Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 111 The eldest brother is like a father


Jiang Shen and Ding Yan from [-] came out at the same time.

"I'm going to school first, are you going to school today?" Ding Yan is used to Jiang Shen's absenteeism, but the head teacher hasn't fired him yet.

"I'll go later, I'll ask Jiao Pi to take you off."

"Well, bye." Ding Yan rushed forward, hugged Jiang Shen and kissed deeply.

Watching Ding Yan leave.

Jiang Shen opened Fang Rou's door with hands and feet.

Fang Rou is fast asleep.

Without taking off his clothes, Jiang Shen gently lay down beside Fang Rou.

"Here we come." Fang Rou opened her eyes sleepily: "Where's my biscuits?"

"Someone will bring it right away." Jiang Shen hugged her, wanting to sleep for a while.Is it easy for me? I just fought over there for an hour and a half, and I want to come here again.

"Then I'll eat fried dough sticks first, hee hee." Fang Rou, who was sleepy just now, suddenly smiled, got up, and got under Jiang Shen.

"Oh my God." Jiang Shen smiled wryly.

For Jiang Shen, not to mention two women, he has no problem with ten women, because he is a god.

However, he himself was a little embarrassed, just now Ding Yan finished eating, and let Fang Rou eat again.

Well, who told me that the fried dough sticks are big and delicious.

Jiang Shen fought again.

He didn't finish this battle, and it took half an hour for Fang Rou to die several times. She fell limply on the bed, barely able to move, and he didn't even come out. The two of them got up after washing up.

One is going to work and the other is going to school.

Both of them felt unfinished.

"How many messages and phone calls has my sister had?"

"She's worried about you. You're so bold now that you dare to sleep outside at every turn."

"I said I was talking about a boyfriend, so naturally she couldn't help it."

"---Then when will you take me to meet your sister?"

"This won't work, at least wait until you graduate from high school, who told you that you are too young, hahaha."

"Am I small? How am I small? Someone said just now that it's too big to eat?"

"Bah, pah."

The two flirted, got up and had breakfast.

Sure enough, there were biscuits and porridge outside the door.

After eating, the two kissed goodbye, Jiang Shen went to school, and Fang Rou went to work.

When school is over at noon.

Yangyang called.

"Brother Gentleman, Mad Dog Wei escaped from Dongning, but he didn't go home and hid in 'Yiding'."

Yiding City belongs to "Jinyang City" of Dongning Province, is a county-level city below Jinyang City, and is closely adjacent to "Yexing District", one of the eight districts of Dongning.

If you drive, you can reach Yiding in one and a half hours.


"Hold on, there's a man from western Liaoning called 'Brother Gui', he's doing well, and his status in Yiding is equivalent to that of Chen Bopi and Biaobiao in Dongning. Brother covers him."

"Okay, I got it, you guys keep an eye on him first, let him have a good time for a few more days, I will go to him next week." Jiang Shen wanted to go there at noon, but it was too far away, three hours back and forth, and he had to skip class.

So, it's better to wait until Zhou Wei, anyway, Jiang Shen is not afraid that he will run away.

He happened to be meeting someone at noon.

As soon as school was over at noon, Jiang Qian went outside the school.

After walking more than 100 meters, an Audi a6 appeared in front of him.

This is not his family car, this is an uncle's car.

His uncle's surname is Zhong, and his wife is the cousin of his mother, Tang Hairong, who is also the richest woman in the Tang family.

It is said that many roads and railways in Dongning Province are built by this uncle.

This uncle was very close to him, Jiang Fengmin. In order to flatter him, he sent an Audi to Jiang Qian in the name of the company.

Jiang Qian rarely used it, but because of yesterday's incident, he asked someone to pick him up today, and there were two bodyguards with him.

"Jiang Qian" Just as Jiang Qian bent down to get into the car, someone behind him stopped him.

Jiang Qian turned around and was taken aback for a moment.

Because he seemed to see Jiang Fengmin when he was young.

Others may not recognize them, but Jiang Qian can see the similarities between the two.

bastard?There was a slight shock in his heart.

"Master Qian." Two bodyguards came up.

"It's okay, I'm a classmate." Jiang Qian waved his hand and walked over generously.

"Hello, who are you?" Jiang Qian smiled habitually and kindly, and stretched out a hand.

"Bah..." Jiang Shen directly stretched out his hand and slapped Jiang Qian on the spot, causing Jiang Qian to step back several steps.

I'm sorry, two bodyguards rushed over immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay, misunderstanding, misunderstanding." Jiang Qian was still laughing. He covered his face and ordered the bodyguards to back off.

But at this moment, his heart was raging with anger.

Ever since he was a child, when was Jiang Qian beaten?

Even his parents doted on him very much and never beat him, but today, he was beaten by a bastard.

"Is there some misunderstanding?" Jiang Qian still had a smile on his face, but it looked very fake.

"You know what you have done." Jiang Shen stared at him coldly, almost wanting to slap him to death on the spot.

"I don't understand what you mean?" Of course Jiang Qian did not admit it: "I am also a classmate with her. Anyone would stand up for what happened yesterday. However, can't I fall in love freely?"

"Chasing girls depends on skill. If you think it's not good, as long as you tell me, I will never go to see Ding Yan." Jiang Qian urged Jiang Shen.

This is where he is clever. In the scene like yesterday, even if he failed in the end, Jiang Shen would only think that he wanted to date Ding Yan.

"Ability?" Jiang Shen sneered: "Besides being Jiang Fengmin's son, how can you compare to me? Picking up girls? Fighting? More than money? And height?"

"What's more, an elder brother is like a father. As a father, what is it to slap you?"

Jiang Shen's words made Jiang Qian almost go crazy.

This is naked provocation and irony.

The wild species is the wild species, and the words are really uneducated. Jiang Qian was angry in his heart, but he was smiling on the surface: "I don't want to argue with you, and I also sympathize with you. I hope that one day we can sit together---"

"Hehe" Jiang Shen shook his head: "The biggest difference between me and you is that I hate a person, and I will definitely say it out. Don't you think it's hard for you to pretend? Maybe some people are scolding other people's bastards in their hearts, but they want to pretend Smile."

Jiang Qian's whole body was shocked, eyes full of disbelief, bastard, how do you know what I'm thinking.

He wanted to pretend to be friendly, but Jiang Shen was aggressive every step of the way.

Jiang Shen stepped up suddenly, and picked up Jiang Qian's collar with his hands: "You heard clearly, I only give you one chance, if you are not Jiang Fengmin's son, you are a dead person now, if you dare to beat me again in the future The attention of the people around you, I swear, will destroy your family."

Hey, Jiang Qian's psychological quality is considered good, and he was also in a cold sweat when he heard Jiang Shen's naked and cruel words.

After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he turned and left.

He heard what happened yesterday from Ding Yan. Although he wasn't sure it was planned by Jiang Qian, he knew that Jiang Qian wanted to seduce Ding Yan.

Dare to pick on my woman?Jiang Fengmin, if it wasn't for your father, you would have been reduced to ashes.

Some people tried to hit Jiang Shen by hurting the people around Jiang Shen. This is the most intolerable thing for Jiang Shen.

"Wild species, wild species." Jiang Qian watched Jiang Shen turn and leave, the anger in his chest was enough to burn a universe.

No wonder my mother hates you so much, you really have no quality, you little bastard, a bastard is a bastard, and an uneducated person can speak so rough.

You wait, one day, I will step on you.

Jiang Qian gritted his teeth, turned around and got into his car.

Not far away, Ding Yan was standing pretty at the school gate, waiting to go home with Jiang Shen.

Going home for lunch at noon, Ding Yan, who had tasted it for the first time, kept looking at Jiang Shen with big watery eyes while eating.

As someone who has been there, Xu Li understood Ding Yan's performance in the past two days. She didn't know how she felt, but she was happy for them and a little bit disappointed.

"I'll go back to the hotel first. I have something to do. Ding Yan, you are in charge of washing the dishes. Xiao Jiang, you can help Ding Yan." Xu Li left the two of them alone.

"Brother Gentleman." Ding Yan felt a little embarrassed.

"Will sister Xu be angry?" Ding Yan said in a weak tone.

"Silly girl, sister Xu taught you herself, why are you angry?" Jiang Shen smiled.

"Bah---Sister Xu said, you forced her, you are too bad." Ding Yan blinked: "Why don't you call her and call her back?"

Hiss, when Jiang Shen heard it, little Jiang Shen stood up proudly, what are you talking about, Shuangfei?

Uh, every man's dream, but sister Xu can't do that right now.

Seeing Jiang Shen's change, Ding Yan's face turned red: "What are you thinking, I said you called her to come back and take a rest before going to work."

"Cut." Jiang Shen waved his hand: "Go wash the dishes, I'm going to bed."

"I'm going to bed too, I'll wash after I wake up." Ding Yan's face was flushed, and with her little dimples, she was very cute.

"Then where do you want to sleep?" Jiang Shen asked intentionally.

"You sleep there, I will sleep there." Ding Yan did not hesitate.

"Then sleep here. Hahaha." Jiang Shen picked up Ding Yan.

Xu Li was not so happy at this time.

She took a taxi to the hospital.

A few days ago when I suddenly went to work, I was a little dizzy, and my good nose started to bleed.

Xu Li didn't know what was going on, so she went to the hospital for an examination. Today is the day for the examination, so she was a little worried.

If I have something to do, what will Shuanger do?

Shuang'er is still young, Xiao Jiang is not married yet, let him grow up with Shuang'er as a [-]-year-old boy, how will Xiao Jiang get married in the future?

That's why Xu Li taught Ding Yan.

From her heart's point of view, Ding Yan is the most suitable for Jiang Shen.

Don't worry about it, don't worry about it.

Xu Li was not afraid of death, she was afraid that no one would take care of Shuang'er after death, she was afraid of embarrassing Jiang Shen, and asked Jiang Shen to take care of Shuang'er.

Ten minutes later, Xu Li came to the hospital.

"Ms. Xu ----" Dr. Yang, a brain specialist, took a picture of Xu Li's head with a solemn expression.

He looked at Xu Li's pretty face, felt very sorry in his heart, and hesitated to speak.

Such a beautiful woman, what a pity.

"What's the matter, Doctor Yang just say it directly, I only have one daughter, and I have no other relatives." Xu Li's heart sank.

"Look at it." Dr. Yang pointed to the film: "There is a tumor here, it is very huge, it is the biggest one I have ever seen, and it is - and it is a malignant tumor, it will keep spreading and eroding you brain cells—ah, it was too late—"

"How long?" Xu Li bit her lip, her face turned pale, but she asked him calmly.

"One month at most, you can try surgery, but the success rate is very low, you can think about it, is it surgery, or?---" It's better to live this month well.

"Thank you, Dr. Yang, I see." Xu Li took her film and turned away silently.

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