super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8642 Harvest

The situation was grim, and the moment the sacrifice was completed, Yulong felt the restlessness of the ghosts around him.

Their hostility turned directly towards themselves.

In other words, myself and others have become the first targets of ghosts.

Tens of thousands of light points burst out and began to rush towards the crowd.

However, Yulong's heart exploded with a strong fighting spirit.

He is a fighter himself, and of course he is not afraid of challenges.

Except for not having the perverted equipment, Yulong is actually not much different from Zhuo Yifan's body, it just took another path.

His body is a perfect copy of Yuchan's gene, so it is definitely the most perfect carrier of spiritual power. With the [whirlwind suit], it can be said that this body even surpasses Zhuo Yifan's body in terms of spiritual power alone .

The battle formation was formed in an instant, and this time, Yulong also joined in and became the leader.

It was the first time that Zhuo Yifan used the super gene array that he had been researching for a long time.

This large formation requires the selfless trust of believers to completely hand over the control of the body. If one person is unwilling, it will not succeed.

These guards are both guards and believers, so of course they trust him [-]%.

At this moment, the three of them formed a small battle formation, condensed together, and actually formed a super battle formation.

The Soul Devouring Staff trembled, and everyone felt that they were not only integrated with everyone in spirit, but also in body.

A giant composed of a hundred people was born, and its momentum grew wildly. It was a real fairy... a heavenly fairy... a golden fairy... the peak of a golden fairy!

One step short of reaching the realm of the Immortal King.

But this is also the limit that the battle formation can achieve, because the body of the fairy king must contain the rules of time and space, and it is like a world itself.

But although Yulong is powerful, he will never be able to open up his own world of the kingdom of God.

A giant was born with a roar.The soul shock is like an explosion wave, rushing in all directions.

Immediately, the wind howled, and the surrounding ghosts displayed in the magnetic field of the mind were blown back one after another.

Yulong's eyes are like lightning, although the body composed of hundreds of people is uneven, but under the space blessing of the Soul Devouring Staff, combined with his own perception of time and space, this giant's body surface has a layer of shining halo, as if he is in another world. A dimensional space looks so illusory yet so real.

It seems that it is constantly shuttling between reality and illusion, making it impossible to lock. ,


The giant roared, and the soul shock wave was sent out again, shaking back the ghosts in the sky.

"Senior Xuanyuan, you can just concentrate on dealing with the Fire Thunderbird, and leave everything to me."

Although Xuanyuan Bupo couldn't see everything around him, he could feel the spiritual toads in that space, and knew that there were definitely countless terrifying opponents around him at this moment.

Inexplicably, he felt an indescribable trust in Yulong.

Desperately rushing towards the Fire Thunderbird, as the Frost Sword waved, a layer of ripples appeared in the space.

The high-strength condensed frost sword also had a great impact on this space rule.

After completing the sacrifice, the Fire Thunderbird's aura became sluggish, and she was no longer as violent as before, but she was not an easy-going lamp, because he knew that these ghosts who had accepted the sacrifice would protect her.

Sure enough, another layer of invisible ripples appeared, the void vibrated, and the silent roar rushed directly to his brain and soul, making him vomit blood in pain as if he had been hit hard.

Xuanyuan Bupo turned pale with shock, and took several steps back.

"Master Sacrifice, this is terrible, we are not opponents!"

"Fast back."

Yulong shouted loudly, and waved the Soul Devouring Staff in his hand, and the brilliance of runes flashed one after another, turning into lore.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly there was a burst of explosion in the void, and the shrill scream resounded throughout the world.

The treetops swayed wildly, and the wind howled, as if the gods were angry.

The power of faith will always be the nemesis of the undead.

The giant's big hand grabbed it again and again in the void, but it didn't know what it was grabbing.

This question, except for Yulong, probably no one knows.

He is using the technique of congealing pills to condense these scattered ghosts into blood pills... Oh no, it should be called the soul pill!

This elixir, which is condensed from the essence of the pure soul and the power of faith, is even better than the elixir of the Overlord clan.

Fire Thunderbird didn't know what Yulong was doing, seeing the giant scratching its hands and roaring continuously, he thought that Yulong was being attacked by ghosts, and he was so happy.

The reason why foreign races are unwilling to enter the dark forest is because this is a place forbidden by the gods, and the souls of various races have lived in it for millions or even tens of millions of years, and because once a living person enters, these ghosts will wake up , once awakened, it will go berserk, frantically attacking the entrants, endlessly.

But as an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he has received inheritance from his ancestors and knows the method of sacrifice. As long as he is willing to sacrifice half of his cultivation, he can sacrifice to the world and gain protection.

Originally, her plan was to sacrifice the Heavenly King Dapeng. One was to kill this king who was also a bird, so that her family could become stronger. The other was that she was very selfish. How could she sacrifice herself unless it was absolutely necessary?

But what she never imagined was that the Heavenly King Dapeng was killed directly by Yulong, and there was no chance for her to sacrifice at all.

Xuanyuan Bupo followed the giant closely, shielding his whole body with the Frost Sword, with a frightened expression on his face.

In fact, when he was ten meters away from Yulong, he realized that he seemed to be standing in another space, and no ghost could attack him at all.

All attacks were blocked.

But according to Yulong's instructions, he still acted like he was panicked and fighting hard.

As an Immortal King-level master, his acting skills are of course excellent, and he did not arouse any doubts at all.

The giant fought and retreated. Wherever it went, it roared and the wind howled, extremely fierce.

The Fire Thunderbird laughed wildly, she could feel that there were strange spirits around her, but these spirits didn't have the slightest malice towards her.

All she has to do now is to wait for the giant to collapse, and for Xuanyuan Bupo to collapse.

Sacrifice half of the essence and blood, absolute value!

The giant galloped wildly, flying sand and rocks, and the battle was extremely fierce.

It might seem ridiculous, but the fellow soulmates don't think so.

After sharing, they can also see what Yulong saw.

Looking at the countless red spots around them, everyone felt their scalps explode.

Among them, there are hundreds of masters at the same level as Huozhu.

But they didn't make a move, but instigated a large number of small soldiers to besiege.

Obviously, these strange ghosts also know how powerful Yulong is, and want to use attrition tactics.

It's a pity that they never imagined that what Yulong is most afraid of is a war of attrition.

Hundreds of soldiers carry blood pills, which can last for a long time.

As for himself, this is no longer a battle, but a harvest.

It's like the farmer's uncle came to the crop field and kept harvesting the fruits.

Along the way, countless ghosts were killed by the power of faith, turned into pure soul power, and turned into blood pills.

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