The boss, Xie Zhenhe, is no ordinary person either.

He used to be the section chief of the equipment and finance department of the regional bureau, which was considered a good position, and he was young, only in his early thirties.

But later when Bao Weibing reimbursed a set of equipment, he hesitated and offended Bao Weibing.

Later, he was released and sent to the police station to work as an instructor.

After Bao Weibing stepped down, Zheng Wen came up to take over.

Xie Zhenhe immediately chose to seek refuge.

So there is today's position.

Speaking of this, I have to thank Jiang Shen. Without Jiang Shen getting rid of Bao Weibing, he would not have the opportunity to be the director.

Xie Zhenhe knew about Jiang Shen, the well-known and well-known Jiang Wenshen of the District Bureau, but he didn't expect him to mess around, and now he became the deputy director.

It stands to reason that when Jiang Shen went to work, the first thing he had to do was to rely on himself and deal with Qiang Ming together. Why hasn't he come to report on work alone?

Xie Zhenhe was thinking wildly in the office when Jiang Shen came.

"Thank you, I didn't rest at noon." Jiang Shen respectfully, like a good boy.

What this means is that I thought you were taking a break at noon, so I dared not come to visit you until now.

"Jiang Suo, sit, sit, you are welcome." Seeing that Jiang Shen finally came, Xie Zhenhe was determined.

The two exchanged some polite words, and Xie Zhenhe basically knew that Jiang Shen was going to vote for him, so he decisively assigned some important tasks to him.

The work of the police station is necessarily related to their jurisdiction.

If you are in a remote township police station, you must deal with trivial matters in the countryside every day.

Whose watermelon was stolen, whose man stole a woman, whose rice was killed by potion.

The Dongmen office like Jiang Shen and the others is located in the center of the eastern part of the city. What they are in charge of and which area they are in charge of are very important.

For example, the Chengdong District government is above their jurisdiction, and whoever wants to take charge of the government will be really miserable.

If something happens every two days, I will call you over.

And that area is considered to be leading cadres, no one is easy to offend, so the thing that everyone in Dongmen hates the most is to take charge of that area.

The two talked like this, and each had their own gains.

Jiang Shen clearly took refuge in Xie Suo, and Xie Suo also shared a piece of good land with Jiang Shen.

Coming out of Xie's office, Jiang Shen was refreshed and a little proud.

It seems that the new working environment is also good. Although it is not like the previous Yang Da and his brothers, it can be considered that there are leaders to support the work.

He returned to the office triumphantly, but before he sat down, someone called.

It was Jin Zhiqing who called.

"Jiang Shen, I have some good news for you." Jin Zhiqing's tone seemed unhappy.

"What good news?" Don't scare me, Jiang Shen is afraid that she will suddenly say, I'm pregnant or something.

"Your Michelle misses you, she called you, why is there no signal on your phone?"

Jin Zhiqing's first sentence was somewhat normal, but the latter was a little abnormal: "Call your French sassy fox."

Beep, the phone is hung up.

I'm dizzy, Michel?

Jiang Shen almost forgot about the most beautiful little butterfly in France.

In an instant, Jin Zhiqing's phone call brought back Jiang Shen's memories, and Mi Nair's enthusiasm and boldness flooded into his mind again.

No, last time I promised her that I would go to France in a month or so?Jiang Shen vaguely remembered that her father had a friend who asked him to see him when he got sick.

Call back quickly.

The phone Jiang Shen left for Miner was used in France at the beginning, and it has been kept in the storage space since he came back. When he took it out and looked at it, I was dizzy, and countless short messages were on the phone.

"Jiang, I miss you, do you miss me?"

"Jiang, I love you, I miss you so much."

"Jiang, I really want to wake up every morning and see you."

Mi Naier's enthusiasm deeply infected Jiang Shen.

In the past few months, Jiang Shen has received at least hundreds of such text messages.

He looked back bit by bit, and the back was getting better.

"Jiang, I found out that you have gone to training. It will take three months. Remember to call me when you come back from training."

"Jiang, are you there? It's already night in France, you must still be training, I miss you."

Jiang Shen was slightly moved when he saw the back.

Mi Naier's persistence and enthusiasm surpassed all the women Jiang Shen had met.

Of course, Jiang Shen and other women can often see each other, so it may not be like this, but Mi Naier still managed to impress Jiang Shen's heart.

Jiang Shen chose a frequently used mobile phone and called.

"Dear Mi Naier, I am Jiang Shen."

"Ginger---it's Jiang---haha, I'm your Michelle, I miss you so much, I miss you so much, uh---" Through the phone, Michelle kissed Ginger heavily. gentry.

She was as happy as a little girl who got her favorite toy.

"I miss you too. Seeing your text messages made me feel very sad and guilty, and made my Michelle worry about me and miss me--" Jiang Shen said in the same way when he said nasty words Michel was ecstatic.

It turned out that Jiang Shen said when he was in France that it would take a month or two to recover Qigong, and he would go back then.

But recently, Miner's father, Mr. Rogge's friend, became terminally ill, so Rogge thought of Jiang Shen.

But Mi Naier couldn't get in touch with Jiang Shen again, and finally managed to find Jin Zhiqing's phone number, and finally got in touch with Jiang Shen.

"Uncle Christian's condition is getting worse. My father wants to ask you, can you come to France again recently?" Miner finished speaking, and added: "And I miss you very much."

"I'm afraid it won't work recently." Jiang Shen shook his head: "You should know that I have also become a civil servant in China, and civil servants in our country, especially if I am a policeman, usually it is difficult to go abroad when there is nothing to do... "

"No--" Michelle was heartbroken upon hearing this.

"Of course, you can ask your father to bring your friends to Huaguo, and you can come too." Jiang Shen hastily added.

That's what I thought too. Michel actually wanted to come to China a long time ago.

"I'll ask my father."

Miner asked about it, and after about half an hour, it seemed that he had communicated with the seriously ill Christian.

"The doctor advised Chrisann not to travel far, but my father said that your skills are very reliable, Uncle Chrisann is still a little hesitant."

"You tell your father that as long as Chris Ann is alive when he sees me, I can cure his illness. However, don't spread this kind of words. You understand that I am looking at your face."

Jiang Shen's words were domineering and flattering, and Mi Naier was very happy to hear her heart like a deer.

Soon, Rogge called himself.

"Ginger, is what you said true?"

"Of course, Mr. Rogge, do you doubt my qigong?"

"No, no, no, since the day you were cured, I have never doubted it, but his illness is different from mine, mine is a foreign object, his is a disease---"

"It's the same for any illness, you can just bring him here, but there is one thing that must be kept secret. If the outside world finds out, Mr. Rogge, then I will be very angry."

"Of course, Jiang, don't worry, I promise no one else will know." Well, you little bastard, fucked my daughter, and talked to me in this tone.

Rogge was secretly depressed, I'm still half of your father-in-law.

The two made an appointment, and after the arrangement in France, Rogge and Miner will bring Chrisanne to Dongning at about noon next Monday.

Jiang Shen was also a little excited to see Mi Naier again.

Thinking of the French woman's body being pressed under him, the feeling is not weaker than the temptation of the uniform at all.

While he was secretly enjoying himself, the office phone rang.

Jiang Shen himself sat in his office on the first day. To be honest, he didn't even know the phone number of the office. Suddenly someone called.

Who will it be?It must be from the institute, is it thanks to the institute?

When he picked up the phone, there was a very plain voice, but it had a strange feeling in Jiang Shen's ears.

"Jiang Suo, right? Respect Brother Shen, he has become the director."

"It's the deputy director, hehe, yours?"

"My name is Li Buyi. I'm from Jiangnan Province. Are you free, Brother Shen? Let's have a light meal together tonight?"

"Li Buyi? Who are you?" Jiang Shen frowned, he had never heard of it before, and he looked awesome when he heard you talking.

Li Buyi was stunned for a moment, do you really not know my name, or Yagen is just pretending.

If he really didn't know, it meant that Jiang Shen hadn't investigated Master Quan, obviously he didn't take Master Quan seriously.

Master Quan confronted Jiang Shen, and found out Jiang Shen's birth date, which shows the importance he attaches to him.

Now Jiang Shen doesn't even know that Master Quan has Li Buyi beside him.

"Master Quan wants to apologize to you, so I want to invite you to dinner." Li Buyi had no choice but to say clearly.

Oh, it turned out to be from Master Jiangnan.Jiang Shen understands that he has no time to think about it these few days since he took up his new post.

"Master Quan apologized to me? Master Quan didn't come to ask you to come? Is this considered sincere?" Jiang Shen understood it, and sprayed it directly.

Sure enough, he was a bit arrogant, and Li Buyi didn't get angry.

"Master Quan is afraid of you." Li Buyi took the initiative to show weakness: "Brother Gentleman's prestige has shocked many provinces, and he conquers people with his victory. No one dares to disobey him. Master Quan is getting old, so you asked me to apologize to you?"

It means Master Quan is afraid of you, so he asked me to replace you.

"Okay, tell me a place." Jiang Shen didn't care, they dared to drive thousands of miles from Jiangnan Province to Dongning Province, so I dare not go out to meet them.

"That's okay, see you at 'Eat Liuxiang' at six o'clock tonight."

"Six o'clock? Eat Liuxiang?" Jiang Shen was stunned for a moment, and wanted to ask again, but Li Buyi had already hung up the phone.

Now in October, it's a bit late for dinner at six o'clock.

And he knows that it is a very small hotel, but its business is good. In the name of small profits but quick turnover, it is very famous in the east of the city. For lunch and dinner on weekends, it is necessary to book a seat at least three days in advance.

Aren't you very dishonest for inviting me to such a small restaurant?

While Jiang Shen was thinking, Li Buyi was already making arrangements.

His bureau is called the "Seven Kills Bureau", also known as the "Seven Evil Bureau".

Behind eating Liuxiang, there are two huge pine trees.

Li Buyi and Mei Yue stood in front of the two pine trees, and behind them were four vicious men wearing sunglasses.

"Why is the business of eating Liuxiang so good?" Li Buyi pointed to the two trees.

"Did you see that? It's called Lucky Fortune Bureau. These two hundred-year-old pines have a long history and have become a climate. The roots are thick and the branches are luxuriant. At first glance, they look like two huge tree umbrellas."

Mei Yue followed his words and saw that the two pine trees looked like two open umbrellas.

"As the saying goes, a century-old pine tree becomes an umbrella, blessings are like mountains, and pine leaves form an umbrella, which is protected by nature, so it is protected and eaten for a long time, and the business is booming, and it will not decline for a hundred years."

Li Buyi also wanted to show off in front of Mei Yue today.

"What does this round have to do with your Seven Kills round?" Mei Yue disagreed, anyway, she didn't believe it.

"Of course it has something to do with it. My Seven Kills Bureau needs to take advantage of the right time and place to gather the Seven Demons and turn them into Seven Kills. Only in this way can we kill people invisible."

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