why?Xi Xiaohong muttered to herself with a dull expression.

At this time, Jiang Shen had already walked to the door, and suddenly thought of something, he turned around again: "Sister Hong, are you the one who called those knife fighters?"

"Swordsman? No." Xi Xiaohong shook her head: "My brother was looking for a knifesman before, but you killed him. I won't look for a swordsman again."

"It's really not you? The swordsmen are talking about you?" Jiang Shen asked deliberately.

"If I say no, I am not. I, Xi Xiaohong, do things, and I will admit that I do it. If I don't do it, I am right. I was the one who bought you and hit you. I didn't find the knifeman." Xi Xiaohong was furious.

Why are you angry, I didn't get angry with you.

"It's not the best. Remember our agreement and cancel it." Jiang Shen turned and left after speaking.

Watching Jiang Shen leave, Xi Xiaohong remained silent for a long time, and finally sat down on the sofa next to her, as if she had aged several years all of a sudden.

I don't know how long it took, thump, thud, someone knocked on the door.

Xi Xiaohong came back to her senses, hid the pistol, returned to her seat, pressed a button, and the door opened.

Assistant Xiaoye came in.

"Sister Hong, Jiang Shen is gone." Seeing Xi Xiaohong's complexion, Xiaoye was a little worried: "Are you okay, do you want to go to the room to rest?"

Xiaoye knew about Jiang Shen, and also knew about the feud between Jiang Shen and Xi Cheng. In her impression, Jiang Shen came today. With Sister Hong's personality, it was impossible for him to go out safely. Jiang Shen was fine, but Sister Hong seemed uncomfortable.

"Xiaoye, how does Miss Hong treat you?" Xi Xiaohong suddenly asked her.

"Sister Hong's kindness to me is as great as a mountain, just like my own mother." Xiaoye said hurriedly.

She was originally an orphan, but was sold into the club at the age of 14. Xi Xiaohong saw that she was very beautiful, and couldn't bear her to slip up, so she took her with her and trained her to this day.

"Then are you willing to do Miss Hong a favor?"

"Mountains of swords and seas of fire, as long as Sister Hong gives the order." Xiaoye's words were full of quackery.

"Okay, I'll love you for nothing." Sister Hong patted the table, "Help Sister Hong chase Jiang Shen, fuck him, and see how many secrets and weaknesses there are in him."

Xi Xiaohong sneered secretly, I don't believe there are people who can't be killed in this world, even gods have weaknesses.

Until now, Xi Xiaohong still wants to kill Jiang Shen and avenge her brother.

"Chasing Jiang Shen--" Xiaoye was dumbfounded.

He is several years younger than me, and I heard he is still a high school student.

But she reacted very quickly, she nodded after being stunned for two seconds: "No problem, don't worry, Miss Hong, I will try my best to catch up with Jiang Shen."

"It's not about trying, it's about catching up with him. I don't believe that he's a man after all, and he's not interested in beauty." Xi Xiaohong wants to be 20 years younger, so it's possible for her to do it herself.

"I see, I'll find a way."

"Well, you don't have to go to work these days, here is 100 million, you take it first, think of a way, how to get close to Jiang Shen without making him suspicious, I'm not in a hurry, I have plenty of time to wait, one year, two years , three years is fine, in short, you have to find a way to make him believe in you."

"Yes, Miss Hong."

Xiaoye was also very depressed. The young man who had just met once, did not expect that Sister Hong would let herself chase him, saying that women chase men through heavy gauze, I don't know if I can catch up with him?

At this time Jiang Shen had already left the clubhouse and was walking on the street alone.

He gave Xi Xiaohong a chance, but if Xi Xiaohong doesn't cherish it, then you can't blame me.

Dongning City at night is very beautiful, with bright lights everywhere, but everyone knows that under this beautiful night scene, in various hotels and entertainment clubs, various lewd scenes may continue continuously.

This world is worse than Nalan's undefeated world.

At least in their world, it was justifiable and upright, but here it was sanctimonious and pretentious.

Jiang Shen was walking on the street, thinking wildly while admiring the beautiful scenery.

At this time, a car staggered towards him in the distance.

Send someone to hit me again?Jiang Shen was furious at first, and then looked a little different.

The driver must have been drinking too much, shaking and shaking until he was a dozen meters in front of Jiang Shen and slammed on the brakes.

The door is open.

A figure rushed out of the car door, "Wow, vomit." He began to vomit violently.

Nima, if you dare to drive after drinking like this, it is harming yourself and others.

Jiang Shen really wanted to call the police, but he swept away his spiritual sense and I wiped it, does it look familiar?

Another beauty.

To be precise, it should be a beautiful young woman.

This young woman looks like she is about thirty. She is wearing loose knitted fir on her upper body and a pair of decent fashion trousers on her lower body. Originally, she looked very dignified and decent in this dress, but the way she vomited was so shocking that it was almost unbearable to look at each other.

This young woman was obviously Jin Zhiqing, the daughter of Boss Jin who he had rescued when he first went to Donghua Mountain.

Jiang Shen originally wanted to call the police, but when he saw that it was Jin Zhiqing, he looked around and saw that this road was less crowded, but there were more vehicles passing by. It was after nine o'clock in the evening. Here, it's always bad.

He stepped forward.

"Wow..." Jin Zhiqing was still vomiting.

No one came out of the car, and it was obvious that she was driving alone while intoxicated.

Seeing someone approaching, Jin Zhiqing waved her hands: "Go away, go away, vomit—" He vomited a few more times.

"How much did you drink, you're so drunk?" Jiang Shen couldn't help but walk up to her, stretched out his hand, and squeezed her mind.

A faint fairy air was passed in, and immediately Jin Zhiqing felt a coolness in her mind, as if she had ice cream in summer.

"Wow." She bent down and spat a few more times, her mind cleared up a lot.

Raising his head, he was also slightly taken aback when he saw Jiang Shen.

"It's you----" Jin Zhiqing's face flushed slightly, this person, her father asked her to call him Uncle Jiang, how dare she call it out, he was obviously several years younger than herself.

Jin Zhiqing hurried back into the car, took a few tissues and wiped it off: "Thank you, I'm sorry."

She is not stupid, she knows that Jiang Shen pinched her a few times just now, which made her sober up a lot, but my head is still a little dizzy, won't you help me sober up from the wine?

She is also regarded as the sweet girl of the sky, this idea is a bit unreasonable, if Jiang Shen knows, it is possible to slap her with a slap.

Do you know how difficult it is for me to cultivate my immortal energy? If it wasn't for the fear that you might be killed by drunkenness, I would care about you.

"You can't drive yet, call your family, I'm leaving soon." Jiang Shen was also lazy to talk nonsense with her, and said something to her lightly.

"It's okay. I can drive back by myself. I have too much alcohol, but I'm not very smart. I can drive."

"Call the family." Jiang Shen didn't blame her, driving after drinking was harming others and himself.

"I can drive." Jin Zhiqing was also angry, who are you, mind my business, she was about to turn around and get into the car.

"Stop." Jiang Shen pushed the car door shut: "If you don't want to hit me, I'll call the police."

"You---" Jin Zhiqing's affection for him disappeared in an instant, and she said angrily, "It's none of your business whether I drive or not." Her eldest lady's temper came up: "Okay, you call the police, no one is afraid of anyone."

She got out of the car now, and the police came, or it could be said that someone else drove it, and she was not caught on the spot, so what was she afraid of.

Your grandfather, Jiang Shen is also angry, I saved your father anyway, and I helped you just now, your young lady has a bad temper.

Jiang Shen called the police directly.

Seeing that Jiang Shen had really called the police, Jin Zhiqing quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

With a thought, Jiang Shen realized that she was calling for someone.

After a while, two police cars and a car roared up at the same time.

But one police car came from the west, another police car and a car came from the east.

"Who reported to the police." The police car from the west was from this jurisdiction, and the two policemen walked towards Jiang Shen and Jin Zhiqing.

"I called the police. This lady was too drunk and forced her to drive. I didn't let her drive. I thought she was doing something wrong." Jiang Shen didn't say that there was a drunk driver in front of her.

Jin Zhiqing didn't speak, but looked at the other two cars.

Two policemen and two people got off the other two cars.

Both of them looked relatively young, about 30 years old, the man was tall and the woman was beautiful, like a couple.

"What's the matter, Zhiqing, I'm going to buy something, why is the police here?" The man strode over, speaking with full of air, and walked to Jin Zhiqing's side, with a more intimate attitude.

It turns out that her husband is here, Jiang Shen thought.

"Xiao Zhao, it's me, Lao Zeng from Chengdong District." The two policemen behind stopped the two in front, their voices lowered a lot.

They thought Jiang Shen couldn't hear it, but Jiang Shen could hear it clearly.

"That woman is a relative of our leader. Our leader came here with her just now. Later, we went shopping and left her alone. When people saw her, they thought it was her drunk driving. It was a little misunderstanding."

"Old Zeng, isn't that your Chief Jin?"

"Shh, as long as you have a number, give me face."

"Okay, then let's go, you can solve it yourself, it's nothing serious, and the boy didn't say she was driving drunk."

The opposing police left quickly.

Jiang Shen now understood that the man and woman later were Jin Zhiqing's brother and sister-in-law.

Her brother is also the chief of the police station in the east district of the city.

The surname is Jin, does it sound familiar?

Fuck, wasn't the deputy director surnamed Jin who rescued me from Xiao Miao Na Sanba last time?

Jiang Shenjue's world is really small.

Unexpectedly, the other party also helped him.

"Little brother, thank you for your concern. We are fine. Someone helped her drive." Jin Ju also knew what happened. It was the boy's kindness, and his sister lost his temper. He was very grateful to Jiang Shen.

"It should, I just think it's not good for her to drive after drinking."

"I want you to take care of it." Jin Zhiqing burst out.

"Why are you like a child?" Jiang Shen also frowned.

"What? You're only a child. How much older am I than you? Don't think that you've saved my dad, so you're pretending to be old." Jin Zhiqing was furious when she heard this.

"What? Saved dad?" Jin Ju's eyes lit up when he heard that, "You are the elder brother who saved my dad?"

"What an expert--" Jin Zhiqing wanted to say something, but her sister-in-law pulled her aside.

"It's just passing by, it's a thing of the past. Goodbye." Jiang Shen was annoyed seeing Jin Zhiqing like this, the eldest lady had a bigger personality than Wei Rong, and turned to leave, but Jin Ju stopped him.

"Don't go, hahaha." Jin Ju laughed loudly: "My dad has been suffering from heart disease these days. He was going back to the capital a long time ago, but he couldn't find you, so he refused to leave. See my dad again, give him a chance, Let him thank you well."

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