations, the 5 million people of Qingtian City still cannot live in the entire city. One can imagine how vast the land here is.

There are only 50 people in the bully area, and even the main city cannot be filled.

Of course, under the control of the Presbyterian Church, everyone still chose where to live in an organized and planned way, and did not mess around.

The place closest to the core hall is where the patriarch and other important figures live.

After three days of [resting], Zhuo Yifan was finally refreshed and extremely satisfied.

He came to the conference hall in good spirits.

There was only one person waiting for him.

It is Ba Zun.

Zhuo Yifan's intention for coming was obvious, it was for the panacea.

"Master Divine Envoy, have you rested well these few days?" Tyrant saluted with a smile.

"Thank patriarch Hong Fu, I rested well. I don't know if the patriarch asked me to come today. Is there anything important to discuss?"

The two sat down, and Zhuo Yifan asked straight to the point.

"I know that the Lord God made you curious about something, so I specifically took this opportunity to explain clearly to you." The patriarch looked at Zhuo Yifan with wise eyes, as if he knew his thoughts well.

Zhuo Yifan didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "As long as it is a spiritual master, no one is not interested in this matter, but this is a secret of the tyrant clan. If the patriarch doesn't want to say it, don't force it."

Ba Zun said: "This is indeed the secret of each generation of patriarchs. In theory, it can only be told to the next generation of patriarchs. However, the Lord God has given us the grace to rebuild our clan. If it weren't for you, the Ba clan would no longer exist. , so the envoy of God is the most qualified to know this secret."

Zhuo Yifan felt excited. Although he knew that it was related to the power of faith, he couldn't figure out how to make it into a pill.

"Hey, Lord God Envoy must be very puzzled, why does our Tyrant Clan have such a method, but we don't vigorously popularize it?" The patriarch seemed to know what Zhuo Yifan was thinking, but his expression was a little weird.

"Yes, I do have some doubts."

"My lord is able to control huge power, so I naturally understand the power of faith." Ba Zun looked at Zhuo Yifan with burning eyes.

Zhuo Yifan said frankly: "That's right, when I used divine power to fight against strange beasts, I did feel the existence of the power of faith."

"The reason why our tyrants are strong is because we have pious beliefs. When our people return to the embrace of the ancestor gods, they will not only leave behind the power of faith, but also leave behind a body of faith, a body of faith that contains divine power, Carrying the faith and strength of the clansmen, the divine pill condensed from this is also the greatest help for spiritual masters."

Zhuo Yifan almost exclaimed when he heard that.

He looked at Ba Zun in shock, hardly believing his ears.

The Tyrant smiled wryly and said: "You are right, the divine pill is made from the [body of faith] of the clansmen. It is a kind of luck that their power and belief can be reborn in our body. Therefore, this divine pill Dan is elusive."

Zhuo Yifan said in a jerky voice: "No wonder, so many soldiers and clansmen died, and I have never seen a corpse."

Zhuo Yifan felt inexplicably strange when he thought that the divine pill was refined from the body of a bully.

How is this different from blood pills?

One is to directly condense the enemy's entire body into a blood pill before he is alive, and the other is to condense the enemy into a god pill after the death of the tribe.

One has the power of faith and the other does not.

The resulting effects are somewhat the same.

In the blood pill, there are actually some nutrients to supplement the divine power, but compared with the [divine pill] condensed by the body of faith, the effect on the spiritual master is much worse.

Zhuo Yifan sighed: "So that's the case, no wonder it can't be refined in large quantities."

He didn't ask how to refine it, and Ba Zun didn't say anything either.

"My lord envoy, this is the biggest secret of our Tyrannical Clan, please help keep it secret."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Zhuo Yifan understood why the temple was a restricted area, and ordinary people only had two chances to enter it in their lifetime.

Entering for the second time, it becomes a magic pill!

However, this is also due to the firm beliefs of everyone in the Ba Clan.

Their belief in the ancestor gods is beyond imagination.

Knowing the secret of the Tyrant Clan, Zhuo Yifan had no choice but to give up.

Although he knew how to condense blood pills, he couldn't attack his followers.

The concept of coming to the earth is deeply rooted, and the respect for the dead makes him unable to do this kind of thing to his own people.

After another two days, it finally came to the big day when the six clans gathered for the final sacrifice.

These days, Zhuo Yifan and Baxian are like glue.

Under his various means, Ba Xian was completely convinced, and was so attached to him that he almost couldn't bear to part with him for a minute.

As for Bashan, Bacheng, Badi and others, they were completely thrown out of the blue by her.

Zhuo Yifan was deeply in love, and even shared his [hard disk] with Baxian.

The bully girl was already open, and after getting such a treasure book, she tried all kinds of moves immediately, which made Zhuo Yifan very happy.

At this moment, the final sacrifice is opened, and the Baxian can be regarded as restored to its original appearance, becoming a female fighter full of fighting spirit.

People from the six major tribes gathered, a total of 800 people.

The proposal of the Fairy Spirit Race, of course, was unanimously supported by everyone, so they expanded their lineup one after another.

The number of Tyrants has also increased by a few.

The selected people are Zhuo Yifan, Ba Cheng, Ba Di, Ba Shan, Ba Xian and the other 8 spiritual masters.

There are a total of 13 Tyrant Warriors, which is the most in history.

Of course, compared to people from other clans, the number of candidates from the Ba clan is pitifully small.

But the patriarch is not worried, because the Ba clan itself is the race closest to the ancestor god.

Participating in the final sacrifice will only make the Overlord and the Ancestral God more intimate and get more blessings.

For the Tyrant Clan, dominating the Samsara Continent is the most important thing.

Since he wants to dominate the mainland, the spiritual master can't lose too much.

According to the usual practice, as long as those who participated in the final sacrifice, no matter whether they were successful or not, they would not come back.

So for the 13 places, the patriarch Ba Zun said that it is completely enough.

If it weren't for the strong demands of the Warriors, he would even want to cut a few people.

As Xuanyuan Feng said, the other four major races have no opinion on who leads the team.

Zhuo Yifan became the team leader of course, but he didn't like this position very much.

Because the warriors of all races looked at him coldly and disdainfully.

It is impossible for such a team to listen to him.

In fact, Zhuo Yifan himself didn't understand why he wanted to participate in this final sacrifice, but subconsciously felt that this seemed to be the only way for him to go back.

When everyone came to Qingtian City, they were all shocked. Looking at this majestic giant city, those who used to look down on the Tyrants lowered their proud heads.

The way Xuanyuan Feng looked at Zhuo Yifan was even more different.

[Today I finished "My Mysterious Miss". Although there are still many stories, I can't write any more for various reasons.I have decided to change the channel and set sail again, I hope the brothers will continue to support me.This book has been written until now, and there is only one feeling left. According to my outline, if it is finished hastily now, it is really irresponsible to myself and irresponsible to the brothers. Therefore, I will still find time to continue writing. Go on until a perfect ending.I hope everyone has the ability to read the genuine version, and support Xuanwu a lot, thank you very much. 】

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