"I just like to give it to you, hehe." The nouveau riche also had a thick skin, and with so many people, he posted it with a smile.

The young woman's face darkened, and she stepped aside.

On the other hand, the girl on the other side pointed with her finger: "Okay, my sister still wants to buy this, and you can't give it away."

"Give it away, give it away, I'll give it away whatever your sister likes, even if she wants a mine, I'll give it away too. Hahaha." The nouveau riche is so thick-skinned that even Jiang Shen sighed to himself.

When the rich man heard this, he hurriedly said: "Boss, do you want these two yuan?" After that, the rich brother pointed to the one that the girl ordered just now: "This one costs [-] yuan."

"Two yuan packed together." The nouveau riche was carrying a big bag, but his mouth was crooked, and the little follower with forest-like hair behind him hurried forward and took out a card. "Can you scratch the card?"

"Of course." Brother Fu gave him a wink, and a beautiful waiter like Ozawa walked over to scratch his card for him.

"I don't even want to send it to me." The young woman said with a gloomy face, "Xiao Li, let's go." She took the girl's hand and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, wait until he cuts it." The girl is estimated to be about ten years old with Jiang Shen, but she is also a jade fan, and she refuses to leave.

"Hurry up and cut it for me. If there is any jade, give it to this little sister Li, hahaha." The upstart shouted when he saw that the young woman was about to leave.

His ears were pretty good, and he heard that the little sister was called Xiao Li.

"You should give it to Sister Man, I can't bear it." Xiao Li was happy to hear that, and immediately betrayed her sister.

Sister Man?When the nouveau riche heard the name, he memorized it firmly.

"Then I'll cut it, boss, how do you say it?"

"Listen to the beauties." Nouveau riche doesn't care.

It seems that the 8 to [-] yuan is not money at all. The people around are here to play, and they should all be bosses. Seeing the eyes of this upstart, I still admire it a little.

Really want to cut?

Sister Man also hesitated.

"From this, from this---" Xiao Li called out first.

Brother Fu took the [-] piece, and Xiao Li cut off half of it with a gesture.

This is cut jade, this is cut meat.

Everyone around was shocked.

"Cut here? Are you sure?" Brother Fu looked at the upstart.

The upstart was smiling at the young woman Sister Man.

Sister Man was looking at Xiao Li.

Brother Fu gritted his teeth, he didn't care who paid the money, I don't care.

It was cut with one knife.

This knife cut, the audience was shocked.


A piece of emerald green jade the size of a thumb appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is a bit small, it looks crystal clear without any impurities, at least it is a c2 clarity level jadeite.

"Get rich, get rich."

"Fuck it, it's only about [-] yuan, and he can't earn much."

The crowd was talking.

"It's amazing, so it's a master." Brother Fu looked at Xiao Li differently.

"Hmph, that's it." Xiao Li clapped her hands proudly.

"This boss, what about this emerald?"

"Give it to them, there is another piece, cut it too." The nouveau riche glanced at it, and then continued to look at the young woman.

Even Jiang Shen looked at Xiao Li with admiration.

He has divine sense, he can feel that there is jade in that stone, but he didn't expect that Xiao Li could find it too?

What experience does she have, and what abilities?Jiang Shen was also fantasizing.

However, in this pile of stones, according to his divine sense, he only found four pieces with emeralds in them, and this is one of them.

Sure enough, Brother Fu cut up that piece and found nothing.

Calculated in this way, the nouveau riche spent [-] to [-] yuan, and if he cut it to [-] yuan, he would have earned [-] to [-] yuan. However, he was chasing girls, and no one felt that he was at a disadvantage.

But when two pieces were cut out, the people at the scene suddenly became enthusiastic.

"I'll buy this one."

"Help me cut this piece."

"Pack this piece up for me. I want to take it away and cut it at home."

There were bids one after another on the field, some people cut it on the spot, and some people bought it home.

Because there is a tradition in some places, do not cut the rough stone after buying it, go home to bathe and burn incense, and then cut it after praying to God and Buddha.

After a while, more than half of the more than 50 stones were sold.

Xiao Li was holding the piece of jade and chatting with the nouveau riche, while the young woman kept chatting beside her, and at the same time couldn't help but look at the consequences of other bets.

That's how people are, sometimes even if they don't gamble, they like to watch other people's results.

At this time, more than a dozen rough stones were opened on the field, and another emerald came out.

However, this piece of jadeite is not as valuable as the one in Xiao Li's hand. The person who bought it spent 15 yuan, losing almost half of it.

Several groups of people left in despair after losing.

"Boss, don't you want to play?" Ozawa, who had been watching with Jiang Shen, asked Jiang Shen with a smile.

Ozawa is also pretty good, although she is not as good as Xu Li, Ding Yan and other Jiang Shen women, but she is still a little beauty, if it is another man, she said so, maybe she will really spend money to buy one try.

"I never gamble, nine out of ten bets lose." Jiang Shen shook his head and said.

There are a few pieces of emerald, basically they don’t come and go very much, and at most they can earn tens of thousands of yuan, which is boring.

"This is not gambling, this is playing with jade." Xiao Li was unhappy when she heard Jiang Shen's words, and turned her head to white Jiang Shen.

"This is gambling, what this brother said is right." Unexpectedly, the upstart who has been flattering Sister Man supported Jiang Shen's statement: "So I never play, what kind of jade do I like, just spend money on it , It’s so troublesome to cut and cut.”

"Then you bought it just now."

"I bought it for Sister Man and you." "Have you watched it enough? Are you free? Let me treat you to a meal?" The nouveau riche is even sharper in picking up girls than Jiang Shen, and he pays attention to the two beauties all the time.

Xiao Li ignored him, because Sister Man was pointing to a stone and asking Brother Fu.

"Can this one be cheaper?"

It was the largest piece in the room, about the size of a table.

"This one is the biggest one today. Our boss bought it for 18 yuan, including travel expenses and labor costs. It's really not expensive to sell it to you for 20 yuan."

"19, I'll buy it." The nouveau riche looked stupid just now, who knew he would counter the price.

Sister Man glared at the upstart: "20, I want it."

"Sister---" Xiao Li probably didn't expect her sister to be like this.

"21, I'll take it." The nouveau riche was crazy about picking up girls.

The stone was priced at 20, but he actually wanted to pay 21.

"Hahaha, the one with the highest price gets it, and the one with the highest price gets it." Brother Fu laughed.

Sister Man gritted her teeth angrily.

"Don't--" Just when the little follower was about to pay, Jiang Shen spoke.

"Don't buy, there's nothing in this stone." Jiang Shen restrained the nouveau riche.

"You---little brother, it's fine if you don't buy it, don't engage in our business?" Brother Fu was furious, and stared at Ozawa, who was also full of panic.

Jiang Shen saw that this upstart was pleasing to the eye, so he kindly reminded him.

It’s true to pick up girls, but buying a stone for more than 20 is really boring.

"How do you know?" The upstart also looked at Jiang Shen in disbelief.

"Do you believe it? If you believe me, don't buy it." Jiang Shen looked at the nouveau riche.

The nouveau riche hesitated to speak, but Jiang Shen knew that this person was actually very smart, he looked a little careless, and he knew how to bargain just now, if it wasn't for picking up girls, this person would definitely have another personality.

The upstart hesitated for a moment, but Sister Man called out: "I don't believe it, Xiao Li, tell me, do you want to buy it?"

Xiao Li stepped forward, looked and looked.

"Let's buy it. Anyway, we've already made money today." Xiao Li held the jadeite in her hand, and she couldn't lose much.

"Hmph." Sister Man looked at the nouveau riche with disdain, as if she was saying that she thought it was awesome, and she shrank back when someone else said it.

"What the hell, I'll take it first, pay for it." The nouveau riche exclaimed, and then looked at Jiang Shen with a little apology.

"Brother, I believe in you, but I still want to buy it." I want to pick up girls, as long as you understand.

The nouveau riche still bought the huge piece of rough stone, cut it to the middle with a few knives, and there was no fart.

"Wow..." The rest of the people on the field looked at Jiang Shen slightly in shock.

"It's unreasonable." Sister Man was stomping her feet, looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry, we should pay the money." Xiao Li looked at the nouveau riche apologetically.

"Our third young master has already paid." The little follower looked at Xiaoli with a smile, "The boss paoman sister, let me pao you."

It's a pity that Xiaoli didn't seem to see him, and kept looking at the upstart.

Jiang Shen smiled wryly and shook his head at the nouveau riche named 'Three Young Masters', saying that it doesn't hinder you from picking up girls, and turned to leave.

"Brother, let's have a meal together." The third young master seemed to admire Jiang Shen a little, and then looked at the two beauties, Sister Man: "It's noon, let's have a meal together?"

"I'm not free." "Okay." Sister Man and Xiao Li had different voices.

Jiang Shen was about to leave, but suddenly his divine sense swept away, and a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes.

He walked back to Third Young Master and patted him on the shoulder: "Come with me."

The third young master didn't understand, but followed Jiang Shen to the side without thinking about it.

Next to it is a statue of Maitreya Buddha carved from Dongtian jade, about half a meter high, it looks like the Buddha is shining everywhere, with a pleasant smile, and the price is [-].

Such a large Dongtian jade is only worth thirty-eight thousand, which shows that Dongtian jade is indeed not very valuable.

"How much is this?" Jiang Shen deliberately asked Ozawa.

Ozawa followed him all the time, and immediately said after hearing the words: "Thirty-eight thousand, you can get a little discount."

"I bought it." Jiang Shen waved his hand, then patted the nouveau riche on the shoulder: "Pay."

"I'll pay?" The upstart Third Young Master was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Okay, then I'll pay."

"Eh? ---- You are shopping, why should we pay?" The little follower was slightly dissatisfied, you thought you were also a beauty.

The nouveau riche third young master didn't mind, and when they met by chance, he was willing to pay more than 3 yuan for others with one word.

Jiang Shen didn't miss him. This person is a very straightforward person. Some people are like this. They are very straightforward to those who are pleasing to the eye, and ignore those who are not pleasing to the eye.

This third young master should be this kind of person.

Sister Man and Xiao Li looked down on Jiang Shen at the same time, you still buy things without money?despise.

The small follower is specially paid.

As soon as the money was paid, two male waiters, holding cloth belts, prepared to help Jiang Shen lift the huge Buddha statue off the counter and send it downstairs.

Jiang Shen pointed to the Buddha statue and said to the nouveau riche: "Tell them to cut it, cut it along the belly button of the Buddha statue, and take it as compensation for you, you, forget it." Jiang Shen finally said If you don't understand it, turn around and leave.

It turned out that I bought it for the third young master, but our third young master doesn't like Buddha statues?The injustice of the little follower.

A lot of people upstairs stood there in a daze, and the third young master didn't react until Jiang Shen went downstairs.

"Crazy, this is Dongtian jade." Xiao Li and Sister Man looked at each other, you thought it was jade.

"Third Young Master?" The little follower wanted to persuade the nouveau riche, don't listen to this lunatic, it's more than 3 yuan, if you want to cut it, it's money.

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