Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 107 I'm willing to be private

"Bang" the door slammed shut again.

There were only Jiang Shen and Officer Miao in the small room.

"You, what do you want to do?" Jiang Shen shrank back, with a look of horror on his face.

"Hey hey" Xiao Miao smiled smugly, smugly.

The monitoring is off, the gate is closed, boy, it doesn't scare you to death.

"Recruit or not." Xiao Miao patted the table again.

"Jiang Shen, this police officer will give you another chance to confess and be lenient. Did you send these swordsmen to be killed?"

"Yes." Jiang Shen nodded heavily.

"I committed suicide myself. Killers are always killed. If they didn't want to kill me, how could I kill them?"

"Okay, how did you kill them?" Police officer Xiao Miao was overjoyed. She didn't expect such a fright to scare Jiang Shen. She quickly turned on the tape recorder next to her and picked up a pen at the same time.

"Speak well, be frank and be lenient, and I will fight for a commutation of your sentence." Dead hooligan, you are doomed, and you must be given the death penalty.Xiao Miao said it well, but she was already thinking of a way to make Jiang Shen's crime as big as possible.

"They found near my house, got out of the car and chased me with a knife. I ran to the roof and fought with them on the roof. They didn't know that I was good at fighting. I hacked them to death one by one. The last one, I forced him to jump off the building." Jiang Shen said nonsense.

"What about the corpse, why can't the other people's corpses be found?"

"I burned them. I bought a few barrels of gasoline on the roof and burned them. Then I swept away the ashes, took them to Dongning River, and sprinkled them in the river."

Damn, you are so ruthless, Xiao Miao wrote down every word: "Do you know who sent the swordsman? Why did you kill you?"

"Maybe it's Xicheng, the other party said it was Xicheng."

"Isn't Xicheng dead?"

"Xi Cheng was forced to death by me. I arrested his wife and son and forced him to jump into the river, so he jumped into the river."

"Bastard, you are such a beast." Xiao Miao realized that she was going to make a great contribution.

A big case, a serious case, was dug out by himself.

"That's right, you are a great meritorious service. If you have performed meritorious service, your sentence will definitely be reduced. If you tell me about everything you have done, I will guarantee that your sentence will be reduced by at least half." Xiao Miao is also talking nonsense. good.

"I've done a lot of things." Jiang Shen thought for a while: "I also cut off three fingers of Brother Dahua. I killed Brother Dahua's iron scars and so on. Brother Dahua immigrated to Canada in fright. , the hotel gave it to me.”

"What the hell, Iron Scar is missing, so you killed him." The more Xiao Miao heard, the happier she became.

"What else? What else have you done?"

"I also raped a police woman, stripped her naked in the police interrogation room, and then fucked her. Later, she followed me and gave birth to a daughter for me."

"Hiss---" Xiao Miao almost jumped up and smashed the desk lamp on Jiang Shen's head: "You beast, a beast that is not as good as a beast, you can do this kind of thing and hurt our police."

"It's from that police station." Xiao Miao suppressed her anger and took a pen to write it down first.

Why is this colleague so stupid, and gave birth to a son for this beast.

"Congdong District Police Station."

"Our bureau? Who is it?" Xiao Miao was thinking in his mind, who gave birth to a daughter recently and is not married yet?

"I don't know what her name is. My surname is Miao. She always likes to fight against me. My daughter takes her surname, Miao Cuihua."

"-----" Xiao Miao was stunned for five seconds.

The next moment, her face suddenly turned green and white, and Xiongxiong was furious.

"Jiang----gentleman----" Her voice could almost pierce the sky and spread ten miles away.

"You bastard, what are you talking about?" Xiao Miao jumped up, picked up the notebook in her hand, and slapped Jiang Shen fiercely.

Playing on me, actually playing on me, Xiao Miao vomited blood angrily, punched Jiang Shen hard for a while.

However, she is also very experienced. Although she didn't hit Jiang Shen in the face when she was angry, all the hits were places where Jiang Shen had a lot of clothes, but even though she was a woman, she was very powerful when she punched down, even if it was an ordinary person , Absolutely want to give a call.

Jiang Shen smiled secretly, but on the surface he was screaming: "Murder, the police kill, torture to extract confessions, murder with poisonous hands."

"Call, you call, call you? Damn, I let you call." Xiao Miao hit the fire, pushed Jiang Shen to the ground, turned a stool and threw it at Jiang Shen.

Damn, it's a big loss, Jiang Shen is so depressed, and he can't fight back. Today, he was beaten up like this by a woman, and it was spread, so Brother Shen's face will be put there.

However, he has his own means, and he also relies on Xiao Miao to fight.

After playing for 5 minutes, Xiao Miao's clothes were all messed up, her hair was even messed up, and she sat back panting.

"You dare to play me, you are dead, based on your testimony just now, you are dead."

"As a policeman, if you hit someone on purpose, you're dead, Xiao Miao, I'm going to take off your police uniform." Jiang Shen sat on the ground.

"Heh, heh, what a big tone." Xiao Miao was not afraid, the surveillance was turned off, and he had no obvious trauma since he didn't hit him, which can be completely denied.

She lightly pressed the re-listen button to listen to your confession first.

"Murder, the police kill, torture to extract confession, murder with murderous hands." Jiang Shen's screams and Xiao Miao's violent beating came from the recorder.

"How could this happen?" Xiao Miao was dumbfounded, and played back and forth several times. There was nothing Jiang Shen said before, only she beat Jiang Shen violently, Jiang Shen's screams and Xiao Miao's roar.

"Hahahaha, you're dead, the police forced confessions and beat people." It was Jiang Shen's turn to laugh wildly.

"You bastard." Xiao Miao almost fainted in anger, and quickly deleted the recording.

"Officer Miao, I'll give you a chance. If you don't want to be stripped of your police uniform, you must apologize to me." Jiang Shen still sat on the table.

"It's up to you?" Xiao Miao sneered, and raised a stool with a grim face.

Ka, at this time the door rang, as if someone was about to come in.

"Quick, stand up for me."

But Jiang Shen laughed and sat on the ground and jumped forward.

With a thud, Jiang Shen hit his head on the table, and blood spurted out.

"Hitting someone --- help ---" Jiang Shen lay on the ground and rolled from side to side.

His body couldn't be broken even by a gun, and no one could break his head except himself.

Xiao Miao was stunned for an instant.

Bang, the door opened, and three more people came in, two of them were police officers, and one was Jiang Shen's lawyer from last time.

"I---I didn't hit him, he hit him himself." Xiao Miao stood there blankly, never expecting Jiang Shen to be so ruthless.

But the lawyer suddenly picked up the phone, card, card, and took a picture of the scene.

"What are you doing, hand over your mobile phone." Two police officers went to grab the lawyer's mobile phone, one on the left and one on the right.

Only then did Xiao Miao realize that she was still holding the bench in her hand, and there was blood on the bench?

Nima, how did that blood get on the bench?I am so far away from Jiang Shen?

The lawyer once snatched the police officer, and after the mobile phone was seized, he was furious: "I will sue your police station, torture the confession, and beat the high school students."

"He hit it himself, I didn't hit him at all." Xiao Miao completely denied it.

"Adjust surveillance, you must have surveillance during interrogation." The lawyer said.

"The surveillance camera just broke down today, so I took it outside to repair it." Xiao Miao pointed at Jiang Shen: "I didn't beat him, so I can do an injury check."

She is very experienced, and the old comrades have taught her how to fight so that no injuries can be detected.

"Injury inspection, I want an injury inspection." Jiang Shen stood up staggeringly, hissed, and took off his coat, and the underwear inside was lifted up again.

"Wow..." The lawyer was stunned, and Xiao Miao almost spit out blood.

Jiang Shen's insides were bruised and purple, with bloodstains all over his body, and almost his whole body was covered with cuts and bruises, which was horrible.

It looked like he was beaten and kicked by at least a dozen police officers for 10 minutes.

"You--you?---" Xiao Miao and her partners were petrified.

"You mean you didn't hit someone?" The lawyer was very angry: "You two still want to help her, can you take it? What you saw just now, don't say it in court." The lawyer said from the two policemen. He snatched back his cell phone.

Neither police officer responded.

If things get worse, they can't help Xiao Miao anymore.

Typing it like this, let alone not seeing it, is this too fake?

"I really didn't—" There were tears in Xiao Miao's eyes, she wanted to say that she didn't fight, but she did, but it didn't end like this.

"Injury inspection, injury inspection." Xiao Miao stomped her feet.

"I'm just a high school student, and I'm willing to do it privately. If your bureau apologizes to me and pays me some money, and Officer Xiao Miao slaps me twice, that's all."

Jiang Shen sat lazily on the ground.

"Are you dreaming?" Xiao Miao was furious and wanted to slap me. Believe it or not, if you are dreaming, I will kill you.

This incident immediately alarmed Bao Weibing, the police chief of Chengdong District.

He and several deputy bureau chiefs arrived one after another.

Then Jiang Shen checked his injuries.

The result of the injury test scared a lot of people to death.

His whole body was covered with cuts and bruises, some internal organs were bleeding, and a sternum was broken. It seems that the injuries were all just beaten, and at least several police officers beat him together.

He suffered a severe concussion on the head.

If this injury were replaced by an ordinary person, he would definitely be lying in the hospital and unable to move.

Jiang Shen was still able to speak, it was Amitabha, which was beyond anyone's surprise.

"Baoju, this is the photo I took just now. Is Officer Xiao Miao very fierce, and he is still holding a stool." Jiang Shen's lawyer Zhang took out his mobile phone and showed Baoju: "I have already sent the photo back through the Internet. Make a backup copy for the game, do you want to meet up there?"

Impossible, the two policemen next to Baoju looked at each other, didn't we just delete it.

"I'll show you too, I took it with my cell phone." Jiang Shen walked over unsteadily, and took out a cell phone out of nowhere.

It was Xiao Miao's turn to be dumbfounded.

When they were locked in, they searched all over, and Jiang Shen didn't have a mobile phone at all.

"Fuck, call, let you call, I will kill you"

"Killing people, the police killing people, torture to extract confessions, killing people with murderous hands."

In the picture, Xiaomiao is beating Jiang Shen fiercely, and Jiang Shen is screaming miserably.

"Bastard" Bao Weibing looked at it and was furious, and the police officers nearby quickly snatched Jiang Shen's cell phone.

"I also sent back a copy, you delete it, you delete it." Jiang Shen looked indifferent.

"Comrade Wei Bing, I seem to have heard you say just now, what to do, what to do, you support their trial of Jiang Shen." Jin Jinshan took offense.

I'm sorry, Bao Weibing was shocked and frightened.

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