Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 318 One battle with the gods

Besides, on Jiang Shen's side, even when encountering a car accident and a flowerpot, he became vigilant in his heart.

It's a disaster.

But he had seen a movie called Accident, and those people tried their best to create accidents, which were specially used to kill the enemy.

If it was really Li Buyi's plan to create such an accident, then Li Buyi is no different from a god.

The traffic police received the report soon, and the two sides talked in front of the traffic police.

Jiang Shen originally intended to bear all of his own losses, even the loss of the truck.

With this attitude, the excited truck driver kept thanking him.

It was also very easy for the traffic police to handle this kind of matter. The two parties agreed to make it private, and Jiang Shen would pay for everything. There is no case that is easier to solve than this.

Because it was past [-] o'clock in the evening, the matter was handled very quickly. After making some records on the spot, the three parties agreed to continue to the traffic police team to deal with it tomorrow.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Shen dealt with the car accident.

Then I looked up at the Chiliuxiang Restaurant not far away.

His divine sense had already scanned it, and it seemed that there was no Li Buyi in the legend, those boxes had either started to eat, or there were no people there.

He tricked me?

Jiang Shen went to eat Liuxiang.

"Boss, how many are there?" The proprietress Mei Yue came out.

Mei Yue had seen Jiang Shen dealing with the car accident in the crowd earlier. She had seen Jiang Shen's photos, and they were different from real people.

I really didn't expect Jiang Shenchang to be so young, so tall, rich and handsome, his eyes brightened, and he walked up sweetly.

"Someone has made a reservation for someone surnamed Li, is there any?" Jiang Shen stood at the door and asked Mei Yue.

"The one surnamed Li? There seems to be one. Come in, please come in. I see the two of them went out just now. I don't know why. Room 209, why don't you sit first?"

Mei Yue was actually a little nervous.

She was a little shocked that Jiang Shen had a car accident outside, but she was even more surprised that she was fine after being hit.

But Li Buyi's calculations were so accurate that Jiang Shen was about to have a car accident?Great, great, I can't fight this old thing in the future.

Mei Yue saw Li Buyi's methods today, but she was still a little scared.

However, she followed Master Quan all these years, and she hadn't seen any scenes. She was afraid in her heart, but calm and composed on the surface, she personally took Jiang Shen upstairs.

The two went up the stairs, one behind the other, when suddenly a woman ran down the stairs quickly.

The woman rushed downstairs while answering the phone.

"Wait for me, I'll be there right away." She was still yelling, rushing while yelling, and bumped into Mei Yue first.

With a splash, Mei Yue was caught off guard and flipped backwards when she hit her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she fell down the stairs, and the woman who went down the stairs ran into Jiang Shen's arms.

Jiang Shen could have grabbed Mei Yue's right hand, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a little weird today, and another woman bumped into his arms, he hesitated for a moment, and Mei Yue rolled down the stairs.

She was wearing a miniskirt, and her charming thighs dazzled the man's eyes. She plopped and rolled twice on the stairs to the left of the stairs.

Someone on the left wants to boil water with an electric kettle.

Mei Yue sat down on the electric kettle.

Suddenly, the electric kettle turned over, and the water splashed four times.

Fortunately, it was just plugged in, and it was not heated, otherwise Mei Yue would have been scalded to mature chicken.

She frantically tried to stand up, but with a wave of her hand, the electric kettle fell down, the lid fell out, and large swathes of water stains poured towards the wall.

Standing upstairs, Jiang Shen helped the woman who had fallen into his arms upright.

"Are you OK."

"I'm fine, thank you." The woman was still answering the phone, without looking at Mei Yue, and continued to run out, obviously something urgent.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Jiang Shen looked down, and saw that the plugs of the electric kettle in the corner had fallen out a little bit.

"Damn it, who put the water here to boil?" Mei Yue cursed and walked over, reaching out to pull out the plug.

"Be careful." Jiang Shen found out that after the kettle fell, water splashed everywhere, and half of the plug fell out. Now there is water on the side of the plug, and there are a lot of water stains on the ground.

Mei Yue was in the middle of a brainstorm, didn't notice this detail at all, and reached out to grab it.

"Hiss, hiss--" There was a flash of lightning in his hand, and he was shocked, his whole body froze, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

The water stains on the ground are now full of electricity, chi chi chi, and the ground makes soft noises, shaking people's hearts.

Without Jiang Shen, Mei Yue would have been electrocuted to death on the spot.

With this kind of voltage, if she electrifies her and walks away immediately, she will be fine. Now she has been electrocuted and fell to the ground, and the water stains on the ground are also charged with electricity. If she lies down for a while, the current will pass through her heart, and she will die on the spot immediately.

"Not good." Jiang Shen's reaction was also very quick, in fact, when he saw her being powered on, he stepped down with one step.

When Mei Yue fell to the ground, Jiang Shen had already grabbed Mei Yue's hand.

At this moment, Jiang Shen was also a little excited.

He has blocked guns, received guns, and has never fought against electricity.

This was the first time he confronted electric current head-on with his immortal body.

He grabbed Mei Yue and gently pulled her back.

Even though he is a god, the moment he grabbed Mei Yue, his whole body trembled, feeling numb.

In an instant, he felt that he was about to be electrocuted.

Are gods also afraid of electricity?The helpless thought came to his mind.

But this feeling disappeared quickly, because when the current entered his body, the fairy energy in his body reflexively began to protect Jiang Shen.

Almost within seconds, all discomfort disappeared completely.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die--" At the same time, Mei Yue's remaining consciousness felt that he was going to die.

Nima Li Buyi, Grandpa Quan wants you to arrange for Jiang Shen, are you doing it with me?

Mei Yue learned how powerful Li Buyi is today.

The writing is exquisite, and there are no omissions, it is even more immortal than immortals.

She was knocked down, and Jiang Shen stretched out his hand to grab her.

Both of them were knocked down by the electric shock in an instant.

If Jiang Shen is going to be electrocuted, he must die before Jiang Shen.

Just when she was a little desperate, Jiang Shen came back to his senses.

After regaining consciousness, Jiang Shen quickly pulled back, and this pull pulled her out of the gate of hell.

"--I--" She felt short of breath, unable to speak, and within three seconds, her eyes darkened and she passed out.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" A waiter in the lobby of the restaurant also saw this frightening scene.

The new cashier was electrocuted, and then pulled over, but the puller was not electrocuted?

"Take her to the hospital quickly." Jiang Shen put Mei Yue on a waiter, and then took out the phone.

"Beep beep—" Li Buyi didn't answer the phone for a long time.

At this time, no matter how stupid Jiang Shen was, he knew something was wrong.

Accidents happened again and again today, and the tricks were all murderous accidents. Although they all seemed to be accidents, they were all so weird.

This Li Buyi is awesome.

Sure enough, it deserves the word master.

Jiang Shen stood outside the door and made two phone calls, but Li Buyi didn't answer them.

Just as he was about to put away the phone, Li Buyi called.

"Ginger ---"

"Master Li, is this the apology you told me? Great, great, the name of the master is indeed second to none---"

"Small tricks, tricks--" Li Buyi smiled wryly on the other end of the phone.

From then on, I was remembered by Jiang Shen: "Jiang Suo is the best. In my seven kill rounds, every move is a round of killing. Jiang Suo retreated completely, unparalleled in the world."

The two of them now open up and talk, even more flattering each other.

"Do you know what will happen to those who offend me?" Jiang Shen said with a smile, "Are you a god for you? I am a god on this earth."

Hiss, Rao Li Buyi had guessed Jiang Shen's greatness, his face changed several times when he heard this, and he took a breath of air.

Who is the fairy?I am a fairy?

Tell others what Jiang Shen said, and others will think Jiang Shen is crazy.

But Li Buyi believed.

He looked at this Jiang Shen, counted Jiang Shen, only he knew that Jiang Shen was different.

"Are you really a god?" Li Buyi's voice was lowered countless times, and his face was terrified.

"It's Qu Cai that you followed 'Jiangnan Quan'. What is he? Follow me, follow me, maybe you will become a god one day." Jiang Shen was not joking, and taught Li the great arithmetic in his memory. Commoner, Li Buyi is definitely a fortune teller like a god, and will be more than ten times better than now, everyone will call Li Shenxian.

"Master Quan is kind to me. Besides, if I can betray Master Quan today, I can betray you another day." Li Buyi shook his head, then sighed, with indescribable despair in his tone: "Jiang Suo--can you let me go?" Master Guo Quan? You are a god, why should you make things difficult for ordinary people?"

"Of course, two billion. Ask him to take out two billion. I will never blame this matter." Jiang Shen gave full play to his nature of convincing others with virtue. The last time it was one billion, it turned into two in a blink of an eye. One billion.

"Jiang Suo----" Li Buyi's tone was several times higher: "You are a bit deceitful."

It was one billion last time, and it has jumped to 20 billion in just a few days.

20 billion in cash, with Master Quan's financial resources, it is impossible to get it out, unless he wants a big seller to sell the money.

"I gave Jiangnan all the chances. He didn't fight for it, and asked you to kill me again. This time it was two billion, and next time it might be three billion, four billion."

"[-] million, if it's [-] million, I'll make the decision for Master Quan. If you sell Master Quan after this amount, you won't be able to get it together." Li Buyi knew his boss's temper.

Even [-] million may not be willing, but if Jiang Shen is willing, he will definitely try his best to go back and persuade Master Quan.

But it's a pity that Jiang Shen couldn't possibly agree.

The more money you ask for, the less money you need, and if the word spreads, who will be afraid of me, Jiang Shen, in the future?

In the future, if I send someone to kill me once, it will be [-] billion, and if I kill it twice, it will become [-] million. Why don't you all come to kill me desperately?

"Master Li, I respect you for learning from others. I will give you face. You can go back and discuss it with Jiang Nanquan." Jiang Shen really admired Li Buyi.

With the help of Nalan Bubai, and with the immortal energy in his body, he has reached the current level.

And this Li Buyi, an ordinary person, with an ordinary physique, can use his own strength to perform Fengshui calculations to such a degree, and it is estimated that there are not many people in the world.

Jiang Shen couldn't bear to lose one of such talents if he died.

"If there is [-] million, there is still hope. Otherwise, with Master Quan's temperament, he must be dead." Li Buyi knew that Jiang Nanquan was not an ordinary gangster. He knew that he dared to offend the big leader last time.

There is nothing he dare not do.

The big deal is that the fish will be dead and broken, and it will fall apart in one shot.

If you want him 15 billion, it means you want all his wealth. He might as well give it all to others and fight with you.

"Hehe, a fish doesn't necessarily break when it dies. You should tell him that this is hitting a rock with an egg." Jiang Shen still wanted to persuade him.

"Jiang Suo---even if you are a god, I will fight you for the sake of Master Quan." At this moment, Li Buyi's eyes were full of fierce battle.

"In life, let alone being able to fight with gods, even if I see gods, I will die without regret—"

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