Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 105 Jin Zhonglin's Identity

"Brother, don't pull him to let him go." Jin Zhiqing should have drunk too much today, good or bad, Jiang Shen helped her, but she also hurt others.

Originally, Jiang Shen really wanted to leave, but when he thought of seeing Jin Zhonglin, wouldn't Jin Zhiqing want to call me Uncle Jiang?

That would be cool.

"Okay, then give your dad a chance." When Jiang Shen said this, let alone Jin Zhiqing, Jin Zhiqing's sister-in-law, and Jin Ju's wife all had a look of contempt in their eyes. Do you know who my dad is?What a big tone.

"Hahaha." However, Jin Ju's temperament seemed to be more straightforward, and he pulled Jiang Shen into the car in ecstasy, and made a phone call at the same time.

Over there, her wife went to drive Jin Zhiqing's car.

The family of three took Jiang Shen to the city center.

Jiang Shen sat in the car calmly, looking at Jin Ju's wife's expression, Jin Zhonglin should not be simple, but no matter how powerful people on earth come to me, they are like ants.

I am willing to go to see him, that is to respect the old man, seeing how old he is, it is really to give him face.

It's not easy for him to say this to others, and seeing the expression on Jinju's wife's face, she is quite depressed.

After driving for half an hour, the two cars passed through the city center and came to the westernmost part of Dongning City.

It is a bit far from the Chengdong district where Jiang Shen lives, separated by two districts, and nearby is the famous villa district in Dongning City.

People who can live here are expensive if they are not rich. People like Brother Da Hua may not even be able to buy a villa here if they want to buy it.

When the car drove up to a villa, Jin Zhonglin was already standing at the door.

"Engong, Engong, I didn't expect to see you again." Jin Zhonglin rushed up to open the door for Jiang Shen, holding Jiang Shen's hand and smiling endlessly.

"Dad, let's go in first." Jin Zhiqing's complexion was not good, she was just a little kid, you stood outside to pick her up without even looking at your identity.

Everyone hurried in.

When everyone entered the living room, Jin Zhonglin insisted that Jiang Shen take the first place.

Jiang Shen is also polite, and he will not let him go to that one.

You, Jin Zhiqing saw it, her mouth turned up in anger, she simply turned around and wanted to leave, never wanting to see Jiang Shen so arrogant again.

However, Jin Zhonglin stopped her.

"Come on, Zhiqing, Jinshan, you two, offer tea to Uncle Jiang, thank Jiang Shen for saving your old man." Jin Zhonglin waved his hands to his son and daughter.

"What? Uncle Jiang?" Director Jin Jinshan's wife also pouted.

Just a little kid, want my family near the mountain to call him uncle?Dad, you are confused.

Jin Jinshan also froze for a moment, then turned around with a wry smile and went to get tea.

He called Gao Renxiong just now, and he was already polite to Jiang Shen, but he didn't expect his father to call him Uncle now.

"Dad—?" Jin Zhiqing stomped her feet on the spot.

"What are you doing? Do you want me to be happy when I die? There is no repayment for saving your life. You are disrespectful. I will respect you." Jin Zhonglin is still very dignified at home. When he was so angry, Jin Zhiqing and Jin Jinshan's wife frightened him. The sound is gone.

The two siblings soon came with tea.

"Uncle Jiang, Jin Shan thanked Uncle Jiang for his help on behalf of my father." Jin Jinshan handed over a cup of tea.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Shen drank the tea, looking at Jin Zhiqing, feeling so relieved in his heart.

You are not afraid of losing your life, Jin Zhiqing bit her lip, cursed Jiang Shen, and said in a very low voice, "Uncle Jiang drinks tea."

"What?" Jiang Shen put on airs, as if he didn't hear it.

"You haven't eaten, you smell of alcohol, you look like a girl." Jin Zhonglin slammed the teacup in his hand with a bang.

"Uncle Jiang drinks tea." Jin Zhiqing almost cried out.

"Well, good, good." Jiang Shen squinted his eyes, looking very proud.

Thinking that Jin Ju's wife seemed to despise him just now, she glanced over.

no?Jin Ju's wife quickly lowered her head, didn't see it, didn't see it, didn't see it, the old man didn't see it, she was chanting like a sutra in her heart.

"Qiulan, go, and pay respects to Uncle Jiang." Of course Jin Zhonglin saw it.

In fact, he knew what happened today before, and knew that his daughter had offended Jiang Shen, so he deliberately vented his anger for Jiang Shen.

Even if you are ruthless, Jin Ju's wife also went to pour a cup of tea: "Thank you, Uncle Jiang."

"Hahaha, Mr. Jin, you are too polite." Jiang Shen laughed heartily, Jin Zhiqing and Qiulan looked down at each other, and Qi Qi began to curse Jiang Shen in his heart.

"Sure, I'll call you little brother. Without you, there would be no Jin Zhonglin today. Come on, and I will respect you too. From now on, you will be the elder of my Jin family. Anyone who is disobedient among these little ones below, you It can be taught."

Jin Zhonglin knew that Jiang Shen was a stranger, so he desperately wanted to curry favor with Jiang Shen.

He is the person involved, and only he understands what kind of changes happened to him that day. It has been nearly a month since he got Jiang Shen's immortal energy, and his body has undergone earth-shaking changes. He is almost 60 years old, and now he has changed. Young and powerful in their 30s.

These juniors don't understand, but he understands.

Jin Zhiqing and the others were dumbfounded by his respect.

You must know that their Jin family is one of the famous big families in China. Jin Zhonglin and his brother are both candidates for the helm of the next generation of the Jin family, but because Jin Zhonglin is not in good health, his brother has a better chance. Now that he has suddenly come back from a desperate situation, he has another chance to take a step up, and the status of Jin Zhonglin's family will also have a chance to rise to a higher level.

Jin Zhonglin's statement of speaking and offering tea is very solemn in the upper class, and it also represents the attitude of the Jin family in the future.

Next time if Jin Zhiqing is rude to Jiang Shen again, she must let Jin Zhonglin know that it needs to be taken care of by family law.

At this time, Jiang Shen didn't know what kind of family the Jin family was, let alone where Jin Zhonglin would go in the future.

After drinking the tea, his anger disappeared, and he smiled and waved his hands to signal the juniors to leave.

The three juniors, like Meng Dahe, fled in the face of the wind.

"Boss Jin ---" came out of the mouth, and Jin Zhonglin was a little unhappy.

"Haha, Brother Jin came from the capital?" Jiang Shen heard from Jin Jinshan that he had been in Dongning for so long and hadn't returned to the capital.

"To be honest, Dongning City is my second hometown. I am from the capital city. I went to work here in my early twenties, married a wife and had children, and then returned to the capital city. I plan to die of illness here when I return to my hometown, but I have survived until now when I met a fairy-like character like Brother Jiang."

"This is fate. Brother Jin shouldn't die." Jiang Shen felt a little uncomfortable talking to him, as if his words were wrinkled.

"This is my business card." Jin Zhonglin handed the business card and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang will come to the capital, so he must come to see me."

"Oh." Jiang Shen looked at the business card: "General Manager, Director, Professor-level Senior Engineer of Huaxia Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation."

No, isn't this the legendary two barrels of oil?Are you the boss of two barrels of oil?

The chairman of the two barrels of oil is equivalent to a senior official at the ministerial level. In this way, the general manager is at least at the deputy ministerial level, and some seniors may also be at the ministerial level.

This is the second-in-command in a barrel of oil, and he is considered a high-ranking official in the capital.

"It's a joke." Jin Zhonglin smiled wryly: "I was going to be buried here, but now I suddenly turned over, and the capital is also very surprised. I may have to adjust my position next month, so I have been staying here waiting for news, and hope to see you again one side."

Jiang Shen understands.

For a position as important as his, it must be arranged before he dies. The superiors may think that he must die, but who knows that he will suddenly come alive, and then disrupt everyone's arrangements.

The capital city is no better than places. Jin Zhonglin's work has messed up many people's positions, and he has waited for nearly a month.

"Your son is the deputy department?" Jiang Shen whispered secretly.

"This is my youngest son. He has just been transferred from the army. I have an older son."

"The eldest son, Jin Jinguo, is now a director of the Central Finance Department, and is currently in office."

Jin Zhonglin is also a little proud, his son is powerful, and his face is also bright as an old man. His son is one of the youngest in the capital, so it is not easy to show off to Jiang Shen. live fairy.

"That's right, one is in the local area and the other is in the central area. Brother Jin, you can't die early."

"That's right, that's right." Jin Zhonglin nodded repeatedly. I haven't reached my 65s yet. If I'm in the department, I can work until I'm [-] at least. If I'm a committee member, I can work until I'm [-]. Gentleman said.

He could show off in front of others, but he didn't dare to show off in front of Jiang Shen.

"Then can I enter the system?" Jiang Shen asked suddenly.

"You---" Jin Zhonglin was a little surprised, then nodded: "As long as you think, you can."

"How old are you now?" He didn't ask Jiang Shen's diploma, nor did he ask why he wanted to enter the system.

"I graduated from high school in June today. I don't want to go to college after graduation. It's really boring to be with ordinary kids all day long."

Jiang Shen was old-fashioned, but Jin Zhonglin recognized it, he could see that Jiang Shen's aura and mature speech were not just pretending, he was really a big man who had experienced a lot of weather.

You have to know how many years Nalan Bubai lived before he died.

"? Graduated from high school?" Jin Zhonglin's mind quickly circled: "Graduated and joined the oil company. Although we are a state-owned enterprise, the salary is much better than that of civil servants."

"I want to stay somewhere, whether I can take the civil service or career exam."

"Are you local?" Jin Zhonglin thought for a while: "Civil servants and careers now at least start with a bachelor's degree. You have to work as a contract worker first, and then find opportunities to become a regular worker. It is best to make meritorious service."

"It's a lot of work to become a regular?" Jiang Shen smiled.

"Brother, will it be difficult for you?" Jin Zhonglin has a well-thought-out plan, you are a god.

"That's it." Jiang Shen laughed out loud, still admiring Jin Zhonglin a little bit.

If Jin Zhonglin said, I will help you figure out a way to become a civil servant directly to ensure that no one outside knows, he will think about it instead.

Looking at it like this, Jin Zhonglin is also impeccable in doing things, and has the momentum to do great things.

This is a big man, who behaves in a manner and manner, doesn't say anything, and messes around, and Jiang Shen doesn't appreciate it. Such a person has no future.

In turn, Jin Zhonglin also admired Jiang Shen very much.

What Jiang Shen just said was the examination of civil servants. He didn't say that you are at the deputy ministerial level. Let me arrange one.

Judging from Jiang Shen's tone and attitude, Jiang Shen is also a well-behaved person. Only such a person will make a difference in the future.

Although the age difference between the two is very large, they appreciate each other more and more, and they feel that they can chat more and more.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Shen found out that Jin Jinshan was only 27 years old. He had just been transferred from the army and became the deputy chief of the local police station, which is rarely seen in the political arena. After such a calculation, that girl Jin Zhiqing was not 30 years old. Ah, I always thought she was thirty.

However, this girl is really old.

In fact, Jin Zhiqing doesn't look old, but she likes to clean more maturely, so she pays more attention to her clothes. If she knew that Jiang Shen thought she was in her 30s, it would be no wonder that Jin Zhiqing didn't fight Jiang Shen.

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