Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 299 Mr. Tang begged for mercy

Mr. Tang is also a little scared these days.

The last time he had a whim, he asked Jin Yakang to find Jiang Shen, but he heard from the police that Jin Yakang had killed seven of his subordinates, and his own limbs were all severed, and he is still in a coma in the hospital.

Mr. Tang was scared when he heard it at the time, but later I heard that it was two other people who collided and are still under arrest.

However, could it be that the kid surnamed Jiang sent someone to hit him?Mr. Tang guessed that Jiang Shen had some background.

Several days have passed since this incident, and Mr. Tang is also worried every day.

By Thursday, Mr. Tang realized that something was wrong.

He had just come downstairs to drive to work on Thursday morning.

I saw a pile of scrap metal downstairs.

Why does this scrap metal look so familiar?

I'm stupid, isn't this my Tiguan car?

How could it be smashed like this in one night?

It's almost like being crushed by a tank.

"What, what is this? Isn't this our car?" Mrs. Tang's wife screamed like a chicken crowing.

Her wife always went to work with Mr. Tang, and Mr. Tang sent her to work every day, and then Mr. Tang went to work by himself.

I didn't expect to see my car smashed like this when I went downstairs today.

"Where's the community security? Are they all dead? The car was smashed into this one night? Are they dead?"

Shocked, angry, and frightened, the two ran to the security duty room of the community to ask for an explanation.

The community security didn't believe it either, so they came over to take a look, and quickly retrieved the surveillance video, only to find that the camera over there was broken.

"You want to pay, we paid the property fee, and the car was smashed into this overnight?" Mrs. Tang's wife immediately grabbed the security guards.

"Boss Tang, are you kidding? There was a garage in the community at that time, and you refused to buy it. Later, I wanted to buy it, but it is gone. We have an agreement. If the car outside the garage is damaged, our property is not responsible for it."

I'm dizzy, soup always reminds me.

When he first bought a house, he had just started his business and had no money to buy a garage. Later, when it was finished, he wanted to buy it but didn’t have one. Both the property owner and the one without a garage signed an agreement, and he would not be compensated for the damage if he parked outside.

Well, it's a big loss.

The 20 I got just a few days ago is not enough for today's loss.

"It's okay, there's the insurance company." President Tang comforted her wife.

But how much can the insurance company pay?Whether you are willing to pay or not is a problem.

Because there is no such clause in the general insurance clauses, it is very likely that a lawsuit will be filed in such a situation, and according to past examples, even if you win, you will not be able to pay everything.

The husband and wife walked out of the security duty room with dark faces, and while calling the police, they wondered who would smash it.

Just after the phone call, the company called.

"Mr. Tang, the company has been smashed."


"The company was smashed up. When I opened the door in the morning, I found that the door had been opened, and the inside was completely destroyed. I couldn't even find a complete stone brick. The computer was broken, the hard drive was gone, and all the furniture and appliances were broken. .”

"The water pipes have also been dug out. What kind of person is this? He just came here with an excavator."

I'm stupid, the soup always knows that trouble is coming.

Both cases immediately reached the local police station.

They adjusted the nearby surveillance.

I saw it this time.

There were three cars with Dongning license plates and the numbers on the back were covered, and they drove to the gate of his company at night.

Then a dozen people came out, carrying all kinds of guys, smashed his company, and took away all the computer hard drives when they left.

About 10 minutes before and after.

At the end of the painting, someone wanted to set fire to the door, but was stopped later.

Surveillance shots are very unclear, except for what kind of car, the license plate and people can't be seen clearly.

This is a very serious criminal case.

Smash up the company late at night.

But the police have nothing to do.

Because there is no one to be found.

"It's Jiang Shen. I offended a man from Dongning some time ago. His name is Jiang Shen. He also bumped into a local boss. Another police station called him to cooperate with the investigation. He must be someone sent by him."

"Boss Tang, based on these few words, we can't arrest him? Is there any real evidence?"

"Evidence? I have evidence, what do you want your police to do? Go and investigate. Isn't this a Dongning car? Go to Dongning to find someone?"

Several policemen looked at Mr. Tang like idiots.

Do you know that Dongning cars have farts?

How many cars are there in Dongning?

The other party just knew that the monitoring could not see clearly, so the car drove in directly and smashed it swaggeringly.

Unless you can know who owns the car and find the owner.Otherwise, no one will ever be found.

Can they find the owner?

Never again.

After these three cars were used, they were sent to Jiang Shen by Brother Xiaobai, and then Jiang Shen crushed the three cars into pieces. From then on, in this world, even his BMW, there were no three cars. exists.

Mr. Tang is so angry.

The loss here is not as simple as hundreds of thousands.

The company was smashed, all the hard drives were taken away, all the company's information was gone, and all the information had to be redone. This project is huge.

At this time, he regretted taking Jiang Shen's 20 yuan.

Although his case is now considered a major case, the police have to be able to solve this case.

In less than a day, the police investigation came.

When the incident happened, Jiang Shen was studying in Anzhou.

He is also a policeman in Anzhou.He is a Dongning police officer. There is no evidence that he did this. We can only ask politely, and it is impossible to go over and arrest him directly.

In addition, in Dongning, we have contacted the police in Dongning and asked them to help us find these cars.

Damn, Mr. Tang wanted to cry when he heard that.

The police in Shanghai want to investigate the police in Dongning, and ask the Dongning police for help.

It is estimated that these three cars will never be found out for a lifetime.

The police also called up the surveillance cameras at all highway intersections along the way, but they still couldn't see who was in the car.

The other party came prepared, and left when they hit it, and acted in the middle of the night, fast and accurate.

"Mr. Tang, don't worry. Our sub-bureau is also paying close attention to this case. We must hurry up and solve the case." The police could only comfort Mr. Tang.

Although Mr. Tang was very angry, he couldn't do anything about it.

But it's not over yet.

When they returned home from a busy day at the police station.

I saw the front door of the house was wide open, as if someone was already at home.

They ran in in horror and found that nothing in the house had been smashed into anything, but paint had been splashed everywhere.

"Debt repayment--"

"Borrowing usury and not repaying it."

"Tang Wei is shameful."

On the gate and on the walls, all kinds of slogans were written with paint.

It's exactly the same as in the Xiangmen movie, where the underworld usury asks for money.

Although his house was not smashed this time, there was not a piece of furniture and electrical appliances in his house that could be reused after so much paint was spilled.

All renovations will have to be redone.

It's over, it's over.

Mr. Tang's wife couldn't stand the continuous stimulation any longer, her eyes went dark and she passed out.

"Wife, wife, are you okay?" At this moment, Mr. Tang really regretted it.

He really regrets it now, the person who can casually take 20 to pay is an ordinary person?

Ken took out 20, and it was too easy to find trouble for himself. If 20 was thrown out, how many people would rush to get ahead.

I shouldn't be so greedy and obsessed with ghosts.

Mr. Tang was so regretful that he hurried to find the police who were investigating Jin Yakang's squeeze.

The police asked Mr. Tang and Jiang Shen to assist in the investigation, as well as Jiang Shen's mobile phone number.

It took Mr. Tang two days to get through.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm Tang Wei. I know I was wrong. How can you forgive me?" Mr. Tang's attitude is extremely correct.

"Ah? I don't know what you're talking about?" Jiang Shen chuckled: "It's good to know that I was wrong. I have forgiven you a long time ago. From the moment I gave you 20, I have forgiven you."

"Don't be like this, I'm really convinced, I'll give you all the money back."

"You don't need to return it, it was originally yours, that's all right, it's okay, that's it." Jiang Shen hung up the phone with a smile.

never mind?Tang Zong always heard the voice outside the picture a little bit.

When Jiang Shen gave him 20 yuan, he planned to mess with himself.

And be sure to let yourself spend the 20.

But, you smashed my car, my company, and my house. I want to spend more than 20.

Tang always wanted to cry but had no tears, regretting it too late.

If he knew that it was rare for Jiang Shen not to use his supernatural powers, he would be grateful if he asked Brother Xiaobai to send someone to do it. Bad luck.

It is also because he is too insignificant, Jiang Shen is now trying to minimize the deception of the immortal, so he let Xiaobai come forward.

If Jiang Shen took action himself, Jiang Shen's immortal energy would have been wasted, and Jiang Shen's immortal energy would have been wasted, and he would be half dead, so how could Jiang Shen be happy.

Of course, a small person like Tang Wei was just a small stone at the foot of the roadside when Jiang Shen was growing up. After being kicked away, Jiang Shen was too lazy to remember this kind of person.

Time passed faster and faster, and soon it was approaching the end of his three-month semester.

In the past three months, Jiang Shen has also changed from an inconspicuous and unknown little policeman to a figure in the limelight that shakes the police systems of Fu'an and Dongning provinces.

Anyway, the police system of Fu'an Province now remembers his name.

A little policeman who dared to beat the deputy director, and was fine.

At noon the day before the end.

Director He found Jiang Shen.

Little Jiang, the study is almost over, when shall we invite Shu Jue and Zheng Jiaer to dinner?

It turned out that the study was coming to an end, and the people in the class, either in the province or in the prefecture-level city, began to invite the teacher and class teacher Shu Jue to dinner.

There are five people from Dongning Province this time, so naturally they have to invite them to dinner together.

Originally, this matter must be decided by He Ju, but recently Jiang Shen is in the limelight, and Director He also wants to come to consult in person, and he has already made an agreement with the other two, Xie Yadong and Xu Tao.

Each person gave [-] yuan, pooled up [-] yuan, and then went to ask Xiao Miao again.

As a result, Xiao Miao said that she wanted to ask Jiang Shen about this matter.

Director He's eyelids twitched at that moment.

This is going to go against the sky.

Director Chen's daughter is the only one who follows Xiao Jiang?

Is this him? He has a bright future.

He Ju was jealous and envious.

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