You bastard, do you still think of me as the head teacher?Fang Tian cursed secretly, but felt a little bit sweet.

All kinds of complicated emotions intertwined and struggled in her mind.

Teachers and students love?

Break through the will of the world?

How to face the eyes of others?

As a well-educated class teacher, Fang Tian knew that Jiang Shen was a strange person. If she wanted to say that she was a good match, she could only say that she might not be good enough for him, but other people didn't know Jiang Shen's magic. What would others think of me?

If I go tonight, I will only be able to sneak underground in the future, and maybe I will not be able to face other people for a long time.

But if he doesn't go tonight, what will Jiang Shen think, will he ignore me?

She remembered watching a TV program in which a man said that in this world, age is not a problem, and height is not a difference. After watching the movie Avatar, even race can be crossed.

At that time, she still felt that what she said was right, but now when she really faced this choice by herself, she also hesitated.

The more she hesitated, the more time passed quickly.

The evening self-study ended quickly, and when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Fang Tian found herself extremely nervous.

Walk?go home?Still waiting for a text message?

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes.

Fang Tian lingered in the office for 5 minutes, and after collecting her things, her phone rang.

"I'm not free tonight, next time."

Huh, Fang Tian was surprised and disappointed when she saw this text message. She let out a long sigh of relief and sat on the seat for a long time without recovering.

Jiang Shen sent this short message for two reasons.

The first reason is that Wei Rong sent him a short message not long ago.

"I saw you and Tian'er. If you really want to be good for her and really like her, you can either wait for you to graduate from high school and go to work, or wait for you to be admitted to university. Now you are a student and she is a teacher. Respect others, that is Respect yourself."

Damn, it's none of your business if I pick up girls, when Jiang Shen saw this text message, he flew into a rage, I just like to pick up teachers, so what.

Halfway through Jiang Shen's reply letter, he thought of Fang Tian running around after going to court for him, thinking of Fang Tian looking for lawyers everywhere to prove his innocence, and thinking of Fang Tian's charming smile in class every day.

Fang Tian is a good girl and a good teacher.

"Thank you Rong'er, thank you for your short message, I know what to do." Jiang Shen replied a text message.

Not long after this short breath, Wei Rong replied: "Please call me Wei Rong, or Teacher Wei, thank you."

When Jiang Shen saw it, he became angry again. Believe it or not, I cheated on you first, and was about to reply a message to provoke her, when he received another message from Wei Rong: "Who told you that you are younger than me."

Well, this message is interesting. Jiang Shen looked at the two messages and smiled knowingly.

After receiving Wei Rong's text message, Jiang Shen was not interested in having a room with Fang Tian, ​​and at this moment, his cell phone rang again.

"Hey, Xiaobai, what's the matter?"

"It was found that the driver was paid by Xi Xiaohong? Are you sure? Ok, Xi Xiaohong is still looking for someone? Where does she live?"

Jiang Shen hung up the phone.

Finally, it was confirmed, Xi Xiaohong, the younger sister of Ti Xicheng who bought her fiercely.

You are so brave, even Xicheng jumped into the river, how dare you hit me?And don't give up after failure?

Jiang Shen thought about it, asked where Xi Xiaohong was, and walked slowly through the night.

Xi Cheng is one of the Dongning Four Tigers. He has been operating in Dongning District for many years. His younger sister Xi Xiaohong is also a figure. It is said that she was a mother in the club in the early years. Later, Xi Cheng developed and continued to manage this area. Known as the Chicken Queen of Dongning City.

It turned out that I had come out to mess around, no wonder there was a kind of buying and attacking me.

It took Jiang Shen nearly half an hour to walk to the 'Pearl Entertainment Club'.

The lady here is quite well-known in Dongning City. Xi Xiaohong lives here all year round, working and living together, and the management of this place is very famous in Dongning City.

The clubhouse is divided into several floors, with dance halls, bars, and saunas for different entertainment items. After Jiang Shen got on the elevator, he went straight to the office on the fifth floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, two strong security guards in black suits stood at the door.

"What are you doing, who are you looking for?" The two security guards looked at him vigilantly.

"Tell Sister Hong for me that Jiang Shen is here to see her." Jiang Shen didn't come to kill people today, he left aboveboard.

Killing people doesn't solve the problem.

He forced Xi Cheng to death, and Xi Xiaohong avenged his elder brother, and if he killed Xi Xiaohong again, there was no guarantee that any relatives and younger brothers would avenge her. Would it be possible to kill all the Xi family?

So Jiang Shen's goal today is to convince people with virtue.

"Jiang Shen? Wait a minute." The two security guards obviously didn't know Jiang Shen, and seemed to have never heard of it. They pressed the walkie-talkie in their hands and communicated.

"Wait a minute, Miss Hong will send someone over immediately."

The two stared at Jiang Shen from left to right, each with unkind eyes.

With his hands behind his back, Jiang Shen looked up and down the five-story environment with a mature and steady look.

After a while, the sound of high-heeled shoes came, and a young girl in a red suit and flesh-colored stockings walked towards Jiang Shen.

She looked to be in her early 20s, with a good figure and beautiful appearance. When she saw Jiang Shen, she had a natural smile on her face: "Brother Shen, right? I'm Miss Hong's assistant Xiaoye, please follow me."

She stretched out her hand and shook Jiang Shen's hand lightly, and she could see that the public relations and communication were very good.

Jiang Shen followed her and walked inside. He didn't know if he didn't go. He was startled when he walked. There were security guards everywhere along the way, and he had to pass through several heavy iron gates.

It doesn't look like an entertainment company, it's even stricter than the Ministry of Defense of country m.

I don't know if it was there before or if it was installed recently.

After 5 minutes, Jiang Shen followed Xiaoye to a huge office. The decoration in the office was extremely luxurious, and there was a luxurious atmosphere everywhere.

"Brother Gentleman, please sit down." At this moment, Xiaoye brought over a cup of tea, then stepped back gently and closed the door.

When Jiang Shen came back to his senses, he had time to look up and look forward.

In front of a nearly three-meter-long desk, sat a middle-aged woman with a stern, even murderous face.

The woman was about forty, but she was dressed dryly, her hair was tied up behind her head, and she looked noble and beautiful.

"Jiang Shen---" Xi Xiaohong almost gnashed her teeth: "You still dare to come to my place?"

"Sister Hong?" Jiang Shen held up the cup in front of him: "I came here to solve the problem. If you bump into me, I will kill you. There is no clear entanglement. When will the killing be over?"

"Hehehe." Hearing Jiang Shen's words, Xi Xiaohong let out a weird laugh like a rooster: "You want to solve the problem, okay, jump off our roof, and our grievances will be wiped out."

"Xi Cheng jumped into the river, don't you think about it, why he didn't fight me, but jumped into the river." Jiang Shen looked directly at her.

In good conscience, Xi Xiaohong is pretty, but she must be older, and even with makeup, she still looks like a 40-year-old woman, which is really not interesting.

"I've bought my coffin too." Xi Xiaohong glared angrily, "I've bought my whole family's coffins, and I'm just waiting for you to come. If you have the ability, kill me too."

"Bang" Jiang Shen slapped the table: "You think I dare not."

As soon as he stood up, Xi Xiaohong also stood up, with a look of fear and anger on his face.

"I, Jiang Shen, have always been lawless when doing things. I want you to die today. You won't live until tomorrow. That's why Xi Cheng jumped into the river. I don't believe he didn't tell you before he jumped, telling you not to take revenge. You insist on revenge. This is self-inflicted humiliation, I have come to look for you now, not because I don’t want to kill you, but because I want to give you a chance to think clearly—”

"Don't think about it." Xi Xiaohong also patted the stage: "The revenge of killing a brother is irreconcilable. Either I kill you or you kill me."

Xi Xiaohong has also been a fool before, and if she has never seen any scene, she will scare Jiang Shen with a few words, and she is determined to fight Jiang Shen to the death.

"You can't kill me." Jiang Shen looked up at the desk in front of her.

"The surveillance in your office is turned off, and there is a gun in the drawer in front of you. Do you want to kill me today?"

As soon as Jiang Shen's words came out of his mouth, Xi Xiaohong's face changed drastically.

"I'll give you a chance. If you can't beat me to death, our grievances will be wiped out." Jiang Shen sat down and looked at Xi Xiaohong's face.

Her face was as white as snow, and she never thought that Jiang Shen would know that she had turned off the surveillance, and that she had a gun in the drawer.

That's right, she planned to kill Jiang Shen right here today.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that you are very good at fighting. No matter how good you are at fighting, have you ever shot a gun?

"You think I dare not?" It was Xi Xiaohong's turn to say such words. She quickly opened the drawer, took out a pistol, and stepped forward a few steps. Within a distance of less than one meter, she pointed the gun at Jiang Shen. .

"If you can't kill me, our grievances will be written off?" Jiang Shen said again.

Xi Xiaohong's chest heaved and heaved, obviously struggling fiercely.

She didn't answer Jiang Shen, but just smiled bitterly: "Brother, Xiaohong avenged you."

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Xi Xiaohong pulled the trigger continuously, and a box of bullets poured out sideways.

She was determined to kill Jiang Shen, and she shot Jiang Shen in the head.

The two of them were less than one meter away, and gun smoke was everywhere, puffing, puffing, and continuous puffing sounds were heard in the air.

The bullets ran out, but Xi Xiaohong was still buckling.

But the look in her eyes was one of utter horror.

Because Jiang Shen was still standing in front of her.

She seemed to have seen Jiang Shen's hand dancing in the air just now, that gesture was as fast as a streamer.

"You---" Xi Xiaohong looked at Jiang Shen as if seeing a ghost.

"I said, you can't kill me, let alone you, no one in this world can kill me." Jiang Shen stretched out his right hand, which was full of bullets.

Then, in front of Xi Xiaohong, he pinched it hard, clicked, clicked, a pile of metal powder slipped out of Jiang Shen's palm, and fell to the floor while Xi Xiaohong was stunned.

"Sister Hong, do you see clearly? Don't look for me again? OK" Jiang Shen's eyes were a little murderous. Today, he is warning Xi Xiaohong, if he sends someone next time, don't blame me for being rude.

"Who the hell are you?" Seeing such a strange scene, Xi Xiaohong still maintained her composure, but her expression was extremely gloomy, and her eyes were extremely desperate.

This sight had already surpassed her perception, and she was extremely shocked in her heart.

Even a pistol can't kill Jiang Shen. Could it be true what he said, no one in this world can kill him, and my brother's revenge will never be avenged.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Jiang Shen smiled: "The important thing is that from now on, our grievances will be wiped out. Sister Hong, if you think about revenge in the future, I will definitely make your life worse."

Jiang Shen could definitely kill Xi Xiaohong, but considering her pain of losing her brother and not causing any harm to Jiang Shen and the people around her, Jiang Shen will give her a chance.

Sometimes killing isn't the answer.

"I didn't kill you, not because I didn't dare, sister Hong, please do it yourself." After Jiang Shen demonstrated, he swaggered away.

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