Jiang Shen understood He Ju's intention, and hurriedly said: "It's not about listening to the leader, what do you say, what should I do, Xiao Jiang, but there is a congratulatory question that you must listen to me."

He Ju beamed at what Jiang Shen said before, the young man is not bad, he is not proud.

But after hearing the last sentence, his eyes froze slightly.

Anyway, I'm a deputy department, okay, even if you are Chen Bureau's son-in-law, you can't bully people like this, I listen to you?How embarrassing.

With the pride of his deputy director, this must not be acceptable.

But Jiang Shen said again: "What to eat, where to eat, and how to eat are all up to He Ju, but the money must be paid by me, Xiao Jiang."

"----" He Ju was stunned.

"I have been here for three months, and the leaders have taken good care of me. Xiao Jiang has long wanted to treat everyone to a meal. He Ju, you must give me this opportunity."

"Hehe, Xiao Jiang - what leader, we are now - classmates." He Ju pointed at Jiang Shen with a smile on his face: "You have improved, you have improved, you have really improved a lot." It means that Jiang Shen is more flexible.

While praising Jiang Shen, he also sighed in his heart, Jiang Shen has also become exquisite, and he is no longer a stunned young man who just entered school.

So, society is like a big dye vat, no matter how white people come in, they will be dyed colorful.

He Ju knew that when Jiang Shen first entered the school, he had never called himself Xiao Jiang or any leader, and he was even less polite when he spoke. He was really a pure stunned young man.

It's only been three months, and Jiang Shen has also become an official.

He Ju didn't know what mood he was in.

But Jiang Shen's words fit his heart very well.

As an official, why?Either for money, or for power. Although 1000 yuan means nothing to him, it can be saved if it can be saved.

And he had already calculated that each of the five of them would pay one thousand, and 5000 yuan might not be enough.

Now Jiang Shen wants to do it all by himself, that's the best.

They have been with Jiang Shen for three months. Although Jiang Shen is a little policeman, he has driven more than 100 million BMWs before, and later changed to more than 200 million Porsches.

One could tell at a glance that Jiang Shen was rich.

"Isn't that good, let you go out alone?" He Ju still pretended to give way.

"What He Ju said, you said that you are a classmate now, what is the classmate between you and me, by the way---" Jiang Shen took out another pile of cards from his pocket.

"Recently, a friend in Anzhou bought it as a gift, but he didn't give it away, so it was better to give it to me. Congratulations, everyone is going home soon, and I just bought some special products to take back. Please help me share some with Director Xie, Xu Suo, and classmates. In the future, I will take care of Xiao Jiang."

Jiang Shen took out a bunch of shopping cards.

The shopping card of Wufeima Supermarket, one of the world's top [-] companies.

If the face value is 3, take out [-] sheets, which is [-] yuan.

All stuffed into He Ju's hands.

This Wofeima supermarket has opened many branches in the country, even in larger county-level cities, not to mention the provincial capital city of Dongning.

Jiang Shen made it clear that he gave them the card, and he said nicely that he will take care of me in the future.

Hiss, Rao He Ju received countless cards, and it was also a way to shock Jiang Shen.

People gave cards for profit, Jiang Shen and they went their separate ways after graduation, there really wasn't much intertwined interests, and if He Ju was to give to Xu Suo and Director Xie, it was to let He Ju be a favor.

This kid is getting more and more active. If I become an official in the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to be him?

He Ju also knew about Jiang Shen's financial resources.

"Okay, then I'll help them thank you." He Ju was not polite. Although they are here with food and lodging included, they often go out and spend a lot of money. Today they finally made up for it.

So the two discussed it.

In the evening, have dinner at the only five-star hotel in Anzhou 'Anbin Hotel'.

There are five teachers in total, plus their five Dongning students.

I ordered a table of [-] standard dishes, and the wine is naturally the best domestic liquor Wuliang, Taiwan Mao or something.

Jiang Shen thought again and again: "Do you want to prepare some gifts for each teacher?"

He Ju's eyes lit up.

This needs to be in Dongning, and if he can get reimbursed by the unit, he will definitely have to do it, but before it was agreed to treat everyone, no one has the ability, and now Jiang Shen took the initiative to propose it, which is really great.

Sure enough, he has the talent of being an official.

"It's best to be prepared. In the officialdom, this is an unwritten custom and regulation." Generally, government departments have to arrange some small things for banquets. Of course, now that the central government is strict with the local government, this custom is also in place. gradually faded.

He Ju looked at Jiang Shen now, the more he looked at him, the more pleasing he was, and he didn't mind mentioning Jiang Shen.

"How about Ka? Five thousand per person?" Jiang Shen didn't care.

He Ju hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "There are two girls among them, and they may not be ashamed to accept them. How about this, prepare two catties of tea for each of them, and when they receive the tea, you can issue the cards. They don't charge."

"Hey, He Ju, you are really tall."

He Ju is also unhappy, when you get to this position, you will see more of this.

There are a total of eight teachers for all their courses, but there are two teachers who did not go when students from other provinces invited them before, and people in other provinces stopped calling them.

There is also a former vice principal who was probably dismissed. He has a bad temper and often swears in class, so the students don't like him. No one in the previous province calls him. He Ju and the others are embarrassed to call him. .

Finally, five teachers were invited.

Class teacher Shu Jue.

Zheng Jiaer, a beautiful lawyer.

There are also Teacher Zhang, Teacher Tao, and Instructor Lu on the ordnance field.

Among these five people, Shu Jue, Zhang and Tao are from the police system, Zheng Jiaer is a lawyer, and Instructor Lu is from the Armed Police Force.

Including the five people from Dongning, ten people sat at a table, and there were three beauties among them, who were very eye-catching.

The youngest and liveliest one should be Zheng Jiaer. Zheng Jiaer is one year younger than Xiao Miao, and she talks a lot. Because she is a lawyer, she is very good at speaking.

If it were an ordinary person who talked so much, everyone might be a little disgusted, but she is beautiful, able to speak decisively, and everyone still likes to chat with her.

While they were drinking, chatting and eating, outside the hotel, a Poussin quietly drove to the hotel entrance in the dark.

Inside Poussin sat three people.

Two of them were the killers who followed Jiang Shen in Shanghai last time.

The two killers abandoned the car and fled immediately after bumping into Jin Yakang last time, and the Shanghai police did not find them.

At that time, Jiang Shen was thinking of getting Jin Yakang, but forgot to throw a trace of divine sense on the two of them, and he couldn't find them afterwards.

Unexpectedly, the two of them chased from Shanghai to Anzhou now.

This time, another person was added.

This man was about 35 years old, with a strong body, dark skin, and a stern face. He was sitting in the car, as motionless as a mountain, and he was a disciplined person.

This kind of person is either from the disciplined forces, or a professional killer and bodyguard.

This person is called Zhong Ping.

It was a friend of Sun Shao who was invited from Xiangmen Island.

Zhong Ping is a Vietnamese. He used to be a member of the special brigade of a certain field army in Vietnam. One of the five tigers.

The Xiangmen Five Tigers are incredible.

There are countless associations on Xiangmen Island, the strong are like clouds, and the mixed associations are more like the waves of the Yangtze River.

And those who can be called the five tigers of the Xiangmen are all big figures who have not fallen down in the Xiangmen for at least ten years.

During Zhong Ping’s 12 years in Xiangmen, he cut hundreds of people with a knife. The most dangerous time was when more than a dozen people blocked him in an alley, and he managed to cut down half of the people before escaping. .

Some people will say, do clubs still use knives now?Xiangmen's underworld movies always use guns directly.

It was just a movie, and it only alluded to the other side of Xiangmen.

Those who use guns are mostly killers.

Those who use knives are called good hands.

what's the difference?

The killer is in the dark, and usually kills with one blow for revenge, then turns around and runs away. This kind of person will always live in the dark.

If you want to be famous in Xiangmen, drive a luxury car, live in a luxury house, meet beautiful women, and have younger brothers, you must be a swordsman.

Many people cut out a path with a knife, and then became famous, recruited younger brothers, expanded the territory, grew bigger and bigger, and finally became a talker and a sitter.

Guns and knives, one is for murder, the other is for fame, it depends on which path you choose.

The five tigers of Xiangmen, all of them have their reputations obtained by cutting with knives.

Zhong Ping's saber is one of the best among the Five Tigers of Xiangmen.

This time, Sun Shaotie wanted to take revenge on Jiang Shen, so he actually invited out the five tigers of Xiangmen, which showed how much he hated Jiang Shen.

Of course, in reality, Young Master Sun didn't know where Zhong Ping came from, and his friends did everything.

His friend had business dealings with Zhong Ping's club, and then he said, Young Master Sun is the son of the vice governor. If your club wants to do business in the interior, this matter is completed, and Young Master Sun will be of great help to you.

When the other party heard it, this business can be done, how good is it to kill a person, and to have such a good relationship.

But Sun Shao's friend said that he is very good at fighting, and he is also known as one of the five tigers in a certain province in the mainland.

The members of the Zhongping Society laughed.

Mainland clubs?Can you compare with our Xiangmen?

Dare to be called the Five Tigers?At most five kittens, right?The associations in the mainland, seeing the police and mice as if they saw cats, are they considered as fools?

The Xiangmen society really looks down on the mainland societies.

Sun Shao’s friend said at the time, the two places are different, why don’t your clubs go to the mainland?The police killed you and made you five tigers so arrogant?

When Zhong Ping was there, he was a little upset after hearing it.

"Then I'll go in person and kill that man, and then I'll see what your mainland police do with me."

Zhong Ping was also a little angry at the time, dissatisfied with Sun Shao's friend.

This is what Sun Shao’s friends want, hehe, okay, I personally pay 100 million, Brother Ping, you cut him down for me, and Sun Shao wants to pay another 100 million.

200 million beheading a person is also a big deal in Xiangmen.

A brother of Zhong Ping frowned at that time: "Do you want that man's life?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then use a gun. What kind of killer can't get 200 million? Kill him with one shot and save trouble."

"It's better not to use guns in the mainland. We have gunmen ready. Use knives first, and then use guns if it doesn't work."

The two sides discussed the details later, and Yu Zhongping came to Anzhou.

He killed Jiang Shen.

He came to make a name for himself.

Let the five tigers of Dongning know the strength of one of the five tigers of Xiangmen.

Of course, he didn't know that the five tigers in Dongning were all under Jiang Shen's subordinates.

Jiang Shen is not a tiger, but a dragon at all.

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