Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 114 Enhancing Divine Sense

It is now the end of March, almost the beginning of April, and the domestic Spring Festival has just ended.

It is the time when the bosses are rich, and with the winter over and the climate warming up, tourists from all walks of life come here one after another.

Jiang Shen's car drove to Yushi City in Dongyu District. A few kilometers away, he saw a puff of green gas rising into the sky in the distance, like clusters of green clouds hovering in mid-air.

I copy, this is?Aura?

Jiang Shen drove to the gate of Yushi City, parked the car, got out of the car, and as soon as he moved his mind, he felt that the aura in the city was overwhelming.

Yushi City covers an area of ​​more than 100 mu, and there are really good things there, and the aura in the air is still on Donghua Mountain.

Moreover, these two kinds of spiritual energy are completely different. The spiritual energy of Donghua Mountain is local Fengshui, which is condensed by ancient mountains and scattered in all directions. Jiang Shen felt that it can only calm his mind and cultivate people's sentiments. It is very good for traveling and relaxing. Not very useful for training.

The aura of Jade City is emitted from all kinds of jade stones. These auras are not scattered in all directions, but are all concentrated in the city. From a distance, the aura soars into the sky, like a treasure from the sky.

The aura here, like the aura emanating from jade, can be used for cultivation.

Standing in the city, Jiang Shen took a deep breath, operated his supernatural powers, and absorbed spiritual energy.

Others might not be able to feel it, but he could clearly see that there was a bang in the air, and the aura rising up into the sky was like a collapsed void, heading towards his body.

Immediately, the immortal energy in Jiang Shen's body was like a fierce and turbulent sea wave, wave after wave, the torrent surging.

The sky above the entire Yushi City suddenly became dim, and countless auras were absorbed by Jiang Shen in an instant.

This kind of change, of course, is invisible to others except him, and others can't even see the green vision in midair just now.

Whoosh whoosh, in his mind, there are still nine divine senses circling non-stop, circle after circle, and in the endless circle, a new divine sense appeared.

Finally, there is a new divine sense.

Jiang Shen used to have ten divine senses, but these days he used them up, and one divine sense became smaller and smaller, almost disappearing.

This time, I absorbed all the aura here, and finally grew a new divine sense.

Jiang Shen was surprised and delighted.

The change this time is the most obvious. Not only the immortal energy has increased, but also the spiritual sense has increased.

However, the color of this new divine sense is not as pure as his original one, and the size is only half of the original one.

However, this was enough to make up for all the consumption he had spent in the past few days, and Jiang Shen felt refreshed in an instant, and his whole body was full of strength again.

After regaining his senses, Jiang Shen once again observed Yushi City with his spiritual thoughts. The aura that had just shot up into the sky had disappeared. Jiang Shen knew that this was formed over the past [-] years in Yushi City, and now it was absorbed by Jiang Shen. I don't know how many years it will take to recover.

What kind of stone is this that can condense such a strong aura?

Jade can generally be understood as a beautiful stone. In mineralogy, it can be divided into nephrite (Hetian jade, tremolite, etc.) and jadeite (jade).

In addition, it can be divided into white jade, sapphire, topaz and so on by color.

In addition, jade in a broad sense is also divided into diamonds, agate, crystal, amber, turquoise and so on.

What Jiang Shen had bought before were all jadeites, and the aura seemed not as strong as the Dongtian jade here. Of course, this may also have something to do with the relatively few jadeites he encountered.

He has been to the specialty store in the shopping mall. Like the jade city here, there are many jade stones. Although there are not as many jade stones as here, compared with the same size, the aura is still not as good as Dongtian jade.

"This Dongtian jade is a bit like the spar in Nalan Bubai's memory?" Jiang Shen muttered to himself.

In the world of Nalan Bubai, the things used by the monks before the God Realm for training and shopping are called crystal stones, and on top of the crystal stones are fairy crystals.

After the divine realm, like Jiang Shen's current realm, he needs to use fairy crystals, so these auras are limited for his cultivation.

If there were immortal crystals on the earth, Jiang Shen wouldn't have to worry about training.

Now he can't find any foreign objects that can help him practice, but this Dongtian jade looks like a spar, but Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts are sweeping around the jade city.

Even if all the Dongtian jade here is taken away, it will take decades to form the state just now.

It would be great if it was fairy crystal, Jiang Shen shook his head regretfully, planning to buy some Dongtian jade here to use back.

While collecting it, he used his spiritual sense to scan around. After walking for a while, he saw many luxury cars parked in front of a shop.

It is not easy to drive a car into Yushi City, and they are all luxury cars. What is different about this shop?

Jiang Shen walked over.

"Bao Xuan Court"

This shop is called Baoxuan Pavilion, with an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters, divided into five floors.

With a sweep of Jiang Shen's mind, the third floor is for business use, and the second floor is for offices.

He walked in, and there were probably dozens of people on the ground floor watching.

The clean and bright counter is filled with all kinds of jade, mainly Dongtian jade, and there are also other jadeites. After all, the jade block has formed a large scale now. In addition to Dongtian jade, there are even people who specialize in jadeite. The specialty store is here. Of course, the protagonist here is Dongtian jade.

Jiang Shen scanned it casually, and found that the things at the bottom were nothing more than gadgets, pendants, bracelets and so on.

"Sir, do you want to buy something?" Jiang Shen was still watching, when a beautiful woman in a cheongsam came over. She was the salesperson here. Seeing that Jiang Shen looked like a high school student, her eyes were a little suspicious of his intentions.

"Well, let me take a look, can I go upstairs?" Jiang Shen pointed to the upstairs.

"Of course." The beautiful salesperson took out a business card: "My name is Ozawa, and I am the shopping guide here. The boss can find me if you need anything."

While talking, he took Jiang Shen upstairs: "Our Dongtian jade on the second floor is relatively old and relatively large, suitable for this home, and the price is relatively expensive." As he spoke, he glanced at Jiang Shen's expression , Jiang Shen's face was indifferent, although he was young, he had a lot of momentum.

Hastily said again: "Our Baoxuan Pavilion is one of the three largest jade shops in Yushi City, and we have our own jade factory---"

Ozawa talked eloquently, and led Jiang Shen up to the second floor.

When Jiang Shen reached the second floor, he glanced casually: "Go to the third floor." Jiang Shen went upstairs first without waiting for Ozawa to speak.

Ozawa was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed.

If it weren't for Jiang Shen's imposing manner, would Ozawa doubt that he could afford it?

The Dongtian jade on the third floor is not only larger, but also more exquisite in workmanship. Some jades have even been unearthed for decades, which is earlier than the construction of Jade City.

As soon as Jiang Shen went up, he saw a beautiful woman of Dongtian jade statue, the size of an adult, with lifelike facial expressions, standing at the head of the stairs.

"It's really big." Jiang Shen took a look at this beauty and was amazed.

"It was made according to a real person. It took the three masters more than a year." Ozawa was a little proud. This piece of Dongtian jade is not only big but also pure in color. It was made according to the real statue of their boss's daughter. People are amazed when they see it.

This is not for sale, it is purely to irritate people's eyes.

However, she immediately became depressed.

Because Jiang Shen glanced at Ozawa, and then stared at the chest of the statue, that expression was telling Ozawa, 'I mean her breasts are big. '

Ozawa's face turned red immediately.

The jade stones on the third floor are relatively large, suitable for displaying at home, not for wearing on the body. Each piece of jade exudes a faint aura.

The price is also relatively expensive, starting from tens of thousands.

From Jiang Shen's point of view, those 10,000+, hundreds of thousands or even millions of emeralds, adding up to ten yuan, are not as good as the one here.

It's a pity that there is no recognition in this world.

"What are you doing over there?" As soon as Jiang Shen went upstairs, he saw a corner with more than a dozen people standing there.

"Gambling jade, some customers like to gamble on jade, but they are afraid of running away. Our boss brought them from Myanmar. In the entire Jade City, there are only three companies that gamble on jade." Ozawa began to be proud again.

Spending money to buy a lot of stones from Myanmar is the confidence and capital. If you gamble badly, you will lose money. No wonder Ozawa has a smug face, and he seems to admire his boss.

Gambling jade, this can be played.

Jiang Shenzheng felt that the place to gamble on jade was too far away, and he didn't expect there to be here.

As for whether the jade raw materials are really pulled from Myanmar, only their boss knows.

He walked over, and a dozen guests formed groups in twos and threes, probably divided into eight groups, staring at the pile of stones in front of them.

This pile of stones, of different sizes and sizes, costs almost 50 yuan, and occupies most of the third floor.

A man in his 30s stood in front of the pile of stones. He was the craftsman in charge of cutting jade. Ozawa called him Brother Fu.

"Everyone chooses by themselves, each stone has a price." Brother Fu smiled and stood in front of the stone, looking at the people in front of him: "These are all rough stones from Myanmar. If you are lucky, if you go down with a knife, you will be full of wealth-- --"

"This piece costs 1?" Just as Brother Fu finished speaking, a young woman in her twenties pointed at a stone the size of a washbasin.

This young woman is a bit tall, about 1.7 meters two, wearing a pair of high heels, a little taller than Jiang Shen.

With her long beauty like a fairy, and her elegant temperament, she attracted the attention of the audience as soon as she opened her mouth.

She seemed to understand a little bit: "The jade veins are not very good, and the quality is not as good as that of 'Baoyulou'." The Baoyulou she was talking about was the other one of the only three in Yushi City that operated gambling jade.

When Brother Fu heard about Baoyulou, his face changed slightly: "Can they compare with us? We bought rough stones, and they don't know what they used to pretend."

"People say you're pretending." Beside the glamorous young woman, there is another girl who is also as gorgeous as a peach blossom, wearing a pink woolen silk dress, looking cute with a bit of playfulness.

"Is that what you want or don't you want?" Brother Fu was a little annoyed. He wanted to scold people at first, but seeing that these two were beauties and dressed in expensive clothes, he didn't make a fuss about it.

"Twelve thousand, I want it, and give it to these two beauties." Another voice came from the side.

Jiang Shen turned his head and saw that he was a young man in his 20s. He had pretty features, but his expression was a bit wretched. He was only in his 20s, but he was holding a big handbag on his left arm. The handbag was very bulging. You can see that there are a lot of goods in it.

This kind of demeanor makes people feel like a middle-aged upstart in his 50s or [-]s, a coal mine boss or something.

There is also a young man standing behind him, with messy hair like a black forest, constantly looking at the two beauties.

"I don't have any money myself? Want you to buy it?" The young woman raised her brows. Although she was angry, she looked even more beautiful.

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