Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 106 Jiang Shen suffers again

In a blink of an eye, it was Wednesday again.

In the past two days, Jiang Shen went to school and practiced as usual. Now he has a goal, which is to be able to hide his energy and hide his mind until he hides his whole body.

But I don't know why, the front progressed very quickly, and after leaving two feet that could not be hidden, there was no response. No matter how much he practiced, he would always leave his two feet outside.

It would be shocking to go out in stealth like this.

At noon that day, he practiced twice in the attic without success, and went downstairs dejectedly.

"Little Jiang, are you not coming back for dinner tonight?" Xu Li was going to the hotel.

Brother Dahua gave Jiang Shen a three-star hotel at the beginning. After Xu Li got on the right track in the restaurant, she had to go to the hotel more time.

"That's right, Ding Yan said that a classmate is having a birthday, so we won't come back to eat."

"Come back early, don't let Ding Yan come home too late." Xu Li's eyes were shining with a strange light.

"Understood, Miss Xu." Jiang Shen walked over and kissed Xu Li's forehead like a dragonfly dripping water.

Xu Li didn't hide, she lowered her head with a red face.

"Goodbye." Jiang Shen went out.

There is no Chinese class this afternoon, no English class, it is really boring, Jiang Shen can't see Fang Tian and Wei Rong in class, and he is not in the mood.

How about skipping class?Just as this thought came to Jiang Shen's mind, someone called him.

"Hello, Rou'er."

The call is from Fang Rou.

"Jiang Shen, I've been transferred to the Health Bureau, and I'm in the office." Fang Rou's tone was excited, full of excitement.

"Really, congratulations." Jiang Shen was also happy for her. In the future, in the office, he would not have to work overtime all the time, and would have more time to accompany himself.

"Thank you, Jiang Shen." Of course Fang Rou knew who made the effort. Just now the new director Wang Xinguo personally called her to express encouragement to her.

"Are you free tonight? I want to see you." Fang Rou originally wanted to invite you to dinner, but inviting Jiang Shen to dinner obviously didn't represent her current mood. The little nurse was transferred to the office of the bureau. How many colleagues in the hospital.

The four words "I want to see you" that women say are very tempting to men.

If she said that usually, Jiang Shen would definitely be in a good mood, but tonight, I want to accompany Ding Yan.

He scratched his head: "Tonight, I have a dinner for my classmate's birthday."

"Then I'll wait for you. Come after dinner. I'll wait for you at Huatian Hotel." Fang Rou's voice was low, as if a little embarrassed.

She knew that Huatian Hotel was owned by Jiang Shen, and she went to open a room with Jiang Shen yesterday.

"Okay then. I'll call you then." Jiang Shen hung up the phone, thinking depressedly what to do at night?

On one side is Ding Yan, on the other side is Fang Rou, both are girls who are very kind to themselves, but they promised Ding Yan first that they would definitely go to dinner with her.

He wanted to accompany Ding Yan, but others didn't give him the chance.

Just as he arrived at the school in the afternoon, two policemen rushed up at the gate.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Officer Xiao Miao is here again.

Her face was expressionless, and her eyes were full of gloating: "Isn't it Jiang Shen? Hello, we are from the criminal police team of Chengdong District Police Station. Recently, there was a case of the death of a member of the underworld on Xiangmen Island. I need you to go back and assist in the investigation."

Jiang Shen was taken away at the school gate.

Celebrity Jiang Shen is famous again.

The Interrogation Room of the Seongdong District Police Station.

"Jiang Shen, do you recognize these people?" Xiao Miao threw a few photos in front of Jiang Shen.

"According to the information given to us by the Organized Crime and Triad Investigation Division of Xiangmen Island, these people are the horse boys of Lianxing, an explosive club on Xiangmen Island. Stayed there for two days, and then entered Chengdong District, according to the monitoring we checked on various roads, the last place they appeared was Dongmen New Village, the community where you live now."

"I'm sorry, I'm a high school student. Officer Xiao Miao, what do you mean by triads? I really don't understand Dongxing's."

"Jiang Shen, stop pretending. Now who doesn't know that you are the underground boss in the east of the city. These swordsmen disappeared when they went to you. There are rumors in the world that they are going to kill you. This, this is Brother Kun , In the end, he jumped off the building and died beside the building where you lived. How dare you say that it has nothing to do with you?" Officer Xiao Miao was so angry that he almost pointed at Jiang Shen and yelled.

"Officer Xiao Miao, be careful what you say. Be careful that I will sue you for slander. It's none of my business if you die in our Dongmen New Village. Are you sick? I want to live in the capital, so it's none of my business if people die in the capital. ?”

"Bang" Xiao Miao slapped the table: "Don't be too arrogant, don't let me catch you, you will die if I catch you."

"You threatened me, I will find my lawyer, and I will sue you."

"Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited." A male police officer nearby quickly persuaded Xiaomiao.

"Jiang Shen, we are just here to ask you to assist in the investigation. From 21:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm on March [-]st, except for the time when you are going to school, what are you doing and do you have any witnesses?"

"Sleeping at home, my landlord Xu Li can testify."

The male police officer asked a few questions routinely, and Jiang Shen saw that something was wrong. This question will take twelve hours like last time, why should I go to dinner with Ding Yan at night.

"I want to make a call." Jiang Shen said.

"Of course, this is your right." Officer Xiao Miao's attitude today is a bit strange.

Who should I call?Jiang Shen thought about it, and when he saw Xiaomiao's pretty face, he wanted to give her a punch and beat you into a pig's head.

He thought for a long time, and finally called Jin Jinshan.

In less than 5 minutes, bang, the door opened, and Jin Jinshan walked in.

"Gold Bureau."

"Gold Bureau." Xiao Miao and the police officer stood up quickly.

"What's the matter, why did you bring high school students here?" Jin Jinshan could call Jiang Shen Jiang Shu when no one was around, but Jiang Shen told him that day that as long as Jin Zhonglin was not around, he was a friend and brother.

As soon as he came in, he spoke with a sullen face and an imposing manner, and the two police officers seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Gold Bureau, he is suspected of being related to a missing and homicide case----"

"Is there any evidence?" Jin Jinshan interrupted Xiao Miao directly.

Gritting her teeth, Xiao Miao said in a low voice, "Not yet, but---"

"Without evidence, you just randomly grab a high school student to come in? Have you ever thought about the reaction from the society, the reaction from the school, and how Xiao Jiang can continue to go to school when it gets out? Their high school students are the future pillars of the country. It's self-destructive foundation--"

Jin Jinshan is worthy of being the director of the bureau, and he has risen to the height of the country's foundation all at once.

Hehehe, Xiao Miao's teeth were clenching, and he turned his head to see that Jiang Shen was smiling there, so angry in his heart, he really wanted to shoot this little rascal with a gun.

"Let him go, now."

"Yes, yes." The other police officer nodded repeatedly.

Just as Jiang Shen was beaming, someone outside the door 'coughed', coughed lightly, and walked in a robust middle-aged man in his 40s.

"Comrade Jinshan, this is what's wrong with you."




Bao Weibing, chief of the Chengdong District Police Department, came in.

"As a leading cadre, how can you interfere with the comrades below to handle the case? This will easily chill the hearts of the comrades." Bao Weiwei and Jin Jinshan did not deal with it, and the whole situation was known.

Why should a person who has been transferred from the army go to the police station to be the deputy chief?There is a tacit understanding among the localities now that cadres transferred from the military do not do business.

Bao Weibing didn't know what kind of background Jin Jinshan had. Anyway, he didn't like Jin Jinshan, especially Jin Jinshan had a carefree personality and didn't know how to respect him as the director.

Today I finally seized the opportunity to criticize Jin Jinshan.

"Baoju, I'm not interfering with the comrades in handling the case, but I feel that there is a big difference between their attitude in handling the case and assisting in the investigation?"

Did they invite Jiang Shen to assist in the investigation? They were simply interrogating him.

"Before the verdict, no one knows whether he did or didn't do it. Everyone in Dongning City, including everyone here today, may be a suspect. They are just doing their duty. According to relevant regulations, the criminal Case, twelve hours is fine."

Baoju made a final statement, meaning that Jiang Shen must be shut down for twelve hours first.

Nima, who are you? You are locked up for twelve hours at every turn. Jiang Shen glanced coldly at Bao Weibing and took him down.

"I reserve my opinion." Of course, Jin Jinshan refused to accept it. In this case, the advantage of flattering the top is to get one's hands. Handling individual cases is left to the subordinates. If you have meritorious service, you can get it yourself, and if you have done it, you can push others. He is quite displeased.

"I've handed over this case to Deputy Director Cao, so don't worry about it." Bao Weibing looked at Jiang Shen meaningfully.

Is this Jiang Shen very famous recently? It's fine for Jiang Youtu to sue him. Just now, the leader above said hello. If he wants to mess with him, it's bad luck for him.

The purpose of the bureau today is to detain Jiang Shen for twelve hours.

Jin Jinshan gave Jiang Shen a helpless look. He is the deputy director, even if he blatantly contradicted the director, it would be useless. Xiao Miao and the other person handling the case must listen to the director.

"Thank you Jin Ju, I'm fine, I'm not afraid of the shadow being crooked, I'm fine." Jiang Shen winked at him.

Jin Jinshan also knew that Jiang Shen was a stranger, so he looked at Jiang Shen embarrassedly, and then turned around: "Xiao Miao, you are now asking others to assist in the investigation, be careful, you don't make tea for others, this is the way of hospitality. Do you mean that I want to soak it myself?"

"I still need to make tea, your sister." Xiaomiao didn't dare to glare at Jin Ju, so she turned around and glared at Jiang Shen with murderous eyes.

"I'll come, I'll make tea." Another police officer hurried out to make tea.

"Hmph." Jin Jinshan glared at the two policemen threateningly, turned around and strode away.

"Ignore him, what to do, I support you." Bao Ju encouraged his subordinates, then turned and left.

Old man, with a mental thought of Jiang Shen, Baoju slipped his feet, turned to the side, and slammed his head against the door frame with a bang.

"Ah!" Bao Weibing screamed while holding onto his arms.

"Baoju, are you okay?" Officer Xiao Miao wanted to laugh, but ran over quickly.

"Hahahaha." Jiang Shen laughed loudly, tears came out of his laughter.

Now Bao Weibing became angry with embarrassment: "I'm fine, you guys, interrogate him well." He left angrily.

"Here comes the tea, here comes the tea." At this moment, the police officer outside came in with a cup of tea.

"Why are you laughing, shut up." Police officer Xiao Miao picked up the cup of tea, brushed it, and poured it all on Jiang Shen's head.

"Give him tea, fart, and close the door."

Don't look at her younger than the police officer, she is also a woman, full of momentum, spilled a cup of tea, and the police officer hurriedly closed the door in fright.

"You dare to splash me?" Jiang Shen was splashed with water, which was a disadvantage he had never suffered since his debut, and he was really furious.

"That eye of yours saw me knocking you down? Obviously you said it was too hot in here, and you splashed it yourself, brother Fei, didn't you?" Xiao Miao looked like a policeman, with a lively attitude of a young girl.

"I have a stomachache, and I want to go to the bathroom." The police officer, Brother Fei, was depressed. One was covered by the Jin Bureau, and the other was wanted by the Bao Bureau. The two gods were fighting, okay, I won't participate.

With just your guts, Xiao Miao gave Brother Fei a look of contempt: "You go, leave this place to me alone."

After a pause, she rolled her eyes: "Lock the door and don't let others in."

"Okay." Fei Ge turned around and left.

"Wait, is the monitoring off?" A grin appeared on Xiao Miao's face.

"It's closed, you just closed it when you came in just now." Brother Fei felt chills in his heart, it's terrible, this bitch is going to come for real, please ask yourself, he looked at Jiang Shen with pitiful eyes.

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