Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 109 Ding Yan is Dangerous

The one named Xiaohua saw it and shook her head quickly: "No, no, I didn't know you ordered me."

"Brother Wei, you drank too much, we didn't know you ordered florets." The older beauty quickly persuaded.

"Ba..." Wei Ge slapped the beautiful woman back several steps to Ding Yan's side, and stayed there on the spot in fright.

Ding Yan and the others stood up in fright.

"What the hell, are you kidding me, are you seeing that I'm drunk, afraid that I won't give you money? Come on, I'm going to order Xiaohua today." Brother Wei rushed up, obviously to catch Xiaohua, but he grabbed Ding Yan's hand.

"Ah---" Ding Yan exclaimed, and shook her hand, and Xiao Hua hid behind her.

"Shock what, let me go." The big man slapped the phone off Ding Yan's hand, and pulled her to leave.

"What are you doing? This is my classmate." Jiang Qian had a sudden attack at this moment, rushed over fiercely, and pushed the big man away.

"Brother Wei, Brother Wei..." Two big men rushed in from outside the door, just in time to see Jiang Qian rushing up.

"Boy, you are looking for death." One of them picked up the beer bottle, bang, and smashed it on Jiang Qian's head.

"Ah--" Jiang Qian screamed, covered his head and squatted down, blood gushing out.

"Brother Qian, Brother Qian." Dai Zhibin, Song Yueqiao, and Ding Yan all screamed.

"Follow me." The big man was too drunk, went up to grab Xiao Hua, and grabbed Ding Yan again.

"Beast." Jiang Qian picked up a bottle of wine on the table at this moment, and rushed up, bang, on the big man's head regardless of the bleeding on his head.

Then he pulled Ding Yan's hand violently, turned around and fled.

"I'm stupid." The two men behind wanted to stop, Dai Zhibin pushed left and right, but he pushed them all away.

The four of them rushed out, and the big men behind them chased and shouted.

"Let go, let go." Although Ding Yan thanked Jiang Qian, it felt uncomfortable to be held by him.

The four of them ran all the way to the elevator, but saw a big man chasing after them, and the elevator was too late.

"Take the stairs, take the stairs." Dai Zhibin took the lead, and the four of them ran to the stairs.

But I heard someone shouting from behind: "Ask someone to block the bottom, what the hell, I smashed Wei Ge's head, we must catch them out, throw the men downstairs, and rape the women."

"Block the door and ask someone to block the door."

The four panicked and ran to the stairs, Jiang Qian covered his head. "Go up, go to the roof and call the police. When the police come, I will go down and lure them away."

"Brother Qian, I'll guide you." Dai Zhibin is also very loyal.

"Go up quickly, they are blocked below, I come here a lot, I will take them around." Jiang Qian nodded modestly to Ding Yan, and hurried downstairs.

"Come on, let's go up, up." Dai Zhibin pushed the two women up.

At this time, Ding Yan was also a little moved.

This Jiang Qian is gentle to people and decisive in his actions. He was really a bit like Jiang Shen when he hit someone with a wine bottle just now.

I hope he's fine, Brother Gentleman, come back soon.

Ding Yan suddenly realized that her mobile phone had been dropped in the box.

"Whoever has a mobile phone should call the police." Ding Yan asked.

"Oh, mine fell into the box." Dai Zhibin shouted.

"What about mine, what about mine, I saw it just now, but it's gone anyway." Song Yueqiao's face was full of shock and panic.

No one has a cell phone.

But I heard "bang, bang," punches, kicks and muffled groans below.

"Grab one, grab one."

"Drag up."

"Is there anyone else? They must not have gone down. Go up and find that woman."

Footsteps caught up.

"No, Brother Qian was arrested." Dai Zhibin's face was as white as white.

Song Leqiao had seen this kind of scene there, her legs were trembling, and she said in a trembling voice: "I, I can't crawl——"

"You go up, I'll go down, they are looking for me----" Ding Yan has seen this kind of scene a lot, Jiang Shendang cut off her father's finger in front of her, and killed two people in front of her. What kind of.

Ding Yan is not afraid.

As long as Jiang Shen comes, these people will all be reduced to ashes.

"Ding Yan, don't." Song Leqiao thought about Latin Yan, but Ding Yan ran down, and said while running, "You can ask someone to borrow a mobile phone to call the police."

She rushed down without hesitation.

Jiang Qian saved her, and she also wants to save Jiang Qian. Ding Yan doesn't like to owe others, except Jiang Shen.

"Let's go up and hide first." A strange color flashed in Dai Zhibin's eyes, and he almost dragged Song Leqiao up there. As for whether he would ask someone to borrow his phone, only he knew.

Ding Yan ran down and went straight to the box. She wanted to get her phone back first, but when she reached the corner of the stairs, she saw three big men dragging Jiang Qian up.

"Chick --" the other side also saw her.

"Let him go, I'm here." Ding Yan gritted her teeth: "Who are you with? There is a way to sign up."

She also learned this from the TV.

She knew that Jiang Shen was very famous now, not to mention Jiang Shen, even Brother Chest Hair and Brother Xiaobai were becoming more and more popular recently.

"Hey, little girl, you are also out to mess around, hahaha." Two big men came over laughing wildly, clamped Ding Yan's arms from left to right, and dragged them inside. An empty box.

Jiang Qian's face was covered with blood, and he was thrown into the box with Ding Yan.

Then the two big men looked at them one by one, turned around and left the other.

"Ding Yan, are you okay---" Jiang Qian got up from the ground, his face was bruised and purple, and he looked like he had been beaten badly.

"I'm fine, are you fine?" Ding Yan walked over, a little embarrassed.

"I'm fine. Why are you back? Did you call the police?"

"I lost my phone---" Ding Yan went to help Jiang Qian up, and the two sat on the sofa.

Heavy horn steps sounded outside.

Bang, the door opened, and Wei Ge staggered in.

"Brother Wei." The big man called out respectfully.

"Go out and guard outside for me." Wei Ge grinned.

"Yes." The man went out.

"Brother Wei, right? Come out to play, ask for money rather than anger, you make a price, let her go, I hit you, you just hit me as much as you want." Jiang Qian stood up and stood in front of Ding Yan.

Standing behind, Ding Yan felt that his back was very similar to Jiang Shen, and almost thought she saw Jiang Shen.

"Hahaha, talk to me about money, you little brat, talk to me about money, I'm going to tease you today." Wei Ge rushed forward and kicked Jiang Qian down on the sofa.

"Boy, open your eyes and watch, I'm just playing with your woman in front of you." Wei Ge walked towards Ding Yan while taking off his clothes.

"Beast." Jiang Qian wanted to rush up, but was beaten by Wei Ge several times and couldn't get up on the ground.

"Brother Wei, who are you with? Brother Xiaobai and Brother Chest Mao, I know them all, don't mess around---" Ding Yan backed away and announced the names of Chest Hair and the others.

"Bah, you scare me. I know Chen Bopi." Wei Ge didn't know whether it was because he had too much wine or because he was bold.

Ding Yan saw that it was impossible, and suddenly picked up the ashtray on the coffee table in front of her.

"Don't come here." Ding Yan stepped back while holding the ashtray in one hand.

Brother Shen said that even a gun can't kill me. Xu Li jumped off the building last time.

"Hey..." Ding Yan was very decisive and fierce, as soon as she pushed the window open, she wanted to jump out of the window.

Unexpectedly, when the window was opened, it was found that there was a security window outside.

"Smelly three eight." Seeing that Ding Yan wanted to jump off the building, Wei Ge was shocked and angry, rushed over and grabbed Ding Yan's hair, and pulled it hard.

"Ah..." Ding Yan was pulled down by him, pressed down on the ground, and held down her hands and feet.

Ding Yan wanted to hit him with an ashtray, but she missed and struggled desperately.

"Binzi, Binzi."

"Brother Wei." A big man rushed in from outside.

"Pour a glass of water, put the ecstasy and aphrodisiac in it, and give her a hard time."

"Okay." Binzi took out two bags of medicine from his pocket, poured a glass beside it, then crushed the medicinal coins into powder, and threw it into the water glass.

Ding Yan watched while struggling, feeling both startled and frightened.

Brother Gentleman, Brother Gentleman, come quickly.

Her first time has not yet been dedicated to Jiang Shen, it will be taken away by others, Ding Yan would rather die.

"Okay, okay, Vigo."

"Pour it in."

Two big men grabbed Ding Yan's mouth and forcefully poured a glass of water into it.

"Haha, Brother Wei, take your time and enjoy it. The high school students nowadays are really amazing, taking drugs and messing around, hahaha." Bin Zai went out.

"Haha, little sister, it will be you who fucked me later, not me, hahaha." Wei Ge let go, laughed and stood up.

"vomit..." Ding Yan reached into her throat and clasped it vigorously, no matter how hard she clasped it, it was useless.

"You're dead, Brother Shen won't let you go." Ding Yanjue couldn't open his eyes more and more, his whole body was hot, and the strength of the medicine came up very quickly. I don't know how much medicine they put into it.

"Uh---ah---" Ding Yan rolled on the sofa, her sanity becoming more and more unclear.

Wei Ge was watching from the side, ten seconds, 20 seconds.

In less than half a minute, Ding Yan was lying softly on the sofa, groaning continuously.

Her hands were even beginning to undress herself, and her eyes were almost dimmed.

"Baba" Wei Ge went up and patted Ding Yan's face lightly a few times: "It's done, it's done."

He stood up: "Young Master Qian, you can go."

"Yeah." Jiang Qian stood up, and spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

"Is it really hard for him to strike?"

"Hey." Wei Ge patted his head: "It's not that Qian Shao said to be more realistic, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but to be honest, this kind of girl just fucks directly, why is it so troublesome? Qian Shao, you are bleeding again today To be beaten again is too much money."

"You know shit." Jiang Qian began to take off his clothes: "The trouble now is for the trouble in the future. You are such a rough person, and you don't understand it."

"That's, that's, we can compare with Qian Shao." Well, you're cool, I'll take the blame, but I'm really willing to take the blame for 50, hahaha, Wei Ge originally accepted Jiang Qian 50.

"Take out your phone and take a picture for me. Let that bastard see how I play with her woman in the future."

"Okay." Wei Ge took out his phone.

Jiang Qian walked up, hissed, and with a few efforts, Ding Yan was stripped into only cotton fir.

"Tsk, this figure, he? How can he prefer that bastard." Jiang Qian pounced on him.

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