
The man was stunned, and the chamber was jammed at a critical moment?

"Fuck him." Brother Gui took a step back and shouted loudly.

Seven or eight men rushed in, the door slammed open, and dozens of people rushed towards Jiang Shen with machetes and iron bars.

How can you fight?Can beat Altman?

Brother Gui has seen the most capable fighters, that is, one person singled out four people on the street, knocked down four, and was severely injured himself.

As for the one who hits ten or more than a dozen, that's only seen in TV and movies, and it's written in novels to scare people. He ambushed more than 50 people today, and all of them are strong men. I see you How able to fight.

But soon, he knew how capable Jiang Shen was.

Hey, hey, hey.

"ah" "ah"

There were screams on the field, and blood was flying.

Brother Gui couldn't see Jiang Shen's movements clearly, so he saw his subordinates flying out one by one.

As soon as anyone approached Jiang Shen, they immediately fell down with swords flying. More than 50 strong men fell to the ground in less than 2 minutes, screaming and unable to get up.

My day, Mad Dog Wei Wang was in a cold sweat.

Brother Gui vomited three liters of blood.

I have seen someone who can fight, but I have never seen someone who can fight like this. Is this him better than Ultraman?

There is nothing wrong with it, the rumors are indeed true.

At this moment, Brother Gui felt a little regretful.

However, now that his arrow is on the string, he has no choice but to shoot. Now he regrets that he has offended Jiang Shen, and also chilled the hearts of his brothers.

"Damn you." Seeing that Jiang Shen knocked down the last one, Brother Gui picked up the gun on the table.

Card, card chambered again.

"Whoosh" a mobile phone hit Brother Gui on the head.

It was picked up by Jiang Shen from the ground, but it was dropped by the bastard, and it fell on Brother Gui's head. With a splash, Brother Gui's head was bleeding and his eyes were dizzy.

When he opened his eyes again and took a closer look, he had reached the top of the building at some point.

He, Mad Dog Wei, and Jiang Shen were all on the roof.

There are only three of them around.

"Brother Shen, Brother Shen, I know I was wrong, I was wrong, don't, do it differently." When Brother Gui saw that the situation was not good, he was crying bitterly and heartbroken.

Jiang Shen ignored him and looked at Mad Dog Wei.

"It doesn't matter about me, I took Qianshao 50, he asked me to do it, and Qianshao wanted it, let me shoot it, we didn't make it in time." Mad Dog Wei was also scared to death.

It was the first time he saw Jiang Shen, but no one in Dongning knew the nickname of Killer Gentleman.

It turned out to be like this, Jiang Shen seemed to have expected it.

"You jump down, jump by yourself, and I'll take a picture too." Jiang Shen took out his newly bought mobile phone.

What?Tell me to jump off?Mad Dog Wei's face turned ashen: "Brother Gentleman, can you give me a life, we really have no enmity?"

"What's wrong with a scum like you? For 50, you can go to a female student. If Ding Yan is not my woman, if Ding Yan is an ordinary girl, you will spoil me for nothing."

Jiang Shen pointed at him with his mobile phone: "I just saw your wife and daughter in the afternoon, especially the daughter, she is very beautiful, do you dance by yourself, or do you want your daughter to watch you dance?"

You are ruthless, when your elder brother heard this, he also lost his soul.

I finally know why Jiang Shen is called Killer Gentleman.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, even messing with other people's daughters.

But he didn't know that Jiang Shen didn't go to see it at all, he just frightened Mad Dog Wei, he wanted Mad Dog Wei to have a taste of this feeling.

You don't feel guilty about toying with a girl your daughter's size.

"Okay---" Mad Dog Wei's face darkened: "Brother Shen, I'm convinced, I was wrong, don't embarrass my family."

Mad Dog Wei is from Liaoxi, and Liaoxi people are famous for their bravery.

He hesitated for a few moments, gritted his teeth, and burst into tears, as if he wanted to cry, but he didn't want to lose face, then he said to Brother Gui: "Brother Gui, I'm sorry for you."

After Mad Dog Wei finished speaking, he was about to turn around.

"Wait." Jiang Shen stopped him.

Crazy Dog Wei's face showed ecstasy, thinking that there was a way out.

"Call your daughter and your wife and tell them that you can't think about it, you're in a bad mood, and you're going to commit suicide." Jiang Shen threw another mobile phone to him, who also picked up your brother and younger brother just now.

Crazy Gouwei was crying, "You can do it, and you will not leak anything. I made this call, and the police couldn't find any evidence of the murder."

Mad Dog Wei almost suppressed crying and finished the call.

Then he turned around and ran all the way to the edge of the building, jumped and jumped down.

Jiang Shen took pictures of the whole process with his mobile phone, "Good guy, he has the blood of people from western Liaoning." Jiang Shen still had a smile on his face.

Brother Gui watched Mad Dog Wei jumping down the stairs in front of him, Jiang Shen was still talking and laughing freely, the fear in his heart.

Nima is so cruel, it's really not as good as a beast.But he didn't want to think that he himself had done this kind of thing when he was young.

"What about you, Brother Gui, do you want to jump by yourself, or let me throw it down?"

"No, Brother Gentleman, I was really wrong, give me a chance, I was wrong, I apologize---" Brother Gui didn't want to die, he wasn't mad and bloody, he kept begging for mercy.

"You're wrong? If I turn around and leave, I'm afraid you will jump up again." Jiang Shen stretched his hand back, and a gun appeared in his hand, which was exactly the gun that Brother Gui had used just now.

"Don't--don't--" Brother Gui's tears and nose were about to flow out.

When I was young, I was not so afraid of death, but now that I am delicate and expensive, and my family is rich and prosperous, I am afraid of death instead.

"Bang" Jiang Shen swung his gun, and the bullet grazed Brother Gui's leg, causing Brother Gui to yell in fright.

"This shot is to warn you, you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat, just rely on it, and still protect people in front of me?"

"Don't dare, I don't dare anymore, I'm just a fart, I'm qualified to protect someone in front of Brother Gentleman--" Brother Gui cried, but he still didn't accept it in his heart, I got the gun and shot it Fuck you.

But seeing Jiang Shen finished shooting, he threw the gun away and threw it in front of Brother Gui.

"Now I am warning you, how to behave in the future."

"---" Brother Gui was dumbfounded, looking at the gun in front of him.

What's the meaning?Test me?Are there any bullets?

"Take it up and shoot me." Jiang Shen hooked his fingers.

"Brother Shen, stop joking." Brother Gui smiled wryly.

"Am I joking? I only kill damned people. Do you think I'm a beast? I always convince people with virtue."

Nima, you are even more beast than a beast, the grievance in Brother Gui's heart, you also call him convincing people with virtue, then I am a saint.

"Hurry up, if you don't shoot, I'll hit you."

Before Jiang Shen finished speaking, he saw a murderous look in Brother Gui's eyes, and he quickly picked up the gun on the ground.

Bang, bang, bang, three shots in a row.

Brother Gui is also a talent, he said he didn't dare, but in fact he had already planned how to do it.

Seeing Jiang Shen talking, he quickly took the gun and shot with lightning.

The guns shot Jiang Shen's heart, and it could be seen that he had shot a gun before.

But after the three shots were fired, Jiang Shen was still looking at Brother Gui with a smile on his face.

Brother Gui's hands trembled and his whole body trembled.

There were still bullets in the gun, but he didn't dare to shoot anymore.

"Brother Shen, Brother Shen --- woo-woo ---" Brother Gui cried.

He is crying in fear.

He now knew why Jiang Shen was so arrogant.

Why did Xicheng jump into the river, and why did the explosion tell him not to mess with him.

This is not a human, this is a ghost, hell in broad daylight.

"What do you do when you know?" Jiang Shen bent down and patted his head, as if patting a child.

"Understood, Brother Shen, I understand." Brother Gui nodded the same as a chicken eating rice.

"I haven't been here today, don't forget." After Jiang Shen finished speaking, Brother Gui looked up.

Jiang Shen was no longer visible on the entire roof.

Mine, Brother Gui only had a little bit of skin on his leg, Jiang Shen shot very well, he picked up his gun and hurried downstairs.

There were several security guards in front of his office downstairs, blocking the door, but people were panicking.

Some people said to call the police, while others said to wait for Brother Gui.

Seeing Brother Gui going down, everyone immediately surrounded him.

"Brother Gui, Brother Gui, are you okay?"

"Would you like to call the police?"

"Mad Dog Wei jumped off the building and died. Someone below has called the police. The police may come later."

"I reported you, whoever called the police." Brother Gui was furious, hurry up, let me get them away.

It's strange to say that there are more than fifty people lying in his office.

As soon as Brother Gui came down, these people who couldn't climb up before got up one by one.

"Brother Gui, Brother Gui."

"Are you all okay?"

"it's okay no problem."

"Okay, let's go soon, the police are here, don't say anything."

"What about Mad Dog Wei?"

"Let the police check it out. We don't know he jumped off the building himself. It's none of our business." Brother Gui is so angry, if Mad Dog Wei didn't attract Jiang Shen, I would be so unlucky?

This is no killer gentry, this is Hades gentry.

Brother Gui didn't expect that at the time he had this idea, but then he was called out by someone first.

Then Jiang Shen's nickname changed from Killer Gentleman to Hades Gentleman.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes, "The King of Hades told you to die at the third watch, and no one dared to keep you until the fifth watch." '

Afterwards, he still called Jiang Shen.

"Brother Shen, you still have hundreds of thousands left here, do you want me to send someone over there, or remit it from the bank?" Your brother was cautious, Jiang Shen kept 40, and he planned to return 80 To Jiang Shen.

"No need, that's the settling fee for Mad Dog Wei. In this matter, he was used as a gun. Don't blame him. I can't do anything to force him to death, but there is no way. I will do it for me. Look, woman, you can add some more, and use it as his settling fee."

"Brother Shen is really kind. I thank Brother Shen on behalf of Mad Dog." Brother Gui hung up the phone with a smile, his expression immediately changed, Nima, you can't do anything even if you f***ing him to death and pretending to be a good person?You were still taking pictures with your mobile phone, beast, beast.

At this time, Jiang Shen's car was on the way back.

From Yiding back to Dongning, you can take the high speed or not.

Jiang Shen was on the highway when he came here, and now he is not in a hurry to go back, he drove back along the highway from the highway.

Half an hour later, the car left Yiding and entered Yexing District, one of the eight districts in Dongning.

He didn't pass through Yexing District directly, but turned around from the west side of Yexing District and drove towards Dongyu District, one of the eight districts in Dongning.

Dongyu District was originally called Dongyu City, a county-level city below Dongning City. Later, the city was divided into districts, part of which was assigned to Yexing District, and the other part became Dongyu District.

The East Jade District produces 'Dongtian Jade' and has the second largest jade market and jade production base in China, which is also the main reason why Jiang Shen came here today.

However, there are not many people who gamble on jade here. This place mainly sells finished jade and sells all kinds of jade jewelry.

Why is this happening?

Because Dongtian jade is not very valuable, so few people gamble on jade. After the finished product, a bracelet costs only 3000 yuan, which is usually a few thousand yuan. There can be tens of thousands of Dongtian jade, which is a very huge statue. Therefore, no one in Dongyu District gambles with jade, but there are many people who buy and sell jade products.

In fact, many years ago, some people said that Dongtian jade was a kind of stone. I don’t know whether it was artificial or some reason, and it cost thousands of dollars a piece, but this statement was quickly denied by authoritative "experts", and then it was officially named Dongtian jade. , and built a jade city, which led to the development of the local Dongtian jade industry.

When Jiang Shen arrived in Dongyu District, it was the peak season for jade listings.

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