super unscrupulous student

8643 - Death of Fire Thunderbird

The technique of Yulong Blood Refining Pill is so secretive that no one else can detect it.

Although it is a sharing of hearts, everyone must open their hearts. As the leader, he does not need to be like this.

The giant roared and attacked frantically, as if overwhelmed, it rushed forward.

And Xuanyuan Bupo also showed shock, retreating while fighting.

This gave Huo Thunderbird infinite confidence. She believed that her sacrifice had worked. Yulong and his party had become the enemies of the Dark Forest, and they would be attacked by countless ghosts.

These ghosts, imprisoned in this ancient tomb, are full of resentment, and the most ugly creatures appear, let alone cursed creatures?

It's like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats them.

In contrast to the Fire Thunderbird, no ghosts attacked her.

Of course, she couldn't see the ghost either.

The ghosts here are completely different from ghosts in the usual sense. They are more powerful and evil, and they are all aimed at spiritual attacks, which is very terrifying.

Once they invade the mind, it will cause incomparably huge damage.

Yulong's heart skipped a beat, why does this thing look like a demon?

The inner demons also have independent consciousness, invisible and intangible.

All the way to kill, has gone deep into the center of the forest.

Along the way, Yulong collected tens of thousands of blood pills, slaughtered countless ghosts, and attracted the attention of the entire dark forest. Countless powerful beings were awakened one after another and joined the killing army.

But at this moment, the Fire Thunderbird hadn't realized that Xuanyuan Bupo had actually been able to suppress her, and the two fell into a stalemate. It seemed that the Fire Thunderbird was chasing and killing each other, but in fact, she was not far away from her death.

Under the frantic pursuit, the consumption will naturally be even greater.

Originally, a fairy king-level master was here, as long as he didn't use a lot of fairy power, it wouldn't be a problem to support him for tens of millions of years. Naturally, the consumption would not be too great.

But the consumption of power during the battle was extremely terrifying. The sacrifice of the Fire Thunderbird had already consumed a lot of strength and vitality, and after such a long and intense battle, it could be said that she had reached the end of her strength.

Under normal circumstances, she would have retreated a long time ago. After all, her own life is the most important thing.

But under the siege, Yulong seemed to die in the next second. This idea gave her infinite confidence. If he left, the result would be unpredictable.

As everyone knows, the guards at this moment really got a chance.

Their minds are compatible, and Yulong is not stingy to open up his perception, allowing them to intuitively feel the mystery and operation evolution of the rules of time and space.

This level of teaching is comparable to hand-in-hand teaching, and the benefits to everyone are immeasurable.

All the Celestial Warriors were shocked, and felt that the eyes suddenly opened up, as if a new world had opened up.

Everyone's consciousness follows Yulong, but they feel the most original and powerful things in this world, and understand every principle and evolution in depth and meticulously.

Although it may not be possible in reality, this knowledge is deeply imprinted in their minds, making their knowledge and experience far surpass that of experts at the same level, and they have reached the terrifying knowledge of immortal kings.

This result surprised Yulong a little bit, and he immediately became pleasantly surprised.

He seemed to see a shortcut to make the Kingdom of God stronger.

Using this method, as long as you need enough magic pills, you can carry out endless [transmission], and with the super talents of the earth's residents, it won't be long before countless super masters will be produced.

Talent is the foundation of the world, and only when individuals become stronger, the Kingdom of God will become stronger.

Finally, everyone felt something was wrong, and the entire dark forest seemed to tremble, as if a living thing was waking up.

And the besieging ghosts retreated in an orderly manner, forming a huge encirclement, surrounding everyone.

Yulong's heart froze, and he smiled knowingly: "Is it finally unbearable to come out?"

He has long sensed that there is a huge energy hidden deep in the dark forest.

That should be a relatively powerful ghost or demon.

This dark forest is as terrifying as hell to any living being, but it is a treasure land to Yulong alone, where he can obtain endless [Divine Pills].

This is much faster than directly storing spiritual power in the Soul Devouring Staff, and then slowly recovering itself.

Especially in battle, it can instantly provide powerful battery life.

With such a large number of killings, the powerful existence here probably already knew the horror of Yulong and had to come out to negotiate.

Under Yulong's order, Xuanyuan Bupo pretended to be invincible at this moment, but was bombarded to the ground by the Fire Thunderbird's move.

The Fire Thunderbird was overjoyed, leaped forward, and wanted to kill Xuanyuan Bupo with one move.

You know, if you die here, the Immortal King will disappear, and the best result is to become a ghost.

Xuanyuan Bupo couldn't help showing a sneer in his eyes, but he was extremely shocked in his heart.

The Fire Thunderbird still didn't know that he was in Yulong's calculations, and even all his changes did not escape Yulong's calculations.

Xuanyuan Bupo sighed in his heart, poor, this old opponent will die under Yulong's hands after all, making him not famous in the world.


Just when the Fire Thunderbird was in ecstasy, she felt a shock in her brain, as if she had been hit by a shell. The powerful force directly made her dizzy, and her consciousness was blurred for a while.

Kill the gods!

After accumulating power for so long, Yulong finally made a breakthrough again, killing the gods with one move, specifically targeting the original consciousness of the soul, which can be called extremely terrifying.

As strong as the Immortal King, if caught off guard, he was also hit.

Although it has not reached the level of consciousness collapse, but this level of blow is actually shocking.

Xuanyuan Bupo's secret path Jade Dragon was really strong, he jumped up, raised the Frost Sword in his hand, like a meat skewer, with a puff, it pierced the Fire Thunderbird's body, skewering her in mid-air.


Xuanyuan Bupo is also experienced. The powerful fairy power turned into internal force and exploded on the Frost Sword, like a nuclear bomb explosion, directly tearing a terrifying hole in the body of the Fire Thunderbird.

The giant jumped up and grabbed the Fire Thunderbird with his big hand.

Chi Chi Chi!

One after another white runes flickered and poured into the Fire Thunderbird's body, sealing her instantly.

"Master Sacrifice, you...can you use your divine power here?"

Xuanyuan Bupo felt that his brain was not enough, this Master Yulong was really unfathomable, if he really regarded him as a real immortal, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

The two fairy kings were killed by him, but in the dark forest where everyone's face changed and the creatures were forbidden, he can still cast mana, which is really terrible.

Here, even if the Immortal King faced him, he would not dare to say that he would win.

All of Xuanyuan Bupo's self-confidence was defeated by Yulong. Facing Yulong, he suddenly felt a burst of pressure, and he no longer had the pride he had in the beginning.

Even, he couldn't help showing a hint of respect.

This invisible transformation was not even noticed by himself.

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