Just when Jiang Qian was about to force himself, there was a sudden quarrel outside.

"Brother Wei, Brother Wei, someone is calling." Binzi exclaimed at the door.

"What?" Unlucky, just a little bit.

Jiang Qian watched Ding Yan humming softly on the sofa, and really wanted to ignore Sanqi 21 and get in first before talking.

However, he is a very calm person.

Quickly put on clothes.

While wearing it, he said: "Hit me---"

"Ah---" Wei Ge froze for a moment.

"Hit me, hit me quickly." Jiang Qian was very well prepared today, wearing very little clothes, and after putting on his pants and shoes, he threw himself on Wei Ge before he could put on his coat.

"Don't mess around, don't mess around." Jiang Qian and Wei Ge got entangled.

"Boy, get out of here." Wei Ge also put on airs.

The two rolled a few times on the floor of the box and overturned a coffee table. Within a minute, bang, the door was knocked open.

"Ah..." Binzi rolled on the ground with his head in his arms, and was beaten all the way in.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law." Jiao Pi and Hei Gui came in aggressively with a few younger brothers.

Seeing Ding Yan like that, she was shocked and angry.

"Mad Dog Wei, you are so courageous." Jiao Pi also knows Wei Ge, a native of Liaoxi, and outsiders are in Dongning City, Liaoxi is the most famous, good at fighting, and there are many gangsters. Mad Dog Wei is one of them. People basically follow the former Dongning Four Tigers, and there are also some independent ones, but their influence is relatively small.

Mad Dog Wei is independent.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I don't know." Wei Ge also pretended, this is what Jiang Qian had agreed with him a long time ago: "I thought it was the princess here--"

Before he finished speaking, Jiao Pi had nothing at hand, so he picked up the mobile phone in his hand, bang, and smashed it on Wei Ge's head.

"Ah---" Wei Ge fell to the ground.

Everyone went up and punched.

"Okay, take my sister-in-law away first, Mad Dog Wei, that bastard, wait for Brother Gentleman to come out and look for him." The nigger looked at Brother Wei pitifully.

Jiang Shen told them not to cause trouble, so they seldom cause trouble.

But you have provoked Brother Gentleman, Crazy Wei, I'm afraid you are going to become a dead dog Wei.

This time it was Jiang Shen who sent a short message to Chest Hair before he entered the police station and his phone was confiscated, asking him to send someone to protect Ding Yan, and it really worked.

The nigger went up and took a look: "Who are you?"

"I'm her classmate, and we celebrated our birthday together."

"Fuck you, get out." The nigger didn't like Jiang Qian's oily hair and noodles when he saw it. This is our sister-in-law, did you celebrate your birthday, but you seem to be protecting your sister-in-law, so you don't care about it.

"Find a girl." The black ghost called the two princesses, and they went downstairs with Ding Yan sandwiched between one left and one right.

A few people came and left quickly, and quickly took Ding Yan away.

"What, bad luck, just a little bit." Jiang Qian's anger, Jiang Qian who was polite, polite and funny in front of Ding Yan and Song Yueqiao just now disappeared at all, his face was full of fierce hatred.

Another 5 minutes at night, let Lao Tzu insert it, even if it can't be finished, Jiang Shen's green hat will definitely be worn, I'm stupid.Jiang Qian was furious.

"Young Master Qian, who is the gentleman they are talking about? Could it be the recently famous killer Gentleman?" Wei Ge was trembling in fear.

"What killer gentleman?" Jiang Qian glared at him.

"You don't know, there are rumors recently that there is a gentleman who is very cruel, and everyone calls him killer gentleman behind his back."

"This bastard is really low-class, he can't learn well, he's a bastard." Jiang Qian scolded.

"Well, if it's really a killer gentleman, I'm going to run away." Wei Ge felt sweat all over his body.

Before he did it, he didn't know who Ding Yan was. He just thought that Jiang Qian wanted to fuck her.

Ding Yan later said about Brother Chest Hair, and he also thought that Ding Yan was trying to scare people, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.

"Run and run, that money is not enough for you to escape." Jiang Qian shook his head, hating his disappointment, turned and left the box.

Let's talk about Jiang Shen.

After being tossed about at the police station for a long time at night, he finally felt relieved, slapped four times, and left the police station proudly.

Only then did I realize that I had missed many calls on my mobile phone.

"What, Ding Yan was drugged and almost raped, I'm stupid." Jiang Shen saw Jiaopi's message and almost cleaned the police station with a punch.

At any rate, he still remembered that this is the earth, so he forcibly held back.

"Quick, go to Huatian Hotel."

Lawyer Zhang drove and quickly sent Jiang Shen to Huatian Hotel.

"Brother Shen, I'm sorry, it's all our fault." The black ghost and Jiao Pi were so frightened that they almost knelt down when they saw Jiang Shen.

Today Chest Hair asked the two of them to protect Ding Yan. The two were afraid of being seen by Ding Yan, so they kept away. Later, they opened a box next to Ding Yan's box, and one of them called a princess. It was so cool, I almost forgot This issue.

Fortunately, Ding Yan survived. If someone insulted her, both of them would die.

"It's none of your business, what about her?"

"Originally we wanted to put her in [-], but there is one in [-]---sister-in-law seems to be waiting for you." The nigger looked strange.

"So we put her in six zero nine."

On [-], Jiang Shen and Fang Rou had opened a room, and later Jiang Shen used it as a regular private room.

Fang Rou is here?Waiting for me?

Jiang Shen has one head and two big ones.

"Okay, I know." Jiang Shen walked towards [-].

"How is she?"

"She was given hallucinogens and aphrodisiacs. We wanted to send her to the hospital, but I thought you were capable, Brother Shen, so we didn't send her. I asked someone to keep feeding her water. She should be fine."

With Jiang Shen's ability, Yang Yang was like that last time, and he was still alive and kicking afterwards, so they didn't send Ding Yan to the hospital.

"Yeah." Jiang Shen passed by [-], and with a thought, Fang Rou's silly girl was inside, waiting for Jiang Shen in her pajamas, and kept looking at her phone, wondering what she was thinking.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Shen felt a little guilty, but he had to save Ding Yan first.

Sixty-nine miles away, two women were sitting next to Ding Yan. Ding Yan was lying on the bed with happy or sad expressions on her face. It seemed that she was not very conscious, and she kept touching herself with her hands.

"You go out." Jiao Pi said, and everyone retreated in unison.

Jiang Shen felt sour when he saw Ding Yan like this.

Since childhood, Ding Yan has never enjoyed the care of her parents. Finally, with her own help, the family situation has improved a little. Today, she was almost humiliated.

If someone succeeds today, with Ding Yan's personality, Jiang Shen will definitely commit suicide without even thinking about it.

It's too dangerous to let this happen again.

"Ding Yan." Jiang Shen walked over, pressed his hands, and immortal energy poured into her body.

In less than a minute, Jiang Shen used his supernatural powers to dispel all kinds of medicine in Ding Yan's body.

Ding Yan, who had been drowsy all this time, opened her eyes.

"Brother Shen, Brother Shen -- woo woo woo -- you're finally here."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I swear, this kind of thing will never happen again." Jiang Shen hugged Ding Yan tightly.

The two stabbed each other tightly, and both felt that they could not be separated from each other.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I know, Brother Shen, you will definitely come." Ding Yan cried and laughed again, with tears in her smile, her eyes were full of tears.

Ding Yan was very tired, being hugged by Jiang Shen, she felt that she was the safest person in the world, she relaxed all over, cried and laughed, and fell asleep.

Jiang Shen gently put Ding Yan down, sat on the edge of the bed, and stared at her little face.

Mad Dog Wei?You are dead.

With Jiang Shen's personality, he is going out to find Mad Dog Wei now, but he still has a lot to do tonight.

"Hey, nigger, get someone to keep an eye on Mad Dog Way, don't let him get away."

"I see. I have sent someone to watch him. This kid might want to run away. Do you want to stop him?"

"It's okay, let him run and keep an eye on him first."


It took less than 1 minute to hang up the phone.

Beep, there is a text message on the phone.

It's Fang Rou's.

She came to the hotel at seven o'clock and waited until almost nine o'clock.

I always wanted to call, but I was afraid of disturbing Jiang Shen.

"Are you done?" Fang Rou sent a sentence with a sweet smile.

Hey, Jiang Shen also suddenly discovered that too many women are not good.

If Fang Rou was fierce to him, he would feel better, but now he is a little embarrassed to ask him softly.

He hasn't figured out how to answer.

Another text message came.

"I'll go to bed first, and I'll sleep here today. Can you bring me some breakfast tomorrow? I want to eat shredded radish pancakes." Fang Rou smiled again.

She is also very smart, Jiang Shen hasn't come so late, there must be something wrong, so why don't Cui him, go to bed first.

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning." Jiang Shen had no choice but to reply.

"Is something really wrong?" Fang Rou next door looked very disappointed, but she believed that Jiang Shen, if he didn't come back, there must be something more important than dating herself.

One night, Jiang Shen was sitting beside Ding Yan's bed, watching her quietly.

Even though he is a god, even though he usually doesn't need to sleep, but because of his bad mood, at around five o'clock in the morning, he fell into a drowsy sleep as if he had been hypnotized.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Shen who was sleeping suddenly woke up.

"Well..." he felt a very gentle, gentle mouth kissing him.

Open your eyes and take a look.

Ding Yan was more clumsy on her body than Fang Rou.

"Brother Shen, you want me, I'm afraid, I'm so afraid." Ding Yanjiao blushed.

She is not afraid of encountering this kind of thing again, she is afraid that Jiang Shen will not be given the first time.

She was bold and awkwardly kissing Jiang Shen, while taking off Jiang Shen's pants with one hand.

"Ding Yan --- don't ---" Jiang Shen had a feeling that he was pretending to be false.

Before he could react, Ding Yan's little hand had already pulled out Little Jiang Shen.

Then I saw her blushing, and her little head suddenly moved down.

Hiss, Jiang Shen felt that the following was tightly surrounded by a warm, flexible and comfortable area.

"You—who did you learn from?" Jiang Shen was funny and angry, Ding Yan didn't understand at all, and faintly touched Jiang Shen with his teeth, and it would have been painful for an ordinary man.

Ding Yan swallowed a few times and spat it out: "Sister Xu taught it, she said you like this the most."

"I'm stupid, she told you this too---hiss---ah, don't touch me with your teeth, it's like eating popsicles, yes, yes, use your tongue---"

The two in the room quickly got entangled together.

The sound of pain, panting, and various beeping sounds continued in the room for a long time.

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