A middle-aged man suddenly came to their side.

"Excuse me, who is Officer Wu?"

"I am? Who are you?" Officer Wu looked at him warily.

"Hello, Officer Wu, my surname is Zhang, a lawyer from Jinfeng Law Firm." Lawyer Zhang handed over a business card.

"My client, Mr. Jiang, suddenly braked his car on the road. Originally, he planned to drive towards the flower bed and force his car to stop by hitting the flower bed. However, your car stopped in front of his car for no reason. , causing the two cars to collide. In this case, Mr. Jiang will be chased by the insurance company and harassed by you. Now Mr. Jiang will formally sue you, accusing your car of blocking Mr. Jiang’s road, so that he may have to pay for it ----"

"---" Lawyer Zhang spoke eloquently for a long time, and several traffic policemen and Officer Wu finally understood.

Jiang Shen wants to sue Officer Wu.

Originally, Jiang Shen wanted to hit the roadside flower bed with his car and stop, but because Officer Wu blocked it with his car, Jiang Shen hit Officer Wu and had to pay compensation for it, so he wanted to sue Officer Wu to make him bear the loss.

Nima, after understanding what Lawyer Zhang said, Officer Wu fainted out of breath.

I've seen someone who is arrogant, but I've never seen someone who is so arrogant. You hit my car and sued me instead?

Did you think he was playing basketball?Still blocking fouls?

"You wait to receive the subpoena from the court." Lawyer Zhang was not joking, left a few words, turned and left.

"----" This, this, what is this?

Police officer Wu was puzzled, did he hit me?He is more fierce than me?Are you still reasonable?

But he then watched the surveillance accompanied by the traffic police.

Surveillance showed that they overtook immediately after passing the red light, and then suddenly crossed everything and stopped Jiang Shen's car.

If it is playing, it can really be considered blocking.

"Look, look, they stopped? Then they accelerated suddenly, and they were able to stop, which proves that it was avoidable and that he hit it on purpose." Officer Wu pointed to the monitor.

"But---" traffic policeman Bao Ge was very depressed: "The man said that the brakes were fine at that time, but after being forced to stop suddenly by you, the brakes failed and the car moved forward. In a hurry, he used the accelerator as a brake and stepped on it. Accelerate, so--"

So I turned around and sued me, did I insult him, there is no reason for this.

"Let him sue, I don't believe it, he hit my car, is it reasonable?"

Bao Jing shook his head.

"From the monitoring point of view, it is true that you blocked it suddenly, and his brakes are really broken. Even if there is a lawsuit, you must be more responsible. Maybe he won't be able to pay much compensation."

What Jiang Shen said was also reasonable, his brakes were broken, and he was going to hit the flower bed to force the car to stop.

But your car stopped in front and caused him to hit your car. If you want him to pay compensation, he will definitely not be happy. Why did you block me on purpose.

Therefore, this lawsuit is very troublesome to fight, depending on how the judge decides, but one thing for sure is that Police Officer Wu has important responsibilities, and even if Jiang Shen wants to pay compensation, he only needs to pay a small part, or even really may not pay.

Officer Wu stood there blankly, not recovering for a long time.

I'm so wronged, I just listened to Wansuo's instructions to force Jiang Shen to stop, I didn't expect things to become so big?

The car broke down, and Jiang Shen refused to pay a penny for repairing the car. Even the insurance company thought Officer Wu had found it himself. Why did you stop him?You brought it on yourself, and you bear most of the blame.

Police Wu was devastated by this matter.

That night, the person surnamed Wu didn't sleep well all night, but Jiang Shen was having a good time with Bai Jie and Ye Qian.

The next day was when Jiang Shen reported his downfall.

In the morning, I went to the District Bureau to report first, and then Jin Jinshan and the chief of the organization department sent it down in person.

Dongmen Substation is the largest police station in Chengdong District. There are more than 200 regular and temporary workers in the whole station, which is several times that of Dongwan Police Station. It is quite a large unit.

All directors and instructors enjoy sub-department-level treatment.

This seat is also a very fat position. Of course, the risk is also high, but even so, it is still very popular.

This time, in order to grab this position, I don’t know how many old police officers from the East Gate Office fought over their heads, but in the end they didn’t expect that it was Jiang Shen, a new recruit, who came here.

When the three of them walked to the door, several people came out from inside.

Police officers Wan Guozhi and Xiao Wu walked in front.

The two saw Jiang Shen at a glance.

"Hey, is that you?"

You bastard, you still dare to come to our office?

Xiao Wu was extremely jealous when meeting his enemies, and Wan Guozhi was even more furious.

Almost got run over by you yesterday.

Just as he was about to step forward to seek revenge, he suddenly saw Jin Jinshan and the organization section chief from the corner of his eye.

"Wan Guozhi, are you Xie Suo and Qiang Jiao here?"

"Gold is good."

After the two of them settled down, they just had to stand at attention and give a police salute.

"Well, call all your deputy and senior cadres over here." Jin Jinshan also wanted to help Jiang Shen look up today.

Generally, when the deputy director goes down, it is fine to report directly to the director.

Today, the cadres from the two bureaus sent them down, and they had to hold a special meeting, which was quite solemn.

"Jinju, why are you here?" Xie Zhenhe, the director of the East Gate Office, saw it just now in the upstairs office, so he hurried down.

"Here's a talent for you, Xiao Jiang. This is your leader, Director Xie Zhenhe. This is Xiao Jiang, who was added to you by the bureau just now."

"Jiang Suo, welcome to join our East Gate Institute, hahaha, I've heard about it for a long time." Xie Zhenhe knew that he would add a deputy director, but he didn't expect Jin Jinshan to send it down in person.

"What? This kid is our new deputy director?"

"It is said that a very young deputy director is coming these days, is he?"

I have a go.Police officers Wan Guozhi and Wu almost fainted.

Especially Officer Wu, who has heard the rumors of the new deputy director several times. It is said that he is very good at fighting, has a good background, and is very young.

Just these three people shocked everyone in the institute.

Didn't expect him to be the deputy director?

This is over, my compensation.

Officer Wu is still waiting for the court to sue for compensation.

Nima, you are really cheating. You said that you were the deputy director. Who will mess with you?

Officer Wu finally found out that Jiang Shen did it on purpose that night.

You are trying to trick me on purpose.

You have the ability to punish Wan Guozhi, why are you looking for my little policeman?

But when he looked back, Jiang Shen was a bastard who was almost killed by Wan Guozhi, so he knew how fierce Jiang Shen was.

There are not many leaders in the East Gate Institute, except for the director Xie Zhenhe, the instructor Qiang Ming, and three deputy directors, Wan Guozhi, Zhou Yongde, Jiang Shen, and there was originally an assistant instructor, but was transferred away.

After Jiang Shen came, Zhou Yongde also served as an assistant instructor.Of course, there is nothing to say, anyway, in the whole institute, counting the leaders, there are only five of them.

The process is also very simple. The chief of the organization will read out the appointment of the bureau, the gold bureau will say a few words, and then sit in the office for a while, and everyone will have a meal in the morning.

From now on, it will be up to Jiang Shen himself.

When leaving at noon, Jin Jinshan called Jiang Shen aside.

"Qiang Ming is the former director Bao Weibing's man, and he was almost promoted to the director. Later, Bao Weibing had an accident, so there was no commission."

"Xie Zhenhe used to be an instructor at another institute. Zheng Wenze voted for Zheng Wenze as soon as he came here, and was transferred here as the director."

In a few words, Jin Jinshan explained the situation in the institute.

In fact, he could have talked to Jiang Shen on the phone in advance, but today he deliberately called Jiang Shen aside in the office, and the two whispered, which seemed a bit caring.

In this way, everyone will understand that Jiang Shen is a member of the Gold Bureau.

After Jin Jinshan left, Jiang Shen thought for a while in his office.

Now it’s not like a school. To survive in a work unit, you have to have a good relationship with the leader.

Of course, I won’t talk about a leader who is too bad. As long as the leader is good, we must work hard to build a good relationship with the leader.

Xie Zhenhe came from another place, and Qiang Ming, like Wan Guozhi, has stayed here for many years.

Therefore, although Qiang Ming is an instructor, his prestige in the institute is still relatively high, and Wan Guozhi and him are in the same pair of pants.

Originally there were five leaders in this institute, Xie Zhenhe and Zhou Yongde were in the first department, Qiang Ming, Wan Guozhi and another assistant instructor were in the first department.

Qiang Ming's side is still slightly overwhelmed.

Now Zheng Wen transferred Jiang Shen and transferred another assistant instructor away. If Jiang Shen leaned towards Xie Zhenhe, there would be one more Xie Department.

Okay, let's go to see Xie Suo first.

Jiang Shen was about to leave, but someone opened the door first and entered.

The one who came in was Xiao Wu, the one who was hit by Jiang Shen's car yesterday.

"Jiang Suo, I was wrong, and I'm here to apologize." Officer Wu had tears in his eyes when he spoke.

Then there is such a trick, your car hits mine, and I still have to apologize to you?

But there is no way, now Jiang Shencheng is his leader.

Wan Guozhi didn't have to hang on to Jiang Shen, but he had to.

If Jiang Shen takes charge of his area, he will be miserable, and he must be given small shoes.

"Xiao Wu, sit down, sit down." Jiang Shen was old-fashioned.

In terms of age, Police Officer Wu was at least XX years older than Jiang Shen, but he talked about Xiao Wu and kept silent about Xiao Wu, making Xiao Wu have no temper at all.

Jiang Shen originally wanted to punish Xiao Wu severely, but he came to apologize, and Wan Guozhi was obsessed with sex that day. Seeing that Xiao Wu's attitude was good, he put on a pose and educated him, and then the two shook hands and made peace. .

Xiao Wu had a grateful expression on his face.

Thank you very much Mr. Jiang Suo, thank you Jiang Suo for forgiving me.

That mouthful of ginger juice made Jiang Shen feel refreshed all over his body.

No wonder everyone wants to be a leader.

This little ginger and ginger sound and feel different.

In the end, Jiang Shen held Xiao Wu's hand, speaking earnestly, and Xiao Wu almost burst into tears: "So, we, the people's police, must be the masters of the people. No matter what happens, we must convince people with virtue--- "

"Yes, yes, what Jiang said is right." Xiao Wu could only keep nodding his head. There was really no place to express the grievance in his heart. Do you call him convincing others with virtue?Blackmail people with virtue.

"Everything has to be reasonable, right? Look at me, it's a good thing I'm reasoning with you, try another person? It's strange that the skin on your body is peeled off."

"Yes, yes, Jiang Suo is really reasonable." Xiao Wu burst into tears endlessly, Nima, you are also called reasonable, there are still unreasonable people in the world?

Jiang Shen educated Xiao Wu for half an hour before suddenly remembering that he was going to pay homage to the boss.

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