super unscrupulous student

8542 - Shocking Secret 2

Zhuo Yifan almost exclaimed.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of an amazing possibility.

Xuanyuan Feng said: "My ancestors are the only ones who returned to the tribe after the final sacrifice, and Qingtian City is the only space node connected to Buzhou Mountain."

Zhuo Yifan took a deep breath and said, "Didn't it mean that once the final sacrifice is opened, no matter whether you succeed or fail, you can't go back? What method did your ancestors use to go back?"

"It doesn't matter what method he used to go back. The important thing is that he is the only one who has experienced the final sacrifice, so he also knows the biggest secret of the final sacrifice."

"What secret?" Zhuo Yifan felt his lips dry.

"That's why I'm looking for you to cooperate, Lord Envoy. Only when you agree to cooperate, I will tell you the real secret and overcome difficulties together." Xuanyuan Feng looked at Zhuo Yifan, full of expectations.

"Agreeing to cooperate under unknown circumstances is irresponsible to each other. Moreover, it concerns the interests of the two races, and I have no right to make a choice." Zhuo Yifan said flatly.

"My lord envoy, you are wrong, I am only cooperating with you, not with the Tyrant Clan." Xuanyuan Feng laughed, but his eyes were a little cold, and he emphasized again: "It is just a private cooperation between you and me. "

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "I can't give up the interests of the bully clan to cooperate with you. Brother Xuanyuan, I'm afraid your wish will not come true."

"My lord envoy, I will not do anything that harms the interests of the Tyrant clan. You can rest assured that all I want is your friendship and support."

"If so, I can promise you."

Zhuo Yifan is also very curious about this secret, and it is definitely the most important and core exclusive secret, and it is only used in exchange for a promise of nothing, of course it is not a loss.

"That ancestor, after returning from the battlefield of the earliest sacrifice, his sanity has been unclear until one day, he suddenly woke up and told us the secret of the final sacrifice."

"The final sacrifice is a sacrifice."

Xuanyuan Feng said it coldly.

Zhuo Yifan frowned: "Sacrifice? The ultimate sacrifice is a sacrifice, doesn't it seem right?"

"We are sacrifices, sacrifices of gods, don't you understand?" Xuanyuan Feng's tone became a little fierce: "We came here to provide nourishment to those gods, and to send them to death."

Zhuo Yifan asked in amazement: "Since your fairy clan knows this secret, why do you still participate in the final sacrificial activity and send hundreds of warriors?"

"Hehe, because what I'm going to say next is the real secret." Xuanyuan Feng smiled secretly: "Do you know that this sacrifice is not dedicated to the two ancestor gods, but some inexplicable gods, They depend on us to live."

"So what, after all, it will be eaten as a sacrifice." Zhuo Yifan has already taken care of such disgusting things as sacrifices, so he doesn't think he is disobedient.

"No, the most important thing is that these gods are not much stronger than us. As long as we see through their true colors, we can even turn our backs on them, steal their godheads, and become real gods. This is the real purpose of the final sacrifice."

Zhuo Yifan looked at Xuanyuan Feng in surprise: "Are you sure you're not crazy?"

"Absolutely, my old ancestor almost succeeded." Xuanyuan Feng sighed, "These mysterious evil gods, under the guise of ancestor gods, asked the six major tribes for sacrifices. Every time, the six major tribes chose The best warriors, with the purest blood, serve as sacrifices. But in fact, they are nothing but a group of parasites with godheads. In this case, why can't we take their godheads and become gods ourselves? "

Zhuo Yifan looked at Xuanyuan Feng in shock, and from the latter's dignified expression, he could see that Xuanyuan Feng was not joking.

However, Zhuo Yifan really couldn't figure out what the existence of this group of so-called evil gods was.

"They are just a bunch of powerful consciousness, living in a seemingly strange container. What we have to do is to seal their consciousness, devour and refine it, and turn it into the enemy." Xuanyuan Feng said coldly: "Of course, the evil god Their main consciousness will not wake up at the beginning, so enough sacrifices are needed to wake up. And those pathetic [warriors] will become sacrifices."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "I still don't understand why these warriors want to kill each other?"

"It's not up to them. As long as they start to contact Buzhou Mountain, everyone will accept a mission in the dark. Only by killing and becoming the last warrior will they survive and become one of the gods."

"So, for the final quota, everyone will fight to the end." Zhuo Yifan's expression changed.

"That's right, that's their original intention of coming here. All of them are true warriors, eager to fight, and eager to become super warriors who win in the end. Look, the evil gods can perfectly achieve their goal with just an illusory honor." Purpose."

Zhuo Yifan's eyes were fixed: "So, the massacre has already begun?"

"That's right, as long as more than 300 people die, the evil gods will really wake up. However, they will definitely be very surprised when they find that the number of people who came this time far exceeds expectations."

Xuanyuan Feng smiled: "This is all a blessing from God Envoy. In a sense, you are also the culprit who indirectly caused their crisis. It is impossible for them to let you go."

Zhuo Yifan took a deep breath: "How to do it?"

"Only spiritual masters can suppress the strong consciousness of the evil god. I want you to cooperate with the warriors of our fairy clan to seize the body, and we will provide you with protection against the pursuit and killing of other races, as well as the minions of the evil god."

"The minion of the evil god?" Zhuo Yifan was a little puzzled.

"That's right, the two-headed black dragon, as well as some monsters, are the minions of the evil god, and their purpose is to kill all living beings."

Zhuo Yifan said: "Since this is the case, how can we guarantee the interests of our Tyrant Clan? After we help you suppress the evil gods, how can the Tyrant Clan people participate in the action of seizing houses?"

"This is easy to handle, there are so many evil gods, and your Tyrant Clan is only 13 people, I promise, as long as you suppress 15 people for us, we will help you take them away." He smiled mysteriously: "Our fairy clan took ten thousand In 28, [-] [Soul Cages] were made. As long as they are locked in the cage, even the most powerful evil god can do nothing. All you have to do is to control the main consciousness of the evil god and let us use the [Soul Cage]. "

Zhuo Yifan was secretly startled.

It was the first time he had heard of a cage that could imprison [God].

This fairy clan really has a profound background.

Since this is the case, Zhuo Yifan certainly has nothing to hesitate.

Tyrants, indeed, are the indispensable races for the final sacrifice!

The two reached an agreement, and at the same time swore the oath of the soul, which was considered a successful alliance.

Xuanyuan Feng was even more energetic and seemed very happy: "Brother Yuan, I knew that sooner or later we would become good brothers who share life and death together."

Zhuo Yifan didn't take it seriously in his heart, but he also smiled and said, "Brother Xuanyuan's words are right. The cooperation between our two races will definitely succeed immediately."

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