Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 102 Want to open house again?

Jiang Shen hugged Wei Rong tightly.

A masculine breath hit his face, making Wei Rong's legs feel weak and his body hot.

"Let me go, or I'll yell, do you know what you're doing?" Wei Rong is not Fang Tian, ​​she has a much more aggressive personality.

"You promise me one thing, and I'll let you go." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "You caused me such misery today, and you squatted all night. Tell me, do you want to punish you?"

"You let me go first, be careful and I'll sue you, at least ten years in prison, you let me go first." Wei Rong struggled, the more she felt the more powerless she was struggling.

"Then you swear, don't be cruel to me in the future, and don't punish me for making exercise books." Jiang Shen knew that Wei Rong was different, and he didn't plan to make it a success today, so he first suppressed her arrogance before talking.

"Okay, okay, I won't be fierce in the future, and I won't punish you." Wei Rong was also honest, she felt that if Jiang Shen didn't let go, she could hardly bear it anymore.

My body was so hot and my heart was beating so fast, it was as if I had taken an aphrodisiac.

If she hadn't just come out of the house, Wei Rong would have thought that Jiang Shen had given her an aphrodisiac.

No, if you don't leave, you will sink down.

Wei Rong was still very determined and kept struggling, but she didn't know that the more she struggled, the hotter she and Jiang Shen felt, not only in their bodies but also in their hearts.

"Does it mean what you say?" If Jiang Shen hadn't wanted to meet Fang Tian, ​​he really wanted to use some means to push her down.

However, I can't do this kind of thing. If I want to chase a woman, the other party must be willing. Jiang Shen also endured very hard.

"What you say is what you say, of course it is what you say." Wei Rong's voice was soft and weak.

"Okay, then I'm leaving, remember what you said." Jiang Shen let go, turned and left.

The moment he let go, Wei Rong suddenly felt so empty and reluctant to part with it.

She let out a long breath, and leaned her limp body against a stool beside her and sat down.

Her heart was beating fast, her face was very red, watching Jiang Shen leave by the moonlight, for some reason, Wei Rong hated him even more.

Brat, rascal, bastard, bastard, Wei Rong kept cursing in her heart.

She was cursing secretly, when suddenly the phone rang.

Wei Rong was startled, and quickly took out the phone, it was Fang Tian.

"Hey, sweetie."

"Rong'er, what are you doing? I seem to see you going upstairs, why don't you turn on the light?"

"--" Wei Rong blushed even more.

Now she finally knew how Fang Tian felt when she bumped into her when she was with Jiang Shen.

"I----I'll leave after I take my things, right away." You won't meet Jiang Shen, will you?That's not the end of it.

If Fang Tian saw Jiang Shen and herself going down the first floor, it was impossible to justify it.

Now it was Wei Rong's turn to feel guilty and worried.

After hanging up the phone, she hurriedly called Jiang Shen.

"The phone you dialed is not in the service area." Jiang Shen's phone was thrown into the storage space, so it was not in the service area.

No, Wei Rong was afraid that Fang Tian would come over, because Fang Tian's office was in the same building as theirs, but it was tens of meters away, and it was not on the same floor.

She closed the door, chased him out, wanted to chase Jiang Shen, and told him to be careful.

After chasing them not far away, they saw two figures standing at the corner in front of them. Wei Rong shrank back and peeked at half of her head.

"Hey, why are you here?" Fang Tian stared at Jiang Shen.

"It wasn't Teacher Fang who asked me to go to self-study. I came to ask Teacher Fang for some questions." Jiang Shen said in a serious manner, and it sounds like he is a good student who is diligent and eager to learn.

"Well, I'm not free right now, so you can come back later." Fang Tian looked like a teacher, with a dignified appearance.

"The adulterer." Wei Rong gritted her teeth secretly, expressing her contempt for the two men and women from the bottom of her heart.

"Teacher Fang, I'm going back to the classroom first." Jiang Shen put on airs.

"When you come to the second class, come to my office." Fang Tian said, turned and left.

Jiang Shen smiled, his spiritual sense swept over Wei Rong who was hiding there, and he also turned and went downstairs.

I don't know why, seeing the two singing together, Wei Rong felt a fire in her heart, you guys are so courageous, don't you want to be in the school office tonight?

Pooh, hooligan, adulterer, Wei Rong poohed a few times, rolled her eyes, turned around and went downstairs to make a phone call.


"Rong'er, what's the matter?"

"Do you have anything to do in the evening? Go to a spa with me. I recently met a spa. It's run by a Korean. It's very good."

"Ah---I want to watch those people in the class at night. You know, our seventh class is very naughty. If you don't watch at night, you will rebel in the self-study class." Fang Tian finally called Jiang Shen to come over. A self-study class, how is it possible.

"Come with me, Tian'er, you haven't been shopping with me for a long time, it's a rare time." Wei Rong probed again: "Didn't the principal say that the head teacher should try to watch their self-study classes as little as possible?"

"I'm really not free today. How about tomorrow? I have other things to do today."

Paying more attention to sex than friends, Wei Rong finally tried it out, and Fang Tian was completely disappointed: "That's okay, you should be busy, we will talk about it another day."

Wei Rong turned off the phone angrily.

Feeling that Wei Rong was angry, Fang Tian over there thought for a while, finally shook her head, and called Wei Rong again: "Okay then, I'll let the other teachers take a look, and I'll accompany you."

Fang Tian thought about it, Jiang Shen will meet anyway, don't make Wei Rong angry.

When Fang Tian came like this, Wei Rong felt a little embarrassed.

She originally wanted to test it out and casually make Jiang Shen unhappy, but she was a little moved by Fang Tian's statement, she really is a good sister, I really thought you value sex over friends.

"Okay, get busy, I'm almost home, thank you, another day." Wei Rong drove home alone, and Jiang Shen's shadow turned over and over in his mind.

The last time I fell down, I was kissed, then touched, and then hugged.

For some reason, even if she didn't think about it, Jiang Shen's smiling face kept flashing in her mind.

Jiang Shen didn't go to the classroom either.

He first went to sit outside the school and ate a bowl of noodles. He hasn't had dinner yet.

In fact, in the world of Nalan Bubai, monks didn't need to eat, but Jiang Shen had developed a habit, even if he didn't need to eat, he still liked to eat something.

After he ate something, he walked around the street, and after the first self-study class was over, he returned to school again.

When he entered and exited the school, he always climbed over the wall, and with a light jump, he arrived at the school.

Walking inside, looking up, Fang Tian's office is brightly lit.

Nima, what are you asking me to do when it's so bright?

Jiang Shen was depressed.

His heart was full of anger caused by Wei Rong just now, and it has not subsided until now, and he still hopes that Fang Tian can calm down the anger.

When he approached the teaching building, his spiritual thoughts swept away, and there was still someone in Fang Tian's office.

There are two teachers.

Jiang Shen hesitated for a moment, and was about to take out his phone to make a call, but Fang Tian stood up with a few books.

"Ms. Du, my computer is broken. I will go to the director's office to use her computer. I have already told her."

"Okay, you go, I'm here."

"If someone in my class wants to find me, call me."

"OK" Teacher Du nodded.

Fang Tian took the book, walked out of the office, and then took out the phone.

Call me?Jiang Shen knew that Fang Tian had called him.

"Hello, Jiang Shen."

"My computer is broken. I need to go to Director Xiang's office to use the phone. Come to Director Xiang's office."

"Okay, come right away." Jiang Shen was overjoyed.

Director Xiang is the grade director and has a separate office. My little sweet really understands my heart.

Jiang Shen ghostly followed Fang Tian to another building behind.

Only a few upper rooms in this building have lights.

Fang Tian walked all the way to the third floor, and there was no light on the entire third floor.

When she opened to the director's office, Jiang Shen also appeared at the same time.

"Teacher Fang, I'm here to ask you a question." Jiang Shen said seriously.

"You still have to go to self-study." Fang Tian gritted her teeth, wondering if she learned from Wei Rong, and just pinched Jiang Shen's ear when she came over.

"Ah, I am merciful to Mr. Fang." Jiang Shen grinned his teeth in a pretentious manner.

Fang Tian's pinch was much lighter than Wei Rong's, and she couldn't bear to pinch Jiang Shen.

"With your attitude, how can you be admitted to university, not go to self-study every day, and change to another class, you will be expelled long ago, do you know, you are like this---" Fang Tian covered her face and scolded.

Halfway through the speech, I saw Jiang Shen fiercely stepped forward and hugged her.

Well, Fang Tian's mouth was blocked by Jiang Shen.

The two tongues quickly entangled together.

Jiang Shen pressed forward step by step, Fang Tian retreated step by step, all the way back to the wall.

Her whole body was pushed against the wall by Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen touched her body while kissing her.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Fang Tian pushed Jiang Shen away hard, her face blushing with shame: "You are lawless, believe it or not, I will sue you---uh---"

In the middle of her speech, Jiang Shen kissed her again.

The two kissed passionately for more than ten seconds.

"Go away." Fang Tian pushed again, panting, and said no matter how many times: "I called you here for something, what's on your mind, me? ----uh---"

Jiang Shen kissed her for the third time.

This time it took longer, more than 30 seconds, and Jiang Shen's two hands moved up and down, almost touching Fang Tian all over.

Fang Tian's resistance became weaker and weaker, her body became softer and weaker, and finally she almost fell into Jiang Shen's arms, and Jiang Shen hugged and kissed her again.

"You---you will bully me---" Fang Tian had tears in her eyes, and she didn't know whether it was happiness or sadness.

"You called me here." Jiang Shen hugged Fang Tian, ​​and he sat on the sofa next to him, Fang Tian leaned softly on his body.

"I called you here for something." Fang Tianqi wanted to pinch Jiang Shen with her hands, but she pinched Jiang Shen lightly, as if she was afraid of hurting Jiang Shen.

"What's the matter, I don't miss me." Jiang Shen also had a thick skin, and dared to say anything.

"You said you could treat it for me. There is still a little bit left. When will it be treated?" Fang Tian shyly said, not daring to look at Jiang Shen.

There is still a little scar on her chest, she has been waiting for a long time.

"It can be cured now." Jiang Shen smiled, reaching out from under Fang Tian's coat to touch it inside.

"No, this is the school, please respect it." Fang Tian stood up and waved Jiang Shen's hand away.

"I just love being here."

"If you do this again, I'm leaving."

Nima, Jiang Shen is depressed, but you didn't ask me to come here.

"I asked you to come here to ask you a question---" Fang Tian also smiled: "It's your own wrong thinking." She took a few steps back and straightened her clothes.

"Okay then, after school, I'll open a room outside and wait for you."

"A room again?" Fang Tian's face became hotter when she thought about the last time she had a room.

"I'll send you a short message later." Jiang Shen actually didn't like this place either, and he was worried that someone would come.

"Bye bye." Jiang Shen turned around and left, walked a few steps back, went a few steps forward and kissed Fang Tian on the mouth.

His movements are very natural, just like the intimacy between male and female friends.

Fang Tian saw it and wanted to avoid it, but she didn't respond for some reason.

Boo, Jiang Shen kissed gently, then turned and left.

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