"This Mr. Jiang, right? Didn't you just say that you would like to be private?" A police officer pulled the clothes of the guards from behind.

This matter is going to be private, now that the network is out of control, it is almost dead, once it is exposed, the entire Chengdong District Police Station will be in trouble, not to mention Xiao Miao, Bao Weibing may be in trouble.

It is not a criminal to beat someone like this, and there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

"Hahaha, Mr. Jiang is a high school student and educated. In fact, we are also willing to apologize, private." Bao Weibing changed his mind and quickly proposed private.

Nima, high school students are also called educated, can you be more shameless?Jin Jinshan remained calm and said in good conscience that he would rather this matter be exposed, so that Bao could step down.

However, it may not be his turn to step down with the surname Bao, and it depends on Jiang Shen, who seems to be willing to be private.

"I'm also a good citizen, and I'm willing to cooperate with the police." Jiang Shen touched the gauze on his head, and looked at Miao Miao, who couldn't speak angry words.

"It's fine to keep it private. There are a few conditions. First, don't ask me to cooperate with the investigation for twelve hours in the future."

"Second, the Bao Bureau apologized to me, and the police department wants to compensate me for my loss, mental and medical expenses."

"Third, Xiao Miao slapped me twice."

"Hiss." The first two are fine, but your third one is too deceitful.

Except for Jin Jinshan, almost all the police were angry.

A deputy director almost wanted to come up and kick Jiang Shen.

Damn, slapping the policeman at the police station, saying that you are a man, or that you are not a man.

Of course there is something in the police station, but beating a woman is really not what a man does.

"Mr. Jiang, I can agree to the first and second ones, but Xiao Miao is also willing to apologize to you---" Bao Bao's thoughts changed quickly, what are you afraid of apologizing, saying a word is a lot of meat, losing money?And don't give me my money, the public's money.

He immediately agreed to the first two items, but for the third item, he looked at Officer Xiao Miao.

"It doesn't matter if you don't slap her. Just based on her behavior, she can be fired from public office, right? Do I need to upload a video to fire her?" Jiang Shen said slowly.

Fire is fire, Xiao Miao almost blurted out, at this time she was really angry, she just didn't have a gun by her side, if she had a gun, she might have taken it out and shot Jiang Shen.

I really don't want to be a policeman anymore, I'm quitting after being treated so badly by a hooligan.

But then I thought about it, how can I get revenge if I don't work as a policeman.

This bastard, I don't believe that I'm so lucky in my life, there is always a chance for me to catch him, Xiao Miao thought and thought for a moment.

"I'll hit you." Gritting her teeth, Xiao Miao took a step forward, her chest puffed up, and the anger in her eyes was enough to burn an ocean: "Go ahead, hit as many as you want, I was wrong, and I apologize to you. "

"Hmm..." Several deputy bureau chiefs turned their heads, unable to see it any longer, everyone was thinking that Jiang Shen might be trying to scare her.

Xiao Miao is a well-known beauty in the bureau, and her family background is not small, such a beautiful policewoman, Jiang Shen, what do you do?

But Jiang Shen didn't say a word, and just shook his hands.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Pros and cons four times, hit four in a row.

He said to hit two, but he hit four in a row.

Moreover, these four slaps were heavy and loud, and the delicate and beautiful face of Xiao Miao was blood red, and his whole head was buzzing.

Are you really fighting?Everyone was stunned.

"Wow..." Xiao Miao couldn't bear it anymore, cried bitterly on the spot, turned around and ran away.

She is also the daughter of heaven, when has she ever suffered such grievances.

And she was beaten by her prisoner in the police station.

Shame, the shame of our Chengdong District Police Department, Bao Bureau, they are all trembling with anger.

After this incident, Jiang Shen not only received a compensation of 10 yuan, but also left the police station with the smiling faces of Bao Ju and others.

Whoever mentions Jiang Shen in the future will tremble all over and avoid it.

The name of Jiang Wenshen has spread from the campus to the police.

Just as Jiang Shen was at the police station.

Ding Yan went to the 'Colorful KTV' in the city center.

Hearing that Brother Shen had gone to the police station again, Ding Yan had no choice but to go first after receiving Jiang Shen's text message, believing that Brother Shen would come out soon.

Today is Song Leqiao's birthday.

She recently dated a boyfriend, a sophomore in high school named Dai Zhibin, who is handsome and rich.

Song Leqiao never had a boyfriend from the first year of high school to the third year of high school. She originally devoted herself to studying, but Dai Zhibin chased him fiercely. On his terms, Song Leqiao surrendered in less than two weeks.

"Ding Yan, where's Jiang Shen?" In the ktv, a huge three-tiered cake was already on the table, and Song Leqiao was sitting with a handsome boy about 1.7 meters tall.

"He has something to do, come later." Ding Yan didn't want to come at first, but she never said anything in class, only Song Leqiao was a good friend.

"Hi sister Yan, my name is Xiaobin." Dai Zhibin greeted very politely.

"Hello." Ding Yan glanced slightly, and then stopped looking at him.

In her eyes, no matter how handsome or rich a man is, he is not one percent better than Jiang Shen.

"Just the three of us?" Dai Zhibin exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"How about we wait, wait for Jiang Shen." Song Leqiao asked.

"No need, you guys sing first, I want to eat, I haven't eaten dinner yet." Ding Yan picked up some fruits and ate them.

They originally talked about dinner, but later they changed it to go directly to ktv. Besides cake, there are also a lot of fruits, and they can be full without dinner.

At this time, Dai Zhibin's phone rang.

"Brother Qian, want me to sing? No time, I'm singing brother with my girlfriend."

"Ah, you are also in Qicai, and I am also in Qicai. I am in Box No. [-]. I will toast later."

After hanging up the phone, Dai Zhibin smiled and said, "A classmate in the class is also here. I'll go to have a toast later. The second generation official, his father is a high-ranking official."

When he spoke, he looked at Ding Yan.

Ding Yan didn't respond at all.

Everyone ate something casually, Song Leqiao sang two songs first, and then the door was pushed open.

A sunny boy, very handsome, walked in with a smile.

"Brother Qian, this is my girlfriend Le Qiao, and this is her classmate Ding Yan."

"Okay, hello everyone." The person who came in was Jiang Shen's half-brother Jiang Qian.

He has been planning for today for a long time, not only did people get Song Leqiao, but also made people hold Jiang Shen for twelve hours today.

He is a smart man, he wins with his wits, he never fights like Jiang Shen, that is the behavior of a reckless man.

He wants to see, what kind of expression will this bastard brother have when he knows that his woman has been fucked by me?

When Jiang Qian came in, Ding Yan's eyes still brightened.

Because although the two don't look very much alike, they must be brothers. Ding Yan thought she saw Jiang Shen at first glance, but upon closer inspection, there was still a big gap.

Jiang Qian was very gentle, always kept a smile on his face, and looked friendly.

Jiang Shen only smiled at himself, and usually had no expression on his face.

Ding Yan saw that Jiang Qian was a bit hypocritical.

There is no need to keep smiling all the time, are you tired?

"I asked you to drink a song. It turns out that there is a beautiful woman to accompany you. I will go over after I toast, and you will come over later." Jiang Qian picked up a bottle of beer.

Song Leqiao and Dai Zhibin also quickly picked up a bottle.

Ding Yan looked at it and picked up the drink in front of her.

"Sister Yan, why don't you drink some beer, this wine has no alcohol content." Dai Zhibin said.

"No, it's the same as drinks. I also hate being asked to drink." Jiang Qian was very polite and good at talking.

Say it, head up and blow a bottle off.

Song Leqiao drank half of the bottle, and Dai Zhibin also blew a bottle.

Ding Yan took a sip lightly.

Jiang Qian got up and left.

"Brother Qian, wait a minute, we are few people, sit with us, I happen to have something to tell you." Dai Zhibin ran over and grabbed Jiang Qian.

"I have guests over there."

"Sit down for a while, it's really something."

"what's up?"

"Leqiao's brother graduated from college and wants to arrange a job. Please help me." Dai Zhibin pressed Jiang Qian next to Ding Yan, and Ding Yan moved to the side.

"Brother Qian, I'm sorry." Song Leqiao was full of anticipation.

"This matter?" Jiang Qian hesitated for less than a second, and said decisively: "We are all brothers, what major? What unit do you want to join?"

"Learned about electrical machinery."

"So unpopular?" Jiang Qian thought about it again: "Undergraduate or junior college."

"Graduate student."

"I try power supply companies, state-owned enterprises, 10,000+ a year, but I can only try."

Awesome, Song Leqiao's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Even Ding Yan was surprised.

These days, not to mention graduate students, doctoral students may not be able to find a job when they come back. This Jiang Qian seems to be very good.

Song Leqiao happily said: "I will respect Brother Qian again." He picked up the other half bottle and drank it all at once.

"They're all my brothers. You're welcome. I'll make a call to see."

"Brother Qian's third uncle is the boss of the power supply company." Dai Zhibin was also very proud of himself.

No matter how many people ask for a good thing, Jiang Qian can get it done with one phone call. This is the second generation of officials.

"Third uncle, I am A-qian."

"Yeah, I have something to ask you. I am a cousin who graduated from graduate school and wants to join your company. Can he have a staff?"

"This is my cousin, it's normal if you haven't seen it before, it's really my relative, third uncle, can I still lie to you?"

"Wait? After September? Surely there will be? Now, you promised me that you can't lie to me? Lie to me, and I'll complain to Aunt San every day."

"Okay, thank you third uncle."

After hanging up the phone, Song Leqiao became even more excited.

"Your brother's name, school, education background, send me a short message when the time comes, this is my phone----" Jiang Qian did things without sloppiness at all, Ding Yan also nodded secretly after watching, and the impression was much better.

"Brother Qian, thank you, I'll drink another bottle." The excitement Dai Zhibin showed.

"I'll drink a bottle too, thank you Brother Qian." Song Leqiao was also very excited, with a sense of accomplishment, and it spread to the family to help her brother solve his work, what an amazing thing.

Jiang Qian wanted to leave after finishing the matter, Dai Zhibin and Song Leqiao tried their best to persuade him to stay.

So he sat down and chatted with everyone.

He has a generous demeanor and a humorous conversation. He hardly chats with Ding Yan. He looks very polite, and his clever sentences make Song Leqiao laugh out loud from time to time.

Ding Yan kept looking at her phone while listening.

Why hasn't Brother Gentleman come yet?

Not long after, the door opened again.

Three scantily clad, fragrant young beauties came in.

"Bosses, do you want to order a princess?" One of them looked older and asked Jiang Qian.

"No, get out immediately." Dai Zhibin said angrily.

"Thank you, we don't want it." Jiang Qian didn't even look at it, and waved back.

Oh, what did the three of them want to say, suddenly a smell of alcohol rushed in from outside.

A big man came in staggeringly carrying a bottle of wine.

"Xiao Hua, what do you mean, we ordered you, you are not free, come here now? Look down on me Wei Ge?"

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