Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 112 No one can dissatisfy


In Yiding City, hundreds of miles away from Dongning.

Jiang Shen's car drove slowly in the urban area. He came here from the east of the city and drove for more than an hour on the highway. Now he is looking for his target on the street.

Yiding City is close to Dongning City, occupying the light of the provincial capital city, and its development has been getting better and better in recent years, and it is the best subordinate district (county-level city) in Jinyang City.

The good development of the place proves that there are many bosses in this place.

When there are more bosses, there will be more miscellaneous things.

At this time, the role of the Liaoxi people was revealed.

Liaoxi Province is considered to be below average in China, and its economy is not very good, but Liaoxi people are fierce, able to endure hardships, and can fight. Therefore, after many Liaoxi people go out, because they can fight, they have gained a firm foothold in the local area.

At that time, there was a transportation boss in Yiding City who first raised a group of Liaoxi people, and worked as drivers and thugs, making a great fortune for him. Later, everyone followed suit. After more than ten years of development, now Liaoxi people are also in Yiding. More and more famous, more and more powerful.

Now the most famous one is called 'Brother Gui'. I heard that he brought his four brothers to fight in the mountains and rivers. He worked as a coolie, dug foundations, and even went to the bathroom to wipe his back when he was the hardest.

But then he did something for a boss, became famous in one fell swoop, and then began to gather fellow villagers to help the boss. After nearly ten years of development, he is now the leading big shot in Yiding City.

But in the past ten years, he has also suffered a lot. Three of his four brothers died, and now only he and one younger brother are still alive.

Now in Yiding City, more than half of the entertainment venues are run by Brother Gui, not Brother Gui, and you have to ask Brother Gui to cover them, and if you don't let Brother Gui cover them, they will not last long.

The man with chest hair followed here, and after seeing Mad Dog Wei's address, he didn't dare to stay too long, and went back immediately after following Jiang Shen's instructions.

So when Jiang Shen came here, he didn't know if Crazy Wei was still there, but he was not afraid, as long as he knew that Brother Gui had seen Mad Dog Wei, he would be relieved.

A monk, a temple?I'll just ask Takako.

Soon, according to the guidance of the GPS on the car, Jiang Shen came to the 'Paradise of Wealth'.

This is a huge entertainment city, similar to Jiang Shen's Jinding Entertainment City, but obviously bigger than Jiang Shen's Jinding.

Although Dongning City is big and has four tigers, Brother Dahua was actually a bit more powerful in the east of the city back then, and Brother Gui was the number one big brother in Yiding City.

No matter how small a county-level city is, it is still bigger than a district.

Jiang Shen's car stopped at Fugui Paradise, got off, and then walked in.

"Boss, take a bath or stay?" A male waiter at the door walked over first and asked tentatively.

There are all kinds of entertainment in the entertainment city, but those who go to ktv and game consoles rarely go through the main entrance.

"I'm looking for Zheng Zegui, please inform him for me."

"Zheng Zegui?" The waiter was dumbfounded: "We don't seem to have such a person here?"

Seeing Jiang Shen walking in, the waiter hurriedly chased him in: "Boss, boss, wait a minute---"

"What's the matter?" A man happened to pass by with two security guards.

"Manager Qi, this boss is looking for Zheng Zegui, I said we don't have him here."

"You----" Manager Qi's complexion changed, and he looked Jiang Shen up and down: "Are you looking for your brother?"

Hiss, the waiter's expression changed drastically, Zheng Zegui is your brother's name?

"What's your name, who are you?" Manager Qi looked at Jiang Shen's expression and appearance, and a strange thought suddenly popped into his mind, no, it couldn't be Brother Gui's illegitimate child outside, right?

Or his own son?I heard that Brother Gui came from western Liaoning when he abandoned his family?

"My name is Jiang Shen. I'm from Dongning City. Tell Zheng Zegui for me. I'm here to find Mad Dog Wei. If you hand him over, you'll be fine."

"Nimma." Manager Qi heard clearly now.

The people from Dongning City are asking Brother Gui for someone.Can you be a little more arrogant, this is Yiding City.

But there is a saying that is good, it’s not that the raptors can’t cross the river, Manager Qi is also very intelligent. After hearing the words, although he was furious in his heart, he smiled all over his face: “Okay, please sit down, I’ll make a call to see if your Is my brother here?"

As soon as the phone call was made, Manager Qi waved his hand with a smile: "Please, Brother Gentleman, please follow me."

Jiang Shen followed upstairs.

This entertainment city has seven floors, and the elevator goes straight up all the way.

A few minutes later, Jiang Shen came to an office of more than 100 square meters.

The office is very big, but there are not many office supplies, but half of the office is piled up with various fitness equipment. It can be seen that the owner of this office is someone who exercises regularly.

"Hahahaha, Dongning Gentleman, right? You've heard of your name for a long time. Hey, no one has called me Zheng Zegui for many years. I almost forgot that my name is Zheng Zegui?"

A strong and strong man in his 40s, wearing only a vest on his upper body, showing his strong muscles, walked from his desk to Jiang Shen with a big smile.

"Sit, sit, and make tea for Brother Gentleman."

Jiang Shen sat on the sofa next to him and looked around. There were several young people exercising at the fitness equipment, all of them were full of muscles. There were two people standing behind Zheng Zegui, and there were also two people beside Jiang Shen's sofa. .

In the whole room, there were seven strong men.

Manager Qi made a cup of tea, slowly backed out, and closed the door.

Zheng Zegui sat opposite Jiang Shen's sofa, staring at Jiang Shen with piercing eyes.

Even though it was hundreds of miles away from Dongning, at their level, they would have heard of it. In addition, almost all of the Dongning Four Tigers had business dealings or cooperation with him in the past, and he still knew Jiang Shen's name.

"Come on, call Mad Dog Wei out."

A young man turned around immediately, and after a while, the mad dog Wei of the day came in through the gate tremblingly.


"Brother Gentleman."

Mad Dog Wei was slightly surprised to see that Jiang Shen was so young.

There are always rumors in the rivers and lakes. It is terrifying to see it with your own eyes. What is even more terrifying is that he chased Yiding alone.

"Brother Gentleman, I've also heard about your affairs. To be honest, Mad Dog Wei did something wrong. Bullying female students is nothing. I can't castrate him, but---" His previous words Jiang Shen was quite satisfied with what he said, but his tone changed, and he said again: "Mad Dog Wei and I came from the same village. When I went to Yiding, he went to Dongning. He was not lucky. He didn't mess around like me, but , after all, they are considered brothers.”

"Brother Gentleman's name is also very popular these days, so I will entrust it to you and be a peacemaker." When Brother Gui was speaking, he was gesticulating with high spirits, and it seemed that he usually commanded people.

At the end, bah, bah, put the two stacks of money on the tea table in front of Jiang Shen.

"I heard that the girl is fine. Here is 10 yuan, which is considered as a surprise fee for her. I will ask Mad Dog Wei to pass tea to Brother Shen and make an apology. This matter will be cancelled, and then I will bring the gentleman Brother spent two days playing in our Yiding City, hahaha, Brother Gentleman, what do you think?"

After Brother Gui finished speaking, he laughed too.

To be honest, with his status and status, it was a rare thing in recent years that he was willing to talk to Jiang Shen like this today.

If he hadn't called before and asked Chen Bopi and the people who exploded the bid, he didn't even have the time to meet him, he would have sent someone to break his leg and throw him out.

With my attitude today, even if Explosive Biao and Chen Bopi came, I would be amazed. Is it sincere enough?

Brother Gui felt that his attitude was very correct, and he also gave Jiang Shen a lot of face, and then it was up to Jiang Shen to give him face.

It's fine if you give me face, but if you don't give me face?

Heh heh, everyone says you can fight, but today in my territory, you are a brat who hasn't even grown a dime yet, I want to see how good you are at fighting.

Brother Gui's eyes flickered, waiting for Jiang Shen to reply.

After Jiang Shen listened to his words quietly, a large number of people would die laughing at the first sentence: "No one in Dongning City knows that I, Jiang Shen, like to convince people with virtue and reason. Very reasonable."

Are you a gangster like me, and you also have virtue?Brother Gui sneered, but didn't retort: ​​"Yes, when you come out to play around, you have to convince people with virtue. In this society, where the rule of law is, what's the use of big fists, no matter how big you are, right?"

"Brother Gui is right, let's do this." Jiang Shen gently pushed the 10 yuan back.

Then he touched it from his arms, and threw 40 piles onto the table.

Damn, this little bastard has so much money on him?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"I don't want 10 yuan. Here is 40 yuan. Let Mad Dog Wei give me his daughter to play with. I heard that his daughter is also in high school."

"------" Silence, the audience was silent.

Although he was scared, Mad Dog Wei was also furious. If he were not in Brother Gui's territory now, Mad Dog Wei would have gone up and fought Jiang Shen desperately.

"Jiang Shen." Brother Gui reported his name directly, and said in a cold voice, "Didn't he date your woman?"

"You're an idiot. If someone cuts you down, don't you also cut someone else down, at least a hundred times." Jiang Shen's tone was very arrogant: "I played with his daughter to appease my anger. Xiao, even your expensive brother's woman must be added."

Arrogant, really arrogant.

"You, what did you say?" Brother Gui's younger brother was right behind Brother Gui, and when he heard that Jiang Shen wanted to fuck his sister-in-law, he was furious and rushed up from behind.

Jiang Shen was sitting on the sofa, seeing Brother Gui's younger brother rushing in front of him, he kicked suddenly: "I said playing with your woman."

Well, brother Gui fell to Jiang Shen's feet eating shit like a dog, and just about to raise his head, Jiang Shen stepped on it. His body seemed to be heavy, and he couldn't lift his head no matter how he moved.

"Bang" Brother Gui slapped the table, and the people who were exercising over there rushed over at the same time.

"Wait." Brother Gui stretched out his hand to stop him, pointing at Jiang Shen: "Jiang Shen, don't be too arrogant, I'll give you face, you don't want it yourself, do you think this is Dongning?"

"Whether you are in Dongning or not, it's the same. I, Jiang Shen, want to obey others, and no one can disobey?" Jiang Shen's words deeply stimulated Brother Gui.

Why is this kid so confident?

He rolled his eyes back and forth a few times, but he didn't think of Jiang Shen's reason.

It's all his people here, and Jiang Shen is surrounded like an iron barrel, can you fight him again, can you shoot a gun?

"Ba..." Brother Gui took out a gun from his waist and threw it on the table.

"Mad Dog Wei is here, I'll secure him today, just watch." Brother Gui made a secret signal.

Someone nearby has already secretly pulled out a gun, ready to shoot Jiang Shen first at any time.

Jiang Shen smiled: "Then you are going to be unlucky too?"

"Fart you--" A boy next to him was holding a dumbbell in his hand, and his arm muscles were as scary as bread.

"You bastard——" Jiang Shen stretched out his hand fiercely, and he grabbed the stack of money on the table and threw it out.

Bang, it hit the face holding the dumbbell, spattered with blood, and screamed again and again.

"I'm stupid." It was too arrogant, and the gunman couldn't help it. He stood forward, raised his hand and pressed the trigger on Jiang Shen.

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