super unscrupulous student

8541 - Shocking Secret 1

The final sacrificial place has a special coordinate.

And this coordinate has always been in the hands of the patriarch of the Tyrant clan.

They have already set up a teleportation array, reaching the periphery of the final sacrificial place.

These people will never come back once they are sent away anyway, so no one cares about their feelings.

And they are focused on pursuing the way of heaven, and they don't care about the disputes between the races, so they get along well for the time being, but as for the future, no one knows.

Zhuo Yifan left the Soul Devouring Staff to Ba Zun, because only the Soul Devouring Staff could control the large formation of Qingtian City.

Zhuo Yifan just left behind a hidden spiritual thought to ensure that this heavenly order will not be obtained by others.

Now Zhuo Yifan finally understood why he let Feng Tianling recognize the master so easily, because in the distant ancient times, his divine sense remained in the core formation.

Zhuo Yifan is not dead, who can make the stele recognize the owner?

Now that everything that should be obtained is obtained, Ba Zun is of course full of joy.

Especially the control of the large formation, although it must be realized through the Soul Devouring Staff, after all, there is a [switch], which can completely protect the Tyrant from any race's bullying.

As for whether the Ba Clan will bully others, that's not something Zhuo Yifan should worry about.

"Are you ready? Let's send them in batches. The fairy clan is first, the ghost clan is second, the Asura clan is third, the dark clan is fourth, the orc clan is fifth, and the tyrant clan is sixth."

The patriarch announced loudly.

In this regard, it has nothing to do with race, after all, the Tyrants rank themselves last.

It took more than half a day to transmit more than 800 people.

Because only 20 people can be teleported at a time, and each teleportation needs to wait for the magic circle to cool down for a period of time.

After the transmission of the half-orc race was completed, the patriarch looked at everyone in the Tyrant clan and nodded emphatically.

"My lord, we will always remember your grace."

All bow down devoutly.

Zhuo Yifan chuckled, secretly laughing in his heart.

They don't even know their real names, so what if they remember them.

With a flash of white light, everyone disappeared.

This is definitely the most unreliable teleportation array Zhuo Yifan has ever sat in.

Deep in it, it's like sitting on a broken tractor, and it's the kind of tractor that will fall apart at any time.

Zhuo Yifan was really worried that the teleportation would collapse halfway through.

In fact, he was right. Not long after they disappeared, the entire teleportation array exploded.

The patriarch looked at the shattered teleportation array, his expression was shocked, and he was silent for a long time before he sighed.

"Could it be that from now on, the teleportation array will no longer be used?"

The patriarch pondered, because he knew that this teleportation array was completely destroyed, and from now on, there would be no final sacrificial activities anymore.

After a blur in front of my eyes, I finally landed safely.

Zhuo Yifan and Baxian looked at each other and smiled, and walked down the teleportation platform.

"Wow, is this the final sacrificial place [Buzhou Mountain]? It's so tall and majestic!"

Ba Xian looked at the majestic mountain in front of him in surprise, and was very happy.

Ba Shan curled his lips and said: "This mountain is only a few thousand meters higher than our Qingtian Peak, what's so special about it."

Ba Cheng was surprised and said: "In the legend, Buzhou Mountain can directly reach the Heavenly Court, is it true?"

Badi said coldly: "It's true, don't you know if you try it?"

"Brother Yuan, you are finally here. We have been waiting for a long time. Some impatient warriors have already started climbing."

Xuanyuan Feng came over and shouted enthusiastically.

Zhuo Yifan looked up and saw that someone was climbing the mountain not far away.

This is the same as the setting of Qingtian Peak. It is full of stone stairs, winding up step by step, and I don't know how many steps there are.

Xuanyuan Feng was accompanied by at least three hundred warriors.

In the past, there were only 300 people in the entire camp, but this time, 300 people came from a single tribe.

Although the eyes of these fairy clansmen were higher than the top, when they saw Zhuo Yifan, they restrained themselves a little bit, at least they didn't show disdain.

"Brother Xuanyuan, since you can climb, why don't you leave? I remember that you are the first group of people to come here. If you climb this half day, you will be at least halfway up the mountain!"

"If you go early, you may not be able to reach the peak first." Xuanyuan Feng said meaningfully.

Zhuo Yifan was stunned, and his heart moved: "Could there be any changes during the climbing process?"

Xuanyuan Feng looked at the 13 spiritual masters, and said: "The combination of the spiritual masters and our fairy clan is the strongest camp. For the rest, let them play!"

Zhuo Yifan was surprised and said, "Brother Xuanyuan said last time that only our two clans are indispensable for the final sacrificial event. What does it mean?"

"Since Brother Yuan is an envoy of God, he should know some inside stories."

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, and said, "Is there anything I should know?"

"Shouldn't the envoy know something?" Xuanyuan Feng asked back.

Zhuo Yifan has already confirmed that Xuanyuan Feng really knows something, otherwise, he would not have sacrificed most of the day to wait here for him.

It can be seen from this that the spiritual master must play a very important role in the entire sacrificial activity, which is irreplaceable.

"My lord envoy, can you take a step to speak?" Seeing that Zhuo Yifan had no further reaction, Xuanyuan Feng couldn't help frowning, so he could only speak.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved. At this moment, does Xuanyuan Feng sometimes need to talk to himself alone?

The two came to a hidden place at the foot of the mountain, and with a wave of Zhuo Yifan's hand, a soundproof circle was set up.

Xuanyuan Feng shook his head lightly, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and unexpectedly arranged another magic circle inside.

Zhuo Yifan narrowed his eyes and was taken aback.

Strictly speaking, the magic circle arranged by Xuanyuan Feng has gone beyond the scope of the magic circle and reached the level of the world's rules.

Of course, he's only scratching the surface.

But this shows how much he attaches importance to this matter.

"Brother Xuanyuan, you may as well speak up if you have anything to say."

"Brother Yuan, do you really not know or are you pretending to be confused? You know, ten thousand years ago, an ancestor of our fairy clan visited Qingtian City."

"Did the Fairy Race come to Qingtian City ten thousand years ago?"

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback and couldn't believe it.

When Qingtian City is in a closed state, the six altars outside the city are natural barriers, and no one can break through.

Even if it is Ba Zun's sixth-order cultivation base, he can't.

In fact, almost no one was able to resist the power of the magic circle and enter Qingtian City.

But Xuanyuan Feng said that there were ancestors who entered ten thousand years ago, isn't it shocking?

"Brother Yuan, this is the biggest secret of my fairy clan, but at this moment, we should be more honest with each other, shouldn't we?"

Xuanyuan Feng looked at Zhuo Yifan with burning eyes, and said, "Seeing how shocked you are, you should know something inside."

Zhuo Yifan said in surprise: "This is impossible. Before the seal of Qingtian City has not been opened, no one can enter it, even if it is ten times stronger than the patriarch of Ba Zun. It is impossible for your ancestor to be so powerful." great power."

"What if, instead of entering from the outside, it exits from the inside?"

When Xuanyuanfeng said these words, Zhuo Yifan was completely stunned as if struck by lightning.

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