Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 312 traffic accident

The three of them checked out and looked at the night outside.

"Let's make a call." Bai Jie was a little unsteady, and asked Ye Qian to support her.

"Take my car."

"You drank."

"It's okay, come up." Jiang Shen drank the wine, and with his supernatural powers, it disappeared immediately, so what was there to be afraid of.

The two girls got into Jiang Shen's car.

The Porsche quickly drove towards Ye Qian's home.

In less than 3 minutes, after crossing a red light intersection, boom, a car behind suddenly accelerated, overtook Jiang Shen's Porsche, and then crossed in front of Jiang Shen's car.

"---"what's the situation?Jiang Shen is enjoying it right now.

It turned out that when he was driving, Ye Qian lay down on Jiang Shen's lap from the passenger seat to help him bury his head.

The opposite side suddenly blocked the way, and Jiang Shen also made a sudden stop.

"Ah!" Little Jiang Shen was touched by Ye Qian's teeth.

"Brother Gentleman, are you alright?" Ye Qian was taken aback, that was one of the most vulnerable places in a man.

"It's okay." Jiang Shen was a little upset, because he saw who it was, a policeman who had been drinking with them just now.

This policeman was in charge of driving, and he was the only one in the box who didn't drink.

He walked to Jiang Shen's car with a serious face, and knocked on Jiang Shen's window with a "bang bang bang".

"Officer, what's the matter?" Jiang Shen rolled down the window.

Ye Qian sat upright in her seat, as if she hadn't done anything just now.

"Driver's license, ID card." The policeman sneered, "You must have been drinking and driving."

You just blew a catty and three catties, you still dare to drive?

"Officer, Dongmen Office also handles drunk driving?" Nima, are you a traffic policeman?Jiang Shen had encountered this incident not only once, the last time Xiaomiao took the lead and tried to investigate Jiang Shen's drunk driving, but failed to find out.

"So much nonsense? Take it out."

"Officer Wu, is there some misunderstanding?" Ye Qian wanted to explain.

You guys just ate my meal, how come you turn your face and deny anyone.

"Boss Ye, it has nothing to do with you, don't cause trouble." Officer Wu said this in a threatening way.

There is no way, we all drank too much, and we were dissatisfied with Jiang Shen, so we had to mess with Jiang Shen.

Of course, it was Wan Suo who was dissatisfied with Ye Qian, who kept calling for help after drinking.

But Ye Qian entertained the director and the trainer well, and they didn't want to embarrass Ye Qian, so they had to come to trouble Jiang Shen.

"Get out of the way, I'm going home now, you're going to block the road and affect the traffic on the road." Jiang Shen ignored him.

"Hey, boy, did you hear me when I said you took out your driver's license and ID card?" Officer Wu was a little angry.

"Will you let me?" Jiang Shen ignored him and asked again.

"Fuck, are you dying? Get out of here." Officer Wu wanted to pull Jiang Shen out of the car.

"Boom, boom, boom" Jiang Shen started to slam on the gas pedal at this moment.

I'm stupid, aren't you?Officer Wu drove his own car today and brought his colleagues to dinner, because he was in charge of driving and was the only one who didn't drink, so he was sent by Wan Guozhi to trouble Jiang Shen.

You don't want to hit my car, do you?

Officer Wu was so frightened that his soul flew into the sky.

"Don't mess around, there are people in the car."

There were also Wan Guozhi and two other policemen in the car, both of whom were drunk.

"Fuck you, good dogs don't get in the way." Boom, Jiang Shen shouted angrily, and accelerated violently.

Bang, the Porsche crashes directly into Officer Oh's car.

The collision was very powerful. Officer Wu was a Japanese car and was hit by Jiang Shen, so it could withstand such a great force.

It seemed that the policemen in the car could see clearly that when Jiang Shen was hit by a car, they all gave way to the other side.

Bang, the Japanese car was hit by Jiang Shen and flew backwards for several meters, and then slammed into the flower bed on the side of the road. The entire right side, facing the Porsche, was completely collapsed, and the door was also knocked out. It's over.

"I'm sorry." Police officer Wu was furious, startled and angry.

You are lawless, hit the police car in front of the police, you are still drunk and driving.

Boy, you wait to go to jail.

Officer Wu's anger turned to anger, and he was still a little scared.

I'm afraid that Jiang Shen has too much alcohol, he will go crazy, and what should he do if he hits someone with a car?

Sure enough, at this moment, boom boom, Jiang Shen stepped on the gas pedal again.

I Cao, in the Japanese car, Wan Guozhi, and the other two policemen fled out of the car.

Madman, madman, do you want to bump again?

As soon as the three came out, bang, Jiang Shen accelerated and crashed into the Japanese car again.

This time the Japanese car was hit so badly that the original shape could hardly be seen.

Then I saw Jiang Shen get off the car.

Ye Qian and Bai Jie also got out of the car in shock.

"Officer Wu, Japanese cars are being boycotted now. Who told you to buy them? I'm very upset. Can you knock down a Japanese car?"

"You?----You----" Police Officer Wu trembled angrily, pointing at Jiang Shen: "You---you deliberately killed people---dangerous to public safety?---Are you deliberately killing people? .”

You knew someone was in my car and hit my car, isn't that intentional homicide?

"Is there anyone in the car? Why didn't I know?" Jiang Shen also smiled: "As police officers, you accept dinners from entertainment venues and get drunk. Okay, who is in the car? I Let’s take a picture and prove it.”

Jiang Shen walked towards Wan Guozhi and the others.

"Let's go." Wan Guozhi and the others quickly stepped back.

This kid is insidious. When this kind of thing happens, they don't want to make it big. If you want to sue Jiang Shen for intentionally bumping into someone, then people will ask you. As a policeman, you are drunk like this in the car?What is that?

At this moment, woo woo?---? A police car drove over from behind.

The nearby traffic police squadron came.

"Little Wu."

"Brother Bao."

Two traffic policemen got off the car, obviously familiar with Officer Wu.

"Who was driving drunk?" The traffic policeman named Brother Bao took a look at the scene first, and also took a breath.

Nima, hit a Japanese car like this, the wine is two catties, right?

"No one is drinking and driving, officer." Jiang Shen giggled.

"He was the one who hit him, and he was the one who drove while drinking. How dare you say he didn't drink and drive after drinking more than two catties?" Officer Wu pointed at Jiang Shen and shouted.

"Blow it up." Brother Bao took out the drink-driving tester: "Whether there is a drink-driving test, you say it's good, and I don't care about it, it has the final say."

Brother Bao pointed to his instrument. He saw that Jiang Shen's face was flushed, and his body smelled of alcohol. If you are not drunk and driving, I will obey you.

Jiang Shen didn't explain, and went up to take it and blow it a few times.

"---" Brother Bao stared at the instrument in a daze.

Nima, did you drink?

"Xiao Fan, take yours and test it. Is mine broken?"

Brother Bao changed to another machine and played again.

still none.

Jiang Shen laughed loudly: "Who is driving drunk, Officer Wu, don't talk nonsense."

"Impossible. I saw you drinking just now. Did you blow it? He definitely didn't blow it." Police officer Wu was not convinced.

The traffic police forced Jiang Shen to blow it several times, but it was still useless.

"Okay, don't waste time, draw blood, the hospital draws blood."

Seeing that something was wrong, the two traffic policemen were going to take Jiang Shen to the hospital to draw blood.

"Wait a minute." Officer Wu spoke.

"It's one thing for him to drink and drive, but it's another thing for him to deliberately drive and hit someone. Boy, you still have to go back to the prison with us. We need to investigate your intentional car crash just now."

"Officer Wu, don't talk nonsense. My brakes are broken. If you don't believe me, go and have a look. I didn't do it on purpose. The brakes broke. It was an accident, a complete accident."

"---" The traffic police didn't believe it.

To be honest, Jiang Shen's drunk driving is still a trivial matter, but if he really wants to sue him for intentional murder, that would be a major matter.

Judging from the nearby surveillance, Jiang Shen stepped on the gas pedal twice and crashed into Officer Wu's car. He can definitely be charged with intentional homicide.

But if the brakes are broken, that's another story.

"My car is automatic. I stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake in a hurry. I'm really sorry, and I found that my brake is broken, so I can't blame me." Jiang Shen will not admit that he hit it on purpose .

"How many million dollars does your car cost? You said the brakes are broken?" Officer Wu didn't believe it, neither did the traffic policeman.

The traffic police and Officer Wu got into the car and tried it on the spot.

Nima, sure enough the brakes are broken.

Broken Porsche brakes?This is too bad and weird.

"Let me tell you, this was an accident. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jiang Shen laughed loudly.

"I'm sorry" Officer Wu was so angry.

"Don't talk about it, let's draw blood first."

The traffic police took Jiang Shen to the hospital for a blood test, and Officer Wu followed unwillingly.

Results came out soon.

Alcohol content is zero.

No alcohol.

How can it be?

Officer Wu watched as Jiang Shen drank more than a catty.

And when he arrived at the hospital, Jiang Shen was reeking of alcohol.

But Jiang Shen said, I got alcohol on my body, so I smelled of alcohol, and I really didn't drink it.


Jiang Shen was drawn again.

still none.

Officer Wu was dumbfounded now.

Brother Bao called Officer Wu to the side, looking embarrassed.

"Xiao Wu, did your Wansuo make a mistake? This man didn't drink and drive? If he didn't drink and drive, and his brakes were broken, this can only be treated as a traffic accident."

"No, Brother Bao, he really drank it. He sat at the same table with us and drank it. He blew a bottle in one breath." The shock of Police Officer Wu was simply impossible.

"---Impossible, I can definitely measure it after drinking it." Brother Bao frowned: "He can hold so much alcohol? Could it be that it evaporates very quickly?"

"No matter how fast it is, it's impossible." Another traffic policeman shook his head: "Maybe you were tricked by him. In the restaurant, he used water as wine."

"----hiss" Police Officer Wu was stunned for a moment: "Impossible, we were all watching? There is still half a bottle of Wansuo they haven't finished."

"People are very smart nowadays, maybe you are all eating, and he said you should change it when you are not paying attention?" Brother Bao continued to use his imagination.

It's really possible, and Police Officer Wu was also stunned. That kid didn't drink at all?No wonder so confident.

"Then what should we do? Drunk driving can't be investigated, nor can murder be done intentionally? A traffic accident? He really hit us on purpose." Police Wu was so angry.

Moreover, if his car was hit by a traffic accident, with Jiang Shen's character, it would definitely not be so easy to pay for it, and he would have to file a lawsuit later, which would be annoying in the future.

However, Officer Wu soon learned what it means to convince others with virtue.

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